Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Charts For Breast Cancer

Catch A bag of beef

Whatever the herdsman undertake,
beef does not leave easily catch

accustomed to wander misty ravines
or the snowy peaks
He is fiery and strength unheard

The good friend asks: "Did you catch the animal?"
- No matter what I try, it slips away
- Well, beef is captured!

For whatever he does or does not
man binds himself
An old said: "Better to be without business "


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Love Ru Trial Trouble V2 00


The moon has its reflection in the water bag
But looking to the moon?
His own reflection?

Surely an unfathomable mystery


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pursuit Ii Wrestling Shoes For Sale

The mind in search of mind Master

The mind, as it is own
is not accessible to the senses

It is also not accessible to the intellect

It is that by which everything is made possible
And the senses, and objects of sense
And the mind and mental objects

The mind in search of mental

is the practice here in this zendo

But when the finger points at the moon
Beware do not watch the finger


Monday, April 19, 2010

Ferrous Fumarate Side Effects Dark Spots

Mirror Introspection

The master pattern ten thousand things without being affected

The mirror is held Still The Man Without

business and out through the gates of the senses
Nothing ever stops
day and night he watches


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pepper Costume Pattern

Keep non ideogram Mu
the heart of attention
to and fro of breath
Such introspection is wise

thoughts that rise
fall like autumn leaves and litter
the ground of a brown carpet of gold


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What's An Acrostic Poem For The Word Islam

Riding beef

Now that beef is recognized
It there is nothing more to seek
Simply just admire the ten thousand things

Effortlessly man keeps the flange

And the beef goes back to the house
the master on the back
