Knowledge and Freedom Foundation-FOKAL supports the production of a documentary film by director Richard Senecal on situation and living conditions of Haitian students in the Dominican Republic. This documentary film, tentatively titled "Malpasse" will be shot over a period of nine months on both sides of the border and in cities like Port-au-Prince Cap-Haitien, Jeremiah, Santiago and Santo Domingo. ( Read )
Krik Krak-festival storytelling Cayes!
12 and March 13, 2011, the cultural association Akoustik prod present the first festival of stories called Krik-krak. This festival of storytelling, open to the general public and free, will be held in the town of Les Cayes, with the participation of eight storytellers from diverse backgrounds, united in the same area for two days. Storytellers to revisit traditional stories enable participants to relive the days of "yesteryear" and inviting them to draw on the wisdom spoof stories proposed. Round tables and conferences will be organized around storytelling. (Read more )
Libraries: increase access to free software
As part of continuing education, five employees of the Foundation Knowledge and Freedom - FOKAL, Jean Hilaire Eder, Erick Toussaint, Leslie Dupervil Rock, Vanessa and Casséus Lourdin Altidor will be in France at Chateau du Loir for training in PMB, an integrated library management entirely free. (Read more )
The National Paper (DNL) and the Office of Public Affairs Embassy of the United States, as part of the celebration of International Women's Day March 8, looking for readers interested in reading the fascinating book by Lalita Tademy, "On the banks of Cane River ". (Lire la suite )
Visits in focal tray Dini
Dini is a common location in the Great Gwav Department, West. It is a plane with a surface area that approximately 45 acres of land. The surrounding plains and mountains full of water can irrigate it if proper irrigation works. Adequate irrigation will promote agricultural and breeding that will allow residents to feed them better, enabling them to sell surplus agricultural departments in other cities west and making money. Some springs can be used to create electricity that can serve the community ( continue )
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