Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tiger Shark Largest Ever

Old misunderstandings of meddling

(Continued dialogue between torrential and a crescent moon, Part IV, hermeneutics 15)

Sent by the torrential, March 3, 2011 at 7:49

Hello, my crescent moon,

"unfathomable complexity of human relationships" ...

Indeed ...

Is it necessary to return by way of introduction, the love that may or may not feel toward an Arab American, outside pursuits that would allow it to obtain a visa or green card? Yes anyway. For if you do take any love a political dimension, you condemn the history of the Capulets and Montagues, Romeo and Juliet, to reproduce indefinitely. You will find that in this case, as it is a Shakespearean tragedy, it will never only bring evidence that Shakespeare was able to stage the archetypes of humanity immemorial. But I forgot: you convince Shakespeare irrémiscible the sin of being the most English of English. Your sentence will be until she does not recognize the archetypal power of his tragedies? I hate to think that thou be there, whatever your grudge against the Anglo-Saxon. Redevisons but seriously, the situation does not lend itself to throw stones lightly. At the end of the Second World War, you remember, in movement that terrible treatment that followed the liberation of these women had their heads shaved for granted, sometimes for reasons of love, sometimes for reasons more venal venial few liberties of sex and heart of German soldiers ? In retrospect, I do not know an honest man that these facts have indignantly, as an act of revenge within the pure sadism, if we can understand, the contrary, we judge an employee guilty of trafficking, broken the black market, let alone a writer, guilty of these movements galvanized people. But no doubt you're now annoyed that my reading grid, to judge these facts of love "a blend of erotic" araboaméricaine, returns to the assessment criteria which are derived from the ever-continuing remanducation the Holocaust, as we feast on with morbidity, meditations on the Passion of Christ, where we're hard to do as if we were always in place of the executioners, never imagining for a moment that we could bring a helping hand to Christ in His Passion. What do we look a less selective and do we know we move the Nakbah much as the Holocaust and the Passion of Christ, which are in continuity, like all historical catastrophes, which resulted in casualties tortured, as is going through Libya to date. I have oeillaires of course, and yet love is not primarily an act of patriotism. I know it is hard for you to agree with me, you who happens to call your wife "France". I'm not saying that the patriotic dimension does not play in love, if it plays a role, is to complicate it. Politics complicates the love, but not displease thee, it is not certain that the "erotic miscegenation" is able to dispel the mystery of love, for example this "mystery Arabic" I 've talked to the Western way you thought without Fear and acquired your case, this "mystery Arabic" which thickens in the light of this recent poll where, when you ask the opinion of the French revolution on Arab, 69% of them admit that their scary. They would not say that about revolutions in Eastern Europe, about which I have already drawn parallels with the Arab revolutions during one of my recent contributions. This fear is of course partly to the degeneration of an individual who can enjoy more freedom when it is collected by one of his fellow human beings. But it also stems from the fact that our relationship has never found the balance. They are probably unbalanced by what you complained of the West have done against thee, they are also what young people are uprooted from your nation against the Aboriginal treating lower than a dog, example by calling him "souchien" or "asshole of his race," the native who does not bristled, which simply look down and be afraid. It is that, so we gained Euroarab Union that killed MHWPs of your wishes, we should reset the counters to zero result in the past, "leaving open the door of forgiveness," the word that you know , keeping the mind alert simply share and secondly, that the past does not recur.

Let's stay a little differential in our perceptions of history. What have you against the U.S. so that your Islamic Republic inherited from the Imam Kohmeini has been continuously calling the U.S. "the Great Satan"? Or, to decline my question in two others that you make it more acceptable and less shocking, what have you against America, I could be myself? Or, what have you against the average American? The average American is a good guy or a good girl, who are very unfamiliar with that frame the administration of their condition, because it keeps them in a climate "comfort inculturel" which takes the place of their intellectual comfort. It's that smile that is no longer a Yankee cowboy that, he also bombarded me perhaps more than did the Germans at the landing Normandiie me, he has not only bombed, but he wanted to wipe out as France, I can not blame him, because he did for my good, bringing me cigarettes and chocolate in releasing me for the second time, you know the trick? You tell me maybe if I do not blame him, until I happen to forget that destroyed Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it is also because won the war, he and his flippant materialism, he and his Marshall Plan that rebuilt me, him and his soft ideology "that pretends not to have him and his movies that I stuff myself every day when I go to the cinemas, because my leaders have failed to negotiate in my name, not even the film preferably European or saving "the French cultural exception", "but the fact that, through agreements guaranteed highest level, the invasion of American film is set in stone and is not a coincidence. The film is one of the largest sites of propaganda. Am I the victim of propaganda by the hypnosis ? Possible. But anyway: jam for brainwashing, what state would be my conscience if they were not allies, but the other fool who had won the war? I would conduct less extensive morally agree-in. And you as well, because, contrary to what the European public has finally internalized as Hitler did not want to unduly liquidate the Jews by killing them. He has devised the "final solution", where he has used the expression, what the historian Edouard Husson doubts, because he was cornered by the advancing allies. Initially, Hitler would not been unfavorable to Zionism: "Everyone at home". I have the distinct dishonor (but not in friendship as in love, there really dishonor) of having a true friend, one of those that give you to eat when you do nothing, that was Hitler's ideas. On the Jews, he told me that what the Nazi party thought the early 1990s was that this problem was the responsibility of Arafat. But originally, Hitler was not against Zionism, if it could rid Europe of Jews, so he thought. You whose Zionism has become the main enemy, the mystery on which he will then yet I tell you what I understand, if it was the other who had won the war, he favored Zionism, or he would have left the problem for Palestinians, but in all cases, ç would have been a slaughter worse than that which arose from the victory of the war by the Allies. Argue that you could compare this fiction of carnage that we live in? I can not follow you on this point, but the question is worth asking.

"unfathomable complexity of human relationships," he goes even to the identity of nations! I said the U.S. we had paid twice. In fact, the Treaty of Versailles, they did that we dismantle you and I, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, all in the name given to the right of small nations, seeds of divisions, exist as political entities, not by a desire disintegration, but because President Wilson, on which Freud had not dried up anger, were generous ideas, he did not see that they could suffer the same kind historic turning you accuse my injunction love to have known. The 14 proposals of President Wilson did not go without at the same time, he was allowed Germany to rise from his defeat, and he was ordered by the Treaty of Versailles that Germany would be demilitarized and monitored. Lorsqu'Hitler has remilitarized the Rhineland, violating the Treaty of Versailles, Europe and the world has been done in a spirit prémünichois. Surveillance of new entities that Wilson, who inspired the Versailles Treaty, establishing in the region where beats the heart of what the tuappelles précarré of your nation led, come he traced the boundaries were very indecisive, by the establishment of the British mandate, which is known today for its management empire calamitous racket in the region, which began to be a well of "black gold" that the West felt he had great need to be conveyed, because it was more equipped with technical support in "black gold" was the fuel that the country possessed of deposits "black gold", who discerned the more interest that could provide them with what we now call the "oil profits" annuity that the British mandate them mostly plundered, without acclimate themselves to massive use of oil, how the British Mandate would probably showed good prince, good prince, but that would have worked against its interests.

United States wilson LED sink their natural allies, Great Britain and France, in the trap of "trench warfare" that could not stop shaking the world, or were called by referees intervened, contrary to the vocation set itself the "May Flower" which was the isolationism of the land of the "new world", who would not s'immicer in the affairs of other states. As this immiction was not natural, but that each time the United States found themselves in a strong position to impose their rules of conflict because their intervention had been decisive, the result was that the regulation states United proposed, between good intentions and willingness to take advantage of the windfall was constantly unbalanced. The United States of Europe by the subject "Marshal Plan" without which she could never recover. They made you receive any "Marshal Plan", but would gladly accommodated a peaceful settlement with you sales conditions to their advantage, the oil windfall, if what you call "Zionist element" was between the time came to play spoilsport, encountering progressively support the Americans, which was not acquired in what has preceded the birth of Israel and who is not acquired at that time, could well return if circumstances became less favorable to Israel, my personal hope that this support is not turned up wanting to "wipe Israel off the map", as Israel complains be the only state in the world to know the evocation of this spell, but to rebalance the relationship between Israel and its partners. How? It's a big question, why, if I wanted to make a decisive opinion and some interest, I should have all the cards in hand, and I'm not alone in having to admit my powerlessness, impotence, but this n is not inevitable, it should work to rebalance and be able to impose, by changing the balance of power enough to make it become necessary for himself, as a feature of American power or what remains of it, will you tell me no doubt with Emmanuel Todd, is to conduct a pragmatic policy, pragmatism may be involved in your dislike of that power, because without a policy design is certainly a political nonsense.

thee infiltrated America's mercenaries, she took you bombed more recently than me, you've won anything there, I understand that you're less inclined to forgive him that little feeling in his paper, I feel worn to do so. Did she bombed and sent its missionaries and mercenaries, the first less intelligent, I tell you, that the missionaries of religion established by seniority, which had collected the culture of the people being evangelized and n ' conversions not buy with money, and I want to be sure, the charge is pisque you often utters' lencontre evangelists, for which you say appear even less respect than it proselytizing again and do not bet on intelligence, who uses his financial power and gives the surrenchère spectacular. I'll make you see are not always much more forgiving for the religions of ancient extraction, so do not you do a lot of gifts to the Coptic Patriarchate which has behaved badly in your eyes, I do not disagree in principle, I has no elements that could refute or confirm your information.

However, some evangelists to attend, it is true, rooted not in Pentecostalism they loathe, but in the former Lutheran religion they want to retain the loyalty of his first successor, current belongs among others poet whom I sent the plate I made for him, I want the latter, extremely nosy and cultivated man, who was lucky enough to attend in his life a few bright minds of this time, he found himself among some evangelicals leading anthropologists, who have never thought that the solution evangelism could pass through brutal solutions, especially as one of the anthropologists, including the poet was a friend, said he had found many traces of what he called the "Logos Spermaticon" that is to say, a revelation concordant with that of the Bible but do not insert it, do not belong and diverging points not money, as if they had the Bible, central shaft of General Revelation and private revelations or special, in which God continues to speak beautifully in all time of human history.

Second is what I want to bring to your knowledge, hoping thereby to bring you a little balm to the heart: I had two days ago a conversation with the pastor of this tiny temple of Lutheran evangelists, where m 'arrives at its request, to accompany worship. I asked him, half and half out of curiosity because I need the light of one of my co-religionists, he was a different religion from mine, what he thought happened today, I told him that I was up to his neck, although not sure I understand, so I was a problem of conscience, and not being sure, for the bargain , that the interest I showed them to me does not turn away from what I had to give my revelation-Source. He replied that at present he was unable to predict the outcome of these revolutions, which can not be rooted only with a historical long-term tolerance that would take time to emerge in companies which could not but rejoice that they were trying to recover their dignity, it seemed impossible, at this moment in history, hoping to convert a Muslim, who could be at this moment, only available to a understandable resentment. Hard work of the mission and quasi inconvertibility the majority of Muslims, constituting, for this pastor, an admission meritorious and ripping, because the Mission is the raison d'etre of the evangelist, who does not compromise the fact that one can not save himself only by the name of Christ, as we Catholics who have become more liberal and who believe they can also escape through the light emanating from the truths which in Other religions are a reflection of the Divine Light. Catholicism has abdicated its anathematizing adage: "Outside the Church no salvation"! The evangelist, no, but he gives the impossibility is historically to convey its message in the Hands of Providence, while confessing that, if so, the arguments you make are worth, namely that the cruise, in its historical form, was cause of resentment that may have a hard life. On what I was making the original intent of the Crusades was not illegitimate, that the Christian wished not only come to meditate at the tomb of Christ, but that it is not in the hands of the infidels, depending on how Christianity could only speak in a context of Christianity, he said he did not share my opinion. I replied that looting and massacres which had committed the Crusaders were in the hijacking of the intent of the licentious and transgressive acts, as it happens too that man is unable to match its intentions with their results, I divided that Christ had set an excellent criterion for judging human actions, perfected in all situations, which was that we should judge a tree by its fruit, which led him to conclude in retrospect and in good Reformed that the Crusades were not blessed by God, as the result of the Crusades was obviously rotten, devvenues an obstacle to evangelization, and having sustained a hate infested impregnable christianomusulmanes relations (or islamicochrrétiennes). I finally asked him what role he felt that the church could play in such times: to ensure that conflict does not sembrase be an interposition force which, at the risk of taking shots, trying to hold the arm both Jews and Muslims, to revive the plagues, or antisemitism, or the oppression by Muslims. This pastor of Lutheran persuasion, therefore, the German state he felt no Zionist. ^ We can only be disarmed arm between these two communities, showing by example of our "love of neighbor" it was high time to make a bridge. We did it in that shots to take, it was a long, very long term, as the purification of our "love of neighbor" that we were finally free exercise. We would do so without watering down our faith and being able to report to whom we ask. Well, I hope, an evangelist by your heart. In any case, his speech was deeply refreshed and comforted.

"unfathomable complexity of human relationships", admits that we have erred both! You and I are agreed, should I remind you? The fact that the threat of foreign meddling away, except in the form of air protection "freeze flights to Libya" as "asset freeze", detention of oil resources by insurgents so decisive sign that Colonel Gaddafi would have to capitulate, it was a matter of days, it was hoped not months, because then it would be a bloodbath. Our friend Algerian sent me many articles, was the first to be surprised in a private email he sent me, the lack of mention of the situation obamienne Jamahiriya. In fact, the voice of one who still believes the big-mania all the "Oval Office" did not put less than a week to wait and hear. For once, the other embassies had preceded it. Interventions obamiennes watching the previous revolutions had not been brilliant:
"Egypt must, Tunisia must ..."
By its vote, the top U.S. diplomat did not recognize very grateful to the leaders she nourishes, speaking to them on a tone that would have revealed their true nature of servant, unless there was any doubt, that does not recall that after his election, in an admission of hegemony confusing cynicism childish, William Jeferson Clinton proclaimed:
"America continues to lead the world" as if the world had asked the U.S. to be his guide and as if that would appease the Clinton position, if it exists, the concern of the world no longer be under supervision. Obama, without noticing it, borrows the same rhetorical register. The first reaction was that it appeared to say that "the Libyan regime would accountable "blood he shed for his people. A wise, it meant that he" should "stay in place, but it would be held accountable. In a second phase of what took for further hesitation obamienne but turned activist, during which wise minds, as proved to be Dominique de Villepin in this new occurrence,, wanted to limit the aggressiveness of the "international community" to which an air blockade protect the insurgents phase when yourself wrote that it seemed that Americans had renounced military intervention, Obama had his military arsenals around Libya. Whence came that the movement was not seen Algézira journalists or anybody? Two days ago, we knew that everything was in place, if necessary, intervene, Spectrum fear that together the tyrant and his rebels, who may well meet if that were the case, and maneuvers that we can not say at least the mouth, the European foreign ministries have approved the unfriendly Alain Juppe, who lost his diplomatic varnish had been able to demonstrate during the two years where he served as Minister of Foreign Affairs, n ' defending a position no less villepinochiracquienne (remember that Villepin had been his collaborator at the same time), saying that foreign intervention would be the worst effect, can not go off overnight, without obtaining the approval of the Security Council and, if appropriate, we must have known it put us in a situation where we "make war"! It was fun, anyway, to hear that, for once, things were called by name. We make war that we did so clearly expressed before the onset of Operation Desert Storm "in early 1991! It would have made the hoi polloi belligerens reflect public opinion Europeans peaceful and it would have saved Iraq, as you rightly say, to break up for reasons that are nothing less than intrinsic to broader corporate divisions in the Arab world. For his part, Gaddafi nice play to boost morale by saying that "foreign intervention" and, let's be clear, the U.S., would create a situation in Iraq, even worse than Iraq: here, we recognize the effect of hyperbole about our speaker is customary.

And yet, why these delays by the U.S. administration, which has never shown such haste, to meet its military arsenals close to Iran? Let us leave the United States the benefit of the doubt? The United States do they really protect civilian populations that Gaddafi massacre without compunction? But how to protect them if they were bombed, which only adds to the massacre of the massacre, and how to intervene without bombardment? We are more accustomed to demonstrations of meddling in proportion, so that one comes to wonder if they ever existed! Or, trivially, Obama wants to enter Libya to settle a little bit long term, as in Afghanistan, like Iraq, perhaps there is something about a "quagmire of Afghanistan," or anarchy that Iraq will cause his presence, but not without making sure what to look for all: that oil wealth can not escape it? Obama is really reassuring that the majority of deposits is under the control of insurgents? The oil ... It is far from having closed the valves ... This is the reason we continue to give U.S. meddling in virtually all wars and, true, oil is never far away. When the United States under the Clinton era, wanted to believe they were having a purely moral grounds with Yugoslavia, the experience was not very conclusive;

And even time, the meddling is a moral issue. Can we let a civil war as deadly and murderous rage in a few days without conducting any intervention or meddling? The meddling air, very good: it would prohibit the transport of mercenaries, but it would not prevent the massacre of Gaddafi Libyans (there were already 6500 dead so far). You glimpse a solution through Egypt. This is where your idealism tends to get lost. Because you think the Egyptian army capable, on the home front, to ensure that the revolution does not degenerate into its territory, and to ask the Security Council UN, which prudenciellement, can not consider it as the legitimate guardian of a little fragile regime, is to provide the Libyan, even if there is legitimate Egypt as "mother of nations" role she played in a time so distant civilizations that does not mean she can do it forever, and especially at this moment full of perils of its own history, where the problem could unite Libyan and galvanize like divide and weaken it? Egypt is ready to take that risk? ? This does not seem very realistic, however, she and Tunisia are more submerged by waves of migration, for which Tunisia at least beg "the foreign force" to help him, who wants to do it, not avoiding a humanitarian catastrophe, but in repatriating these migrants as they come. Egypt faces you see at the same time, domestically, with the influx of refugees and its own poverty does not know how welcome the political and social organization of the post-Mubarak and finally international settlement of a military conflict that took place outside the home? You tell me that it did not deter the troops from the French Revolution, but they were one year convention behind them, it was France who was attacked and not a third country, and it even says that the victory of Valmy was rigged. In short, situations come and go and do the same. Everything I see, so we do not let the current plunge in chaos, is that the "foreign power" as you call it, to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe, does what she can do: send the "red cross" and humanitarian organizations, handpicked by Egypt and Tunisia for their honesty proven and recognized that these organizations enter Libya, which they organize the reception of refugees in Tunisia and Egypt, they feed them and organize their life there, until it settles. I understand that you fear for the forfeiture of the exclusively Arab movement that is the Arab world. But wisdom has never forbidden to call for help when one is submerged. Wisdom and perhaps wisdom immanent, which is not completely a perception on the Arab revolution it owes its salvation only if the rule saudi overwhelmed by his problems otarcie perfect. It goes without saying that we should monitor the intrigues of these organizations do not exceed the mandate entrusted to them would be, and that organizations such as Islamic Relief should count the number of participating NGOs. The fact that she ruled over a community of NGOs in a situation that concerns an area of Islamic influence would ensure that at least has taken the measure of recollecting is happening during these revolutions Arab , disturbed by the fact that a tyrant resists unexpected, but the wind of these revolutions could not sweep the country as the tyrants of the Care Bears or "three little pigs," even though Julie Clarini-Nafnaf has in turn after Internet rumors peddled to our case, our correspondent in Algeria, the impact would have been relayed in the Egyptian revolution and Tunisia, the book by Jim Sharp, President of the Albert Einstein Institute.

§ What you write back to his village in this guide Rached El-Ganouchi who, long exiled, returned to the country after having received a rather cold Tunisians, reminds me, I do not know why The legendary character staged by Kahlil Gilbran in "The Prophet". El-Mustapha is returning home after having long resided in a city where he was the light and silent, before leaving, wants to hear his last oracles for the city to live in peace and according to his example. Perhaps, since his village, loved by his family, income where al-Mustapha Gilbran not gone yet, will he make remarks that will fly. Should it generates a candidate in the presidential election? The Prime Minister has any new investment does not is a wise proposal, calling collect, before the organization of any presidential election, a constituent assembly to the Icelandic, and even the French, when the revolution could still avoid falling into terror? The concern here is seen that despite the liberal character of this statesman recalled the service of his country, both because of his age because he was one of Bourguibism dignitaries, all opponents can hardly see the painting more than his predecessor, and démissionnnent one after the other the Government of National Unity, as well as our constituents have not been the French effort to stay up at end provisions that favor in what you call "the government through harmony" advocated by Islam. May the Revolutionary Guards play here and there all their roles! May they keep the flame of freedom and monitor intentions from abroad, it is clear that it is decided to once again play a detrimental role. A plea in opposition to Barak Obama would mean that the world no longer allows him to tell every nation that it "must" do, to come to terms with that which was never established their master. May all nations to send this message! Torrential

taken in tribulation Arab


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