Tuesday, October 19, 2010

When Does Pregnancy Discharge Start

Neither living nor dead!

There is not much to get in Zen
It's not even something we can consider
for good or evil
more or less

However, if we do not have that
that can fit on the tip of a hair
but the entire universe could not contain
we do nothing
a mass of other complications and congestion

If we want this thing
we do not find
If we do not seek
we did not further
And when we
best is not to make a big deal

For it would be an annoyance more

be without business is the key
But this does not come from the womb of our mother
This does not fall like rain from heaven

How to be without business?
abandon the spirit and the idea that one is living or dead

Neither living nor dead
Zen is the spirit!


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cold Sores On Stomach

The tree falling in the distant forest

A tree falls in a forest far
person to hear

What is the noise?

The same as with one hand

Who can understand it?

Only he who drained the spirit the spirit

That one can straighten the tree falling
in the distant forest
without using hands or any artifice

He, without ears, hear the tree fall


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Low Lymphocyte Count And Low Vitamin D


When the officer learned that melons
Myôchô liked it to get one
then approached the beggar and said
"Come and get your feet without"
One of them answered "Give it to me without your hands"
Myôchô Thus it was discovered

Myôchô For only could know how to give without hands
But the officer knew if Myôchô
could really get the melon without his feet?
The story does not say
And you, do you think Myôchô could do this?
If yes, tell me how
Otherwise, you could not even find
crows in milk


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sample Bill Of Sale Car Ontario

no hands And the world becomes the true self

When asked
mind and that we push the question to the extreme limit
mind plunges into the Great Perfect Mirror and crosses
He turns like a glove that is removed

Immediately discriminating mind disappears
There is more wit!
No mirror either, no reflections
And the World and World
everything becomes true self

Therefore, when the mind returns to itself

but ordinary be misled

practice is to simply be the World

Everything is in place

There is nothing to change is the eternal samadhi

the ground state of Wisdom


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Halloween Costumes For Women On Crutches

Last time

The last moment is the moment
But no sooner is he there that he is off
giving way to a new moment

Go back to meet her look in a mirror
never see his own reflection
For such is this
An empty mirror reflections


Friday, July 16, 2010

Internal Defibrillator Protection Vest

The cypress in the courtyard to honor one

Without eyes, he is seen
the middle of the court
The old cypress Joshu

Without root it is rooted
in the ground of knowing

If you want to see
Lose your mind!


Friday, July 9, 2010

How To Pull Off Ticks With Vasoline

Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are like planets

brilliant but their light from the sun
And where is it then that sun? Looking to

these lights you turn your back to his true self
we admire and are venerated
What a pity!

In this vast universe there is nobody
to honor


Saturday, July 3, 2010

Dance Competition Items

No spirit

When the mind is turned towards the true self
he meets a vacuum
What does it mean?
Simply there is no spirit


What Happens If You Do Not Treat Herpes

The door senses the breath of

Opening the door of the senses
Emperor Houn Toun has paid his life
He lived until
mind turned to the true Self

When the world is seen by the true self
things do not go through the door of the senses
but are what they are


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What Room Number Did Anna Nicole Die In


When looking for the source of thoughts
observing this source, it's like blowing on
the flame of the lantern that illuminates

the night Everything is black like lacquer
and there is nothing else the verb see

Is this how the student Tokusan
experienced the Great Awakening?


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Charts For Breast Cancer

Catch A bag of beef

Whatever the herdsman undertake,
beef does not leave easily catch

accustomed to wander misty ravines
or the snowy peaks
He is fiery and strength unheard

The good friend asks: "Did you catch the animal?"
- No matter what I try, it slips away
- Well, beef is captured!

For whatever he does or does not
man binds himself
An old said: "Better to be without business "


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Love Ru Trial Trouble V2 00


The moon has its reflection in the water bag
But looking to the moon?
His own reflection?

Surely an unfathomable mystery


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pursuit Ii Wrestling Shoes For Sale

The mind in search of mind Master

The mind, as it is own
is not accessible to the senses

It is also not accessible to the intellect

It is that by which everything is made possible
And the senses, and objects of sense
And the mind and mental objects

The mind in search of mental

is the practice here in this zendo

But when the finger points at the moon
Beware do not watch the finger


Monday, April 19, 2010

Ferrous Fumarate Side Effects Dark Spots

Mirror Introspection

The master pattern ten thousand things without being affected

The mirror is held Still The Man Without

business and out through the gates of the senses
Nothing ever stops
day and night he watches


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pepper Costume Pattern

Keep non ideogram Mu
the heart of attention
to and fro of breath
Such introspection is wise

thoughts that rise
fall like autumn leaves and litter
the ground of a brown carpet of gold


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What's An Acrostic Poem For The Word Islam

Riding beef

Now that beef is recognized
It there is nothing more to seek
Simply just admire the ten thousand things

Effortlessly man keeps the flange

And the beef goes back to the house
the master on the back
