The gesture kadhafienne
(Continued dialogue between torrential and a crescent moon, Part IV, hermeneutics 13, codécryptage)
1. The torrential Crescent Moon, sent February 27, 2011 at 8:52
I think that what Gaddafi loses, it's not direct democracy, but democracy pyramid. He died of "armed people" you say. And yet he was not afraid to arm the people. One of its original grandeur and has been having no official position. One of his mistakes have been surfing between causes Augris the aura of his oratory. Colonel Gaddafi is likely to be lost in words. One point that upsets me is that we surrenchérisse on character to ever more corrupt regime overthrown. This does not seem likely. The real reason for the overthrow of Arab regimes is not so much corruption among its leaders that the vice within these plans. Not as flawed as the other was that of the Libyan torturer if, of course, he had trivialized Torture and without Makiavel which would raise double life of the plan and character. Not as flawed as the others because it emanates from a personal gesture, like Saddam Hussein. Westerners, even if they are shown later to denounce the repression Jamahiriya, never saw Gaddafi in painting, because they hate the actions turned into personal sighting shots policies, the last form, whatever that we may say, and for better or for worse, heroism, or even prophetic politics. But the persistence of prophecy, it would, in the eyes of our society traumatized by two world wars, the persistence of the "darkest hour". However, without a minimum of prophecy, there can be no politics. The Libyans have reversed a prophet, it will force them to offer a true alternative to the deposed regime. Tunisians and Egyptians were faced with nothing less than the prophets, that's what makes you not sure what the people's victory will be spent. Rebuilding is a long process. That God does not abandon them in midstream!
2. Crescent moon on torrential posted February 27 at 11:24 p.m.
Goodnight, Torrential,
Like you, I am moved and shared to the fate of Colonel. How I would rather he had talked less and acted more, he did as he said and he said what he was doing! In his case, very particular, it refers to "ideological dictatorship." This man says himself a prophet, one poet says, he likes the idea of excess and speech, without being for this, a magnificent orator. Believe me, he masters the evil speaking, but he wants you to listen! What is happening is very sad indeed.
personal gesture, everyone is a judge. Not worth comparing, but it does not take much, that his life and his experience in équivalussent that of Imam Khomeini, Nasser and King Ibn Saud. This great king, when he died, his remains were recorded on thirty-eight scars and traces of wounds received in battle! Jamel Abd-El-Nasser, the largest of our Rais, did not participate himself, and personally, to reconnaissance operations, in 69, behind the demarcation of Sinai behind enemy lines. His defense minister dies martyrdom that year, in such operation. Nothing certifies that our colonel had never fought or lived no danger! I do not know even if the 300 French Mirage, purchased at great expense, served October 73, or if they have remained wisely in the sheds, as alleged. There is much to say about the glories of this or that, I will not dwell on it.
However, I concede that the story of Colonel has something for moving. If I understand correctly, he was born and raised in poverty in a Bedouin family, it is therefore of Arabism deepest in its origins. For these people, the only way, about the only means of promotion, was in a military career. The Bedouins are good soldiers everywhere, this career is well suited to their skills physical strength. He had many undergoing any sarcasm, the Bedouin is often mocked! They make fun of the Bedouin, as far as the exhales. However, the Bedouin is Arabity same, so that the Arabic word, may well seek instead the word Bedouin. This was the sulfur point, it was imposed everywhere, sleeping in tents, driven by a painful need of affirmation. La douce France was not good enough for him to spare her taunts during his last visit. Without doubt, his enthusiasm and held for Nasser and his revolution-based Pan Arab, he said son of the great spiritual rais. In 67, the Colonel's death was present in the soul in Egyptian disaster. Being affected, with other officers in the vicinity of the base American Walis, we took them away from there during operations. But they knew that Jews volunteer pilots were trained on this basis and have ridden Americans devices, participating in mass bombings on Egypt and treacherous. It was bitter humiliation, but they knew, on the impetus given notice of Gaddafi prepare night coup, following the model of the Egyptian Free Officers. Is that this time he was wise enough to properly hold his tongue. No one knew absolutely nothing about the case until its completion, September 1, 1969. It was like a miracle unexpected! Nasser was greatly embarrassed, not knowing what to make of these adventurers. It was believed that Anglo-Saxon response overwhelming, would not be long in coming. Nasser had enough well-timed, to intercede with the king Hidri who was visiting Istanbul, offered him asylum and a residence in Alexandria. King, a patriot, nevertheless, did what he could, to spare his people the danger of invasion. He resigned and abdicated, recognized the new government, declared he would no meddling, and thereby removed any legal pretext for Anglo-Saxons. They could go on, but because of unpreparedness in the Mediterranean, other care occupying the same time, the time passed, they gave up. Historians agree on this incredible opportunity, which really kept that little! It was like a miracle, and the Arab purports to qualify, so we eûmes. The government of the Free Officers Libyans, won, somehow, departure and alienation of the powerful Anglo-American base, they had all the wide Libya, free, without any foreign presence, with free resources faussiles considerable! The believer, how would he not do any favor?
What happens next? Probably, the intoxication of success! Just think, the son of a tent Bedouin file a monarch, chasing occupants, distribute to the people poor, a substantial part of oil revenues. He must think himself blessed, and he turned evil! Our Prophet Mohamed, a year of plenty, told the people of Medina, "Harden up, harden up, although perhaps not last!" God is testing us both by the success and failure, victory or defeat. However, Gaddafi did not know, like many others, be humble in success! He tried many things, he just succeeds. He kept his mind to rule over his people, get drunk and ACLAM, hear themselves talk. The Green Paper was an obligation, it took stuff it! Too often, he appeared on the screen, we did not dare to remonstrate with his omni-presence. He was lost in words, speeches rivers, very badly sewn, long talks, sometimes with a few good words echoed by flatterers. Propaganda, the cult of personality, they imposed on people presumed to be free! An incredible brouillonnerie, very natural, the carelessness of those who still believe to be right! His actions on the world revolution, were more disruptive than anything else. Was there malice on his part? Some suppose. If we compare his action with that of Nasser's Egypt, or the experience of the Islamic Republic was the unpleasant impression of a rough laborer who never finishes any job! Ultimately, countries that would not merge with it, must have their reasons! Damage.
Whether the plot, in all these cases, there is always, but I remain skeptical. Basically, it is true that all humanity and not America, is the benefit to the recovery of my nation, if God allows it accomplished. When there was the financial crash in 2008, Max Gallo said in essence that comment, "There is no adjustment variable, not a continent to conquer." I said then, that the economic heart, the variable adjustment is the recovery of our people, the proper use of our assets and resources, at least for Europe next! That seems fundamentally true, notament for France, the best of scripture, the Nation has always been that we wanted to partner. Libyan Colonel was well fed this ambition, but he ruins everything he had, by his request incongruous mass converting. That error did not he do! In that time, the French friendship was almost won! Now, what do such great things, God willing, time will sound choices for France and Europe. I'm only half happy, your president, we place a minister I do not like. I preferred Vilpaint, well, the other is not very friendly! He however confirmed the great miracle, that is, not just the awakening of our peoples, but the remoteness of the unmanageable.
I do not think the article sent by your friend. See that now, three neighboring countries and complementary, which are being released. Surprisingly, this is consistent with U.S. interests! How to trigger such operations, when we are sure of not being able to contain and control them? Rather, I believe in my case, which included a greater vulnerability enemy military, and a decreased ability to ingest West, a thirst for power and Arab sovereignty, supported by the first renewal of the spirit, the spirit of holy war, heroism popular, peaceful or armed! There Jazeera that has unified our minds, there is that we have fallen so low, we were trampled as the vile dust, there is considerable looting and ineptitude that has grown in recent years, there are unjust wars, cartoons, minarets and other slaps and humiliation. Yes, we have accumulated too much harm and damage to the point that enough had become shameful! Such was the interest the enemy. However, examples of resistance, step by step, we made courage. It took the flame of Sidi Bouzid, so we marveled rediscovers the spirit of struggle, heroism that we thought lost. All our values and principles were stigmatized and devalued, we ourselves had begun to believe the calumnies of our enemies toxic. When the Ottoman front, made his statements Lyonaises it was for me, as if indeed, it trampled a young man praying on his way. Do you understand that? No one rescued us, no doubt worried about us appear too friendly! The friendship, we want the most Fresh nations we must well. I want France loves me and she says and sings. God willing, France will, in its support and advice, guide us on new paths. Although it happens and prosperity, and that his friendship and made him be multiplied.
crescent moon.
3. Torrential of the crescent moon, sent Feb. 28 at 1:08
Just a few words in response to your message, thank you for the first historical insights that you bring to the act of Gaddafi, which I do not know in detail and the second to tell you, moi non plus, on reflection, I do not agree with the article was mailed to me by my friend from Algeria, on the "color revolutions". Because he has more in ideas, as there is, in American plot. Maybe this is there some truth that Americans have armed tactics of the revolutionary book on non-violent revolutions that is mentioned in this article he sent me and that I reproduced on my blog.
My third word is to tell you that I too would have preferred that either Minister Villepin, as he muttered that Sarkozy had been apprehended for this position, false rumor or decline the offer by the firm for convenience and personal concern for his own career. However, what makes the best unfriendly and brittle Alain Juppe was to have been foreign minister. For once, I think placed where it should, since France seems to consider that it can not go without Alain Jupppé be stowed away somewhere.
I also applaud the resignation of Ganouchi: the revolutionaries of the Tunisian train of thought, which was mostly fear was that they did not continue the fight, once Ben Ali ousted. I understand your feeling of trampling a man in prayer with the one you call "the front ottoman" I repeat to you that in my eyes, unlike his father, she sue the real hatred that accompanies the tactic, which makes a kind of tawny very formidable political, but highly cherished in times sly.
I understand your claim to make you love of France, master of arts letters and legislation, as it was sometimes said. This is already done and at the same time meets with resistance, as the Arab man contains within it a mystery which I intend to talk to you in my letter. This mystery is that his love is accompanied by curses, but also that its bursts are unpredictable after too long periods of resignation. It presents to us a curious mixture of piety and strength, qualities that we all sleeping in the sweetness of life that it was an epithet for France. Besides we are not even able to discern that the force can be concentrated in piety, not a mere acquiescence, because faith is a force: it raises the mountains as much as the console and supports the charitable world .
I wish you a good night on the evocation of these two largest of our three theological virtues, the middle one being "the little girl Hope", as called Peguy I imagine that you have read the "Mystery of the porch of Charity of Joan of Arc! Your
Torrential incorrigibly nocturnal
Monday, February 28, 2011
Vague Density On An Xray
From miracle Libyan
(Continued dialogue between torrential and a crescent moon, chronicle 16
Posted by Crescent Moon, 26 February 2011 at 18h46
My Torrential.
Previously, j 'I expressed my concerns in relation to some rumors of foreign military meddling in the Libyan case. This threat goes away, seems definitely ruled out!
The Elysium in London and the White House had leaked information in this sense, with the odious hackneyed excuse to ingest humanitarian. This pretext, whose use is very stale, is well suited to the inherent ambiguity of what I call the Cruise, it is the truth of falsehood and falsehood truth. Several facts advinrent, which made such projects more risky, even inconceivable.
If the West has some rights, however, it would be the continuation of regular supplies and deliveries under the contracts signed. That would belong in law as a legal claim and dialectic, and, if by chance a supplier of energy resources and raw, decided absolute discretion to suspend deliveries, even if by chance, he destroyed his own resources, the principle of sovereignty preclude any meddling, that would just remonstrances and nothing more! Why had he, in this case, the West leaves filter threats, instead of just sticking to its demands? Suprematism is that a hard life, and to some extent, is not always lucid and conscious! In the Libyan economy now, just an excuse, and again, the uninformed Westerners, have feared that the tyrant to barks, has yet a way of destroying the oil-gazo. They also feared that the insurgents do not create, with all due expediency, an entity capable of assuming responsibilities and honnor Libyan contracts.
But now that the insurgents have made sure deposits and structures, and because many military defections, the tyrant is unable to execute his threats. The insurgents seized the fields and structures, but they cut supplies by holéoducs. This action has two goals. The first and most apparent, but less authentic, is to prevent the untimely destruction. The second, more authentic, is to deter any interference, since it is the insurgent who has his hand on the resources and sovereign power over them. The interruption of flow responds in part to the interest of safety, in case, or anyway, the ducts are damaged or explode. But at the same time is an element of pressure, which suggests, to the arrogant beyond the seas, the Arab free is firmly resolved not to any undergoing any threat, if she was insinuating. In other words, the Cruises are aware of having to save their threats, or having to run them. In this case, the Free Arab promises that our land will be free and fiery enough to burn off their boots and their feet! Insurgents Libyans of the interior, were able to make these warnings enough, that no doubt is not allowed!
There was strong response to threats, there was a hold on resources and their release, and reappropriation, there is also the process as quickly as possible, the establishment of a national authority, that of advance plans to keep the Libyan obligations in all respects. Nothing was missing, not even an obligation to what is owed to any citizen or immigrant, including Aix-mercenaries seized and captured! I do not know if history provides examples of such indulgence. For, indeed, the Arab is forgiving the Arabo-Muslim, is not inexhorable. One of the Libyans learned, has just warned African governments in the neighborhood, not to cooperate with the recruitment of mercenaries, under pain of legal action taken and adverse consequences in bilateral relations. Already, Botswana, who knows maybe involved, he was eager to sever its relationship with the tyrant. It is especially Ethiopia, and rotten Zionist evangelism, which would be the first giver. Admittedly, the fall of this byzarre governance, will require some Africans to seriously reassess neighborliness that we need each other. Is large enough to be noticed despite these murderous actions of such mercenaries, the Arab hatred has not long, and nothing seems to sustain for the moment, any revanchism easy at the expense of Africa. That lesson of magnitude, it may impose, those beyond the seas, which are exclusively suitable notice, and monopolized the principle of universal love! We begin to see ourselves as we are, what we are worth and what our detractors are worth! Is that the nation is just and sound, rendered unrecognizable by dint of adversity and slander!
me great displeasure to hear how to react and speak some Latin American governments, those of Altair and other Marxists! While true, that some hours, the Colonel brought them a helping hand. For in fact, it was revolutionary. Basically, without the excessive narcissism, he would have done great things. He died in part because not wanting to create a conventional army, he has supported this principle of the revolutionary people in arms. The people had a weapon against him, insurgent. Yet the principle is valid and deserves to be generalized throughout. He died of the people into a weapon, and direct democracy. What went wrong? He was not strong enough and honest to hear real people's judgments, to hear voices other than his own. Very similar to Nero, he listened to talk too. Now, wandering and delusions were an inevitable consequence. Sometimes vaguely Marxist, Islamist sometimes he seurfé permanently in the ideologies and doctrines, and thought himself a great thinker and philosopher. There he listened to anyone but himself, he is also being sole judge, he had the infinite complacency, as demonstrated by the looting of the treasury, for his family and his clan! Sad end than this, because this is not a regular tyrant. Aprenons forever, that no one reason, by the mere fact of not being contradicted! As taught our Bchara Hazmi, democracy is multi-colored. We have taken care of opponents is the way to deceive the less! The clash of ideas springs light, or at least, the result is fewer errors. Our doctrine teaches decide in harmony, to govern by consultation! God is truly great, who teaches and shows the right path, that ensures victory for the righteous, while they are with justice.
Crescent Moon
(Continued dialogue between torrential and a crescent moon, chronicle 16
Posted by Crescent Moon, 26 February 2011 at 18h46
My Torrential.
Previously, j 'I expressed my concerns in relation to some rumors of foreign military meddling in the Libyan case. This threat goes away, seems definitely ruled out!
The Elysium in London and the White House had leaked information in this sense, with the odious hackneyed excuse to ingest humanitarian. This pretext, whose use is very stale, is well suited to the inherent ambiguity of what I call the Cruise, it is the truth of falsehood and falsehood truth. Several facts advinrent, which made such projects more risky, even inconceivable.
If the West has some rights, however, it would be the continuation of regular supplies and deliveries under the contracts signed. That would belong in law as a legal claim and dialectic, and, if by chance a supplier of energy resources and raw, decided absolute discretion to suspend deliveries, even if by chance, he destroyed his own resources, the principle of sovereignty preclude any meddling, that would just remonstrances and nothing more! Why had he, in this case, the West leaves filter threats, instead of just sticking to its demands? Suprematism is that a hard life, and to some extent, is not always lucid and conscious! In the Libyan economy now, just an excuse, and again, the uninformed Westerners, have feared that the tyrant to barks, has yet a way of destroying the oil-gazo. They also feared that the insurgents do not create, with all due expediency, an entity capable of assuming responsibilities and honnor Libyan contracts.
But now that the insurgents have made sure deposits and structures, and because many military defections, the tyrant is unable to execute his threats. The insurgents seized the fields and structures, but they cut supplies by holéoducs. This action has two goals. The first and most apparent, but less authentic, is to prevent the untimely destruction. The second, more authentic, is to deter any interference, since it is the insurgent who has his hand on the resources and sovereign power over them. The interruption of flow responds in part to the interest of safety, in case, or anyway, the ducts are damaged or explode. But at the same time is an element of pressure, which suggests, to the arrogant beyond the seas, the Arab free is firmly resolved not to any undergoing any threat, if she was insinuating. In other words, the Cruises are aware of having to save their threats, or having to run them. In this case, the Free Arab promises that our land will be free and fiery enough to burn off their boots and their feet! Insurgents Libyans of the interior, were able to make these warnings enough, that no doubt is not allowed!
There was strong response to threats, there was a hold on resources and their release, and reappropriation, there is also the process as quickly as possible, the establishment of a national authority, that of advance plans to keep the Libyan obligations in all respects. Nothing was missing, not even an obligation to what is owed to any citizen or immigrant, including Aix-mercenaries seized and captured! I do not know if history provides examples of such indulgence. For, indeed, the Arab is forgiving the Arabo-Muslim, is not inexhorable. One of the Libyans learned, has just warned African governments in the neighborhood, not to cooperate with the recruitment of mercenaries, under pain of legal action taken and adverse consequences in bilateral relations. Already, Botswana, who knows maybe involved, he was eager to sever its relationship with the tyrant. It is especially Ethiopia, and rotten Zionist evangelism, which would be the first giver. Admittedly, the fall of this byzarre governance, will require some Africans to seriously reassess neighborliness that we need each other. Is large enough to be noticed despite these murderous actions of such mercenaries, the Arab hatred has not long, and nothing seems to sustain for the moment, any revanchism easy at the expense of Africa. That lesson of magnitude, it may impose, those beyond the seas, which are exclusively suitable notice, and monopolized the principle of universal love! We begin to see ourselves as we are, what we are worth and what our detractors are worth! Is that the nation is just and sound, rendered unrecognizable by dint of adversity and slander!
me great displeasure to hear how to react and speak some Latin American governments, those of Altair and other Marxists! While true, that some hours, the Colonel brought them a helping hand. For in fact, it was revolutionary. Basically, without the excessive narcissism, he would have done great things. He died in part because not wanting to create a conventional army, he has supported this principle of the revolutionary people in arms. The people had a weapon against him, insurgent. Yet the principle is valid and deserves to be generalized throughout. He died of the people into a weapon, and direct democracy. What went wrong? He was not strong enough and honest to hear real people's judgments, to hear voices other than his own. Very similar to Nero, he listened to talk too. Now, wandering and delusions were an inevitable consequence. Sometimes vaguely Marxist, Islamist sometimes he seurfé permanently in the ideologies and doctrines, and thought himself a great thinker and philosopher. There he listened to anyone but himself, he is also being sole judge, he had the infinite complacency, as demonstrated by the looting of the treasury, for his family and his clan! Sad end than this, because this is not a regular tyrant. Aprenons forever, that no one reason, by the mere fact of not being contradicted! As taught our Bchara Hazmi, democracy is multi-colored. We have taken care of opponents is the way to deceive the less! The clash of ideas springs light, or at least, the result is fewer errors. Our doctrine teaches decide in harmony, to govern by consultation! God is truly great, who teaches and shows the right path, that ensures victory for the righteous, while they are with justice.
Crescent Moon
The Effect Of Smoking Weed On Herpes
Beneficial development
(continued dialogue between torrential and a crescent moon, hermeneutics 12, torrential late reaction of the previous decryption of the crescent moon)
Posted by Torrential March 1, 2001 to 4H8)
Dear crescent moon,
The message which I answer, albeit belatedly, contains about whom I can not stay without reacting.
1. There are indeed taken in when you wrote, the will of Western meddling, but I remember that, when the plan was not to intervene militarily in Libya, but simply to establish an air bridge over the country to prevent the Air Force still obedient to Gaddafi to bomb civilians. That the petroleum interest is not completely absent a Western desire to help people massacred, I think a point here out of season, because the West could very well solve this problem with the plan that would have succeeded that of Qaddafi, which he never really spared, not even during the last period, there has to keep in the ear of memory prompted howls of outrage by the West when Libya has directed the commission of human rights, and not only because of Libya took the opportunity to multiply reports condemning Israel, although you have suggested, not without logic, that since the liberalization that Colonel Qaddafi had consented to its oil resources, he would have allied with the Israeli power. Not displease thee, all Western meddling, to follow, not alike, and all obey not unilaterally dishonorable reasons. The only question that seems devoid of facing trial for Western research on how to save the Libyan people's violence was the one who became his tyrant, questions that have occupied the Security Council to Yesterday morning, February 28, seems to me to agree that the West might have had the same reaction humanitarian side the last operation "hard lead" that has stunned Gaza in 2008 and, likewise, against "the war of Lebanon that destroyed much of the infrastructure of this country to freedom already alienated and monitored on all sides, pretext that Israel would not face the danger that he ran the Hesbollah, war in which we have not forgotten that Sarkozy, questioning an official of the Israeli General Staff, could only ask him without bluntly:
"How long does it take to finish the job?"
2. You write that our "leaders are the plague and leprosy in the world, makes them tyranny, they are the same tyranny. "recapture Your current evidence we can be free of tyranny, tyranny if there a. For it remains to prove that this tyranny stems primarily from the" foreign forces "and not no causes internal to the countries where it operates. After all, we need to know if it is the West that overthrew King Idris (the West has badly supported the Libyan regime, although some standardization s is established after the voluntary control officer that he has left on its mineral resources), even if the West forced the post-colonial societies, once they gained independence, not to hold the companies that should become well. He has tried to bring their expertise in administrative organization (because we do not hunt with impunity administration substitute for well trained by another improvised), but the West was ousted from power by these win their independence, which can be understood in a first movement, but since the same has never ceased to reproach him for having given these people to themselves, whereas de Gaulle conceived what Edgar Pisani called later to New Caledonia "independence association." Governments that have driven the ancient colonial power to it accuses of not having assisted at the same time that they suspected her of wanting to practice constantly ingesting she opened her mouth, while asking not to cut "pump Finance "and continue to feed its corrupt regimes in the name of duty to remember who asked to repair the West's colonial sins. It would still have the Arab world stops looking for ways not to attack first to himself and to attribute his illness to the one he did. The West would have opposed all the resistance he wanted, he would never have prevented the Arab world to unite, if he really wanted to, which is not yet acquired the same "day today." You just have to see how to face a fair start, the West can only be content to endorse the event, it was heartening to more or less sincere, but unable to do anything to upset the logic of start. Resignation is not genetic, although there may be fatalism part atavistic. By atavism, hear well what I put: either the story or how self-perception against the precepts that have been received to send our behavior responses within the collective unconscious and beyond logic, which should be contingent right from the atavistic instinct as to intelligence, but we are full of instinctive springs, which are the basis of a significant part of our reactions.
3. What ultimately justifies that the West has only recently been completely honest in the joy of your freedom gradually recovered? Imagine that he also has memory, and he remembers the Arab expansionism came the surprise well before the Crusades, the failure of which may have fostered an instinct cruise. To say a word, the West wants to ensure that your victories are the defeat of particular person and not his. Because the West has not only memory, but he hears the curses which the Flagella you daily. Be assured of one thing: the West has the same love of humanity than you. The West was the first to believe in "the ideology of progress" in which he wanted to bring humanity and with you. It is not up to a certain conception of colonization Republican who has in part to obey the will to train the colonized peoples, considered as less developed or, frankly, as well as talking or Jules Ferry renan who were nothing less than "clerical," inferior "in a progress of which he technically knew depositary. You may dispute this Republican colonization and all that are more secular the illusion of believing in the same time that technical superiority went hand in hand with an ideological superiority. But this error is but the manifestation common to all peoples of instinctive belief in a god who gives victory and abundance to those who take the right path to acquire it. This sense of being justified by the abundance meets celuui of the oppressed whose voice cries out "justice" because he never sees him or redistributed the common good, although it may be more work than others to benefit humanity. The perversion of the system has increased for macroeconomic reasons, some would say inherent to capitalism, which have alienated the production of its human sources, reduced by the Marxist analysis to be only "means of production."
4. Western distrust may increase a penchant racialist redundant in your rhetoric. So, you ever make an apology for "erotic miscegenation," you wonder what an Arab can find good to marry a U.S. interrogation in which piercing irony of which I know you're not fooled, because you know like me that love is blind, but U.S. has as much charm as any woman in the world: it is simply a different charm. But this racialism, not only differentialist but inegalitarianism may lead you to say, when you consider yourself and let yourself go, you are "world harmony and, dare I say, beauty." How do you want the West do not distrust, when he hears such professions of superiority, which transport it in the memory, I will not insult you to tell the German nation, which also took for a "superior race" but the "election" of the Jewish people, including your words carry a mirror in your understanding of yourself, a true reflection attenuated in that you do not give a representative character of humanity, and want to lead humanity in your victory, but only after having rectified the wrongs that you feel it has had against you?
5. And this way you yelled at the beseeching thee to love thee, as a "porcupine who wants to be kissed," is defined as well one of my friends Kabyle after a diagnosis which has been addressed by a psychologist, makes you think naively found that the European "taste for life" when you are released? First there is this that your liberation is not yet completely fulfilled, so he observes and asks only to be welcomed in advance, if it goes to the end of his aspirations. Then there is the EU has always welcomed the releases. Remember that the EU also carries a revolutionary instinct since the French Revolution, which was exported throughout Europe and that Trotskyism has exalted desire to "permanent revolution" erected under government. Instinct usefully tempered by the conservatism that I hear you answer me it should alleviate any revolutionary conducted it does not degenerate into anarchy and chaotic dissociating, what I can only give you reason. I wrote this afternoon that Christianity was in his genes, from St. Paul, a form of resignation which was to limit cooperation with unjust regimes. I should add that St. Thomas Aquinas has largely corrected this when he accompanied the almost slavish obedience to state authorities of the legitimacy of tyranicide, when the tyrant, he was a "very Christian king" , were to give only immoral orders. St. Thomas Aquinas was the first inventor of civil disobedience. What is the significance of this revolutionary feeling in Islam? I'll ask this without malice, because I'm not a hater of the revolutionary spirit, but I know exactly the limits.
So, the EU welcomes the Arab victory because it flatters his revolutionary instinct. But I assure you that while it is well prepared, while he rejoiced, the European can not help but be wary, and it is perfectly possible that those who 's are welcome before you, beyond the fact that they were happy for you, also may be tried household of the future and you reconcile, in case of victory that would win your nation in its uprising eventually just force to triumph over liberty, as happened in countries of the east, Revolution was the triumph of money on the aspirations for the issuance of the leaden weight, which took him to the gulag who tried to lift it. This was the disillusion trained for Western man who only wanted to believe it, and drifts pseudoreligieuses quite oligarchy of the revolution, colorful or not, countries from the east. Now, after all, the money is miserable, but it does violence Collateral that: he does not buy happiness and unhappiness does that when you do not, so it does nothing at all to the limit, it can not hurt. If you consider that really caused all your troubles can be attributed to the Western man and his intrigues cruises, leprosy of humanity, your verbal abuse will not be as Collateral, Western man who never desired bet your humiliation on inside of himself. If he does not so masochistic to your arguments are as many lashes are you doing to rain on his back, because he might be bent, he does not want to be more so. I know that the individual has separated the broad back in force no longer meet the exasperation many of which he suffered on all sides. But he backs off not to say that he wanted to have a backache. Your
Torrential son of a generation that has full back, so that it makes him have sciatica that makes him want to stay static
(continued dialogue between torrential and a crescent moon, hermeneutics 12, torrential late reaction of the previous decryption of the crescent moon)
Posted by Torrential March 1, 2001 to 4H8)
Dear crescent moon,
The message which I answer, albeit belatedly, contains about whom I can not stay without reacting.
1. There are indeed taken in when you wrote, the will of Western meddling, but I remember that, when the plan was not to intervene militarily in Libya, but simply to establish an air bridge over the country to prevent the Air Force still obedient to Gaddafi to bomb civilians. That the petroleum interest is not completely absent a Western desire to help people massacred, I think a point here out of season, because the West could very well solve this problem with the plan that would have succeeded that of Qaddafi, which he never really spared, not even during the last period, there has to keep in the ear of memory prompted howls of outrage by the West when Libya has directed the commission of human rights, and not only because of Libya took the opportunity to multiply reports condemning Israel, although you have suggested, not without logic, that since the liberalization that Colonel Qaddafi had consented to its oil resources, he would have allied with the Israeli power. Not displease thee, all Western meddling, to follow, not alike, and all obey not unilaterally dishonorable reasons. The only question that seems devoid of facing trial for Western research on how to save the Libyan people's violence was the one who became his tyrant, questions that have occupied the Security Council to Yesterday morning, February 28, seems to me to agree that the West might have had the same reaction humanitarian side the last operation "hard lead" that has stunned Gaza in 2008 and, likewise, against "the war of Lebanon that destroyed much of the infrastructure of this country to freedom already alienated and monitored on all sides, pretext that Israel would not face the danger that he ran the Hesbollah, war in which we have not forgotten that Sarkozy, questioning an official of the Israeli General Staff, could only ask him without bluntly:
"How long does it take to finish the job?"
2. You write that our "leaders are the plague and leprosy in the world, makes them tyranny, they are the same tyranny. "recapture Your current evidence we can be free of tyranny, tyranny if there a. For it remains to prove that this tyranny stems primarily from the" foreign forces "and not no causes internal to the countries where it operates. After all, we need to know if it is the West that overthrew King Idris (the West has badly supported the Libyan regime, although some standardization s is established after the voluntary control officer that he has left on its mineral resources), even if the West forced the post-colonial societies, once they gained independence, not to hold the companies that should become well. He has tried to bring their expertise in administrative organization (because we do not hunt with impunity administration substitute for well trained by another improvised), but the West was ousted from power by these win their independence, which can be understood in a first movement, but since the same has never ceased to reproach him for having given these people to themselves, whereas de Gaulle conceived what Edgar Pisani called later to New Caledonia "independence association." Governments that have driven the ancient colonial power to it accuses of not having assisted at the same time that they suspected her of wanting to practice constantly ingesting she opened her mouth, while asking not to cut "pump Finance "and continue to feed its corrupt regimes in the name of duty to remember who asked to repair the West's colonial sins. It would still have the Arab world stops looking for ways not to attack first to himself and to attribute his illness to the one he did. The West would have opposed all the resistance he wanted, he would never have prevented the Arab world to unite, if he really wanted to, which is not yet acquired the same "day today." You just have to see how to face a fair start, the West can only be content to endorse the event, it was heartening to more or less sincere, but unable to do anything to upset the logic of start. Resignation is not genetic, although there may be fatalism part atavistic. By atavism, hear well what I put: either the story or how self-perception against the precepts that have been received to send our behavior responses within the collective unconscious and beyond logic, which should be contingent right from the atavistic instinct as to intelligence, but we are full of instinctive springs, which are the basis of a significant part of our reactions.
3. What ultimately justifies that the West has only recently been completely honest in the joy of your freedom gradually recovered? Imagine that he also has memory, and he remembers the Arab expansionism came the surprise well before the Crusades, the failure of which may have fostered an instinct cruise. To say a word, the West wants to ensure that your victories are the defeat of particular person and not his. Because the West has not only memory, but he hears the curses which the Flagella you daily. Be assured of one thing: the West has the same love of humanity than you. The West was the first to believe in "the ideology of progress" in which he wanted to bring humanity and with you. It is not up to a certain conception of colonization Republican who has in part to obey the will to train the colonized peoples, considered as less developed or, frankly, as well as talking or Jules Ferry renan who were nothing less than "clerical," inferior "in a progress of which he technically knew depositary. You may dispute this Republican colonization and all that are more secular the illusion of believing in the same time that technical superiority went hand in hand with an ideological superiority. But this error is but the manifestation common to all peoples of instinctive belief in a god who gives victory and abundance to those who take the right path to acquire it. This sense of being justified by the abundance meets celuui of the oppressed whose voice cries out "justice" because he never sees him or redistributed the common good, although it may be more work than others to benefit humanity. The perversion of the system has increased for macroeconomic reasons, some would say inherent to capitalism, which have alienated the production of its human sources, reduced by the Marxist analysis to be only "means of production."
4. Western distrust may increase a penchant racialist redundant in your rhetoric. So, you ever make an apology for "erotic miscegenation," you wonder what an Arab can find good to marry a U.S. interrogation in which piercing irony of which I know you're not fooled, because you know like me that love is blind, but U.S. has as much charm as any woman in the world: it is simply a different charm. But this racialism, not only differentialist but inegalitarianism may lead you to say, when you consider yourself and let yourself go, you are "world harmony and, dare I say, beauty." How do you want the West do not distrust, when he hears such professions of superiority, which transport it in the memory, I will not insult you to tell the German nation, which also took for a "superior race" but the "election" of the Jewish people, including your words carry a mirror in your understanding of yourself, a true reflection attenuated in that you do not give a representative character of humanity, and want to lead humanity in your victory, but only after having rectified the wrongs that you feel it has had against you?
5. And this way you yelled at the beseeching thee to love thee, as a "porcupine who wants to be kissed," is defined as well one of my friends Kabyle after a diagnosis which has been addressed by a psychologist, makes you think naively found that the European "taste for life" when you are released? First there is this that your liberation is not yet completely fulfilled, so he observes and asks only to be welcomed in advance, if it goes to the end of his aspirations. Then there is the EU has always welcomed the releases. Remember that the EU also carries a revolutionary instinct since the French Revolution, which was exported throughout Europe and that Trotskyism has exalted desire to "permanent revolution" erected under government. Instinct usefully tempered by the conservatism that I hear you answer me it should alleviate any revolutionary conducted it does not degenerate into anarchy and chaotic dissociating, what I can only give you reason. I wrote this afternoon that Christianity was in his genes, from St. Paul, a form of resignation which was to limit cooperation with unjust regimes. I should add that St. Thomas Aquinas has largely corrected this when he accompanied the almost slavish obedience to state authorities of the legitimacy of tyranicide, when the tyrant, he was a "very Christian king" , were to give only immoral orders. St. Thomas Aquinas was the first inventor of civil disobedience. What is the significance of this revolutionary feeling in Islam? I'll ask this without malice, because I'm not a hater of the revolutionary spirit, but I know exactly the limits.
So, the EU welcomes the Arab victory because it flatters his revolutionary instinct. But I assure you that while it is well prepared, while he rejoiced, the European can not help but be wary, and it is perfectly possible that those who 's are welcome before you, beyond the fact that they were happy for you, also may be tried household of the future and you reconcile, in case of victory that would win your nation in its uprising eventually just force to triumph over liberty, as happened in countries of the east, Revolution was the triumph of money on the aspirations for the issuance of the leaden weight, which took him to the gulag who tried to lift it. This was the disillusion trained for Western man who only wanted to believe it, and drifts pseudoreligieuses quite oligarchy of the revolution, colorful or not, countries from the east. Now, after all, the money is miserable, but it does violence Collateral that: he does not buy happiness and unhappiness does that when you do not, so it does nothing at all to the limit, it can not hurt. If you consider that really caused all your troubles can be attributed to the Western man and his intrigues cruises, leprosy of humanity, your verbal abuse will not be as Collateral, Western man who never desired bet your humiliation on inside of himself. If he does not so masochistic to your arguments are as many lashes are you doing to rain on his back, because he might be bent, he does not want to be more so. I know that the individual has separated the broad back in force no longer meet the exasperation many of which he suffered on all sides. But he backs off not to say that he wanted to have a backache. Your
Torrential son of a generation that has full back, so that it makes him have sciatica that makes him want to stay static
Victorias Secret Models Vegetarian
The "color revolutions" and the danger that hover on Libya
(continuation of dialogue between torrential and a crescent moon,
reaction of the crescent moon in the previous article, Part IV? hermeneutics 11)
Thanks Torrential this shipment. I might make many objections, but not enough time. There are Inter-actions, I do not disagree, as America acts on us, we act on it. I remain skeptical about the mechanical efficiency and massive use of new technologies. There are Arabs distorted and degenerate, of Atlanta, I have no doubt! He must learn to remember that the Arab-Muslim public, is precisely the world, who fear the more conspiracies and abuses Westerners! We can say that our people are the world's most informed, in substance and subtlety, those who analyze the more for fear of conspiracy and of the trap. They smell a conspiracy by far!
The doubts that contains this article however, are reasonable, they should incorporate, as food for thought. But now, precisely, the Arab entirely repugnant to the thought of living a "color revolution"! Tunisia has left, out of weakness, no doubt, impose jasmine, so we did not find a name describing the events of Egypt long. There was, indeed, Iran attempted color revolution, without any success. This was indeed the over-publicized, unlike two revolutions Arabs. The third, an armed insurrection would even deliberately ignored! In Iranian presidential elections in 2009, the media was such that we informed the French radios participation rates, as if he were of the hexagon. It is far from this artful media exposure, the relative silence, or to disseminate false information that the French media, revolutions against Arabs. Worse still, commentators and intellectuals try to adulterate, falsify and misrepresent the true meaning of our popular revolts and our movements. What contortions and effort, as Julie Deploys Clarine, anxious to take away our depth of Islam and Arabism, to bring us back to his miserable size of individual claiming the absence of meaning and depth. The blood shed in the field of martyrs testify against her as the weeping and wailing of those who lost their son and loved ones! What would she say the Libyan situation, where the insurgency is in part driven by the scholars, that unify the people and tribes composed of cement in the holy war?
Danger hovers over Libya. The insurgency has kept and free land, the tyrant, despite his threats can only make the blood of the people unnecessarily, without return and resume. A military aviation company based in Ben Gazi, has this day joined the insurgents. The tyrant is reduced to military impotence and must be very difficult to keep authority over his forces. Bchara Hazmi, made even this remark, that the regime is disintegrating at a rate greater than the progress and gains of the revolution. Yesterday, the daughter of the tyrant (note the torrential: a time tipped to succeed his father as Haïsha Gaddafi, his only female child, chest Libya and traveling around the world as a model of beauty invested in charity work , said that the country loved the equal of Lady Di. Gaddafi had a moment imagined that alternative feminist illusion or reality of a transfer of power, to supplement the unpopularity of his own, locked in a bloody sense ...) tried to escape with three others to the island of Malta. They were denied permission to land. Ultimately, success, victory, are given for some, and if there is resistance and barracks in bounquers, it would take time for a hard seat, but the case is still in the bag.
But now that Westerners are increasingly willing to intervene, saying the number of victims and the humanitarian duty of meddling. In reality, they want to pick the fruit develop, install a government of their choice, even appropriating the resources of the Arab people of the vast Libya. A Libyan scholar, described tonight as a traitor to his country, who uses the military meddling. It ensures that such calls n'hémanent not Libyans of the interior, or any revolutionary, but only traitors. Therefore, cut short as soon as possible and control the land and its resources, by yourself.
At least Bchara Hazmi, and these scholars Libyans, fall agree on the fact that the insurgents must as soon as possible, create a common political entity, even nonexistent, a revolutionary transitional authority, which could make Ben Gazi for temporraire capital. This entity, created soon, should stimulate the recognition of the region, at least that of Egypt, Tunisia, Turkey. From there, the authority should dispel any inclination to ingest, raising his voice against the thieves of freedom. Already, Turkey protested against these projects untimely opportunistic meddling.
That, indeed, the gap between clearly the wishes of our peoples, and toxicity, the corruption of your rulers cruises. Your rulers, Torrential, are wound and leprosy in the world, they proceeded tyranny, are the same tyranny! Humanity is sick and tired of the arrogance and complacency of your leaders and your elite! Indeed, without hesitation, our revolutions are, at present, anti-Western, how could not be? And if our revolutions are so little, why the hype that inspires you. Because basically, they will carry as much as we do! I see that France deep breathes better thanks to our people. My patients tell me their deep joy. One was pleased that the channel can be reopened to ship in the Iranian navy. He told me not liking the image Afreux and detestable, the Arab humbled and humiliated that governments and curved. Why our humiliation pleases no one? Is it perhaps that our natural posture, as we want to see us, it is precisely the rise and pride!
When my nation rises, every free man welcomes it. Our victories are the defeat of anyone, they redolent rights and humanity. Our defeats evil and ugliness to all. Torrential you, which analyzes and down in the fundamentals, so why the European sulfur he hated to see us and abused when he found the will to live when he appears we find ourselves greatness? The EU prefers us strong than weak. Because for him, we embody something of the harmony and meaning. That's my guess. That's why I think the West, provided it is not too toxic, and why humanity rely heavily on us, and our glorious revolution. We are the world's harmony, and if I dared say, her beauty! There is no doubt that if America thinks they play with us, it probably will fall under our passion and seduction. Devil, that one of the characters of the article was married to an American! I imagine a moment in his place. How do we love truly an American, seriously? Just think, Torrential, looking for the reasons for which the European is always moved by our lives.
crescent moon.
(continuation of dialogue between torrential and a crescent moon,
reaction of the crescent moon in the previous article, Part IV? hermeneutics 11)
Thanks Torrential this shipment. I might make many objections, but not enough time. There are Inter-actions, I do not disagree, as America acts on us, we act on it. I remain skeptical about the mechanical efficiency and massive use of new technologies. There are Arabs distorted and degenerate, of Atlanta, I have no doubt! He must learn to remember that the Arab-Muslim public, is precisely the world, who fear the more conspiracies and abuses Westerners! We can say that our people are the world's most informed, in substance and subtlety, those who analyze the more for fear of conspiracy and of the trap. They smell a conspiracy by far!
The doubts that contains this article however, are reasonable, they should incorporate, as food for thought. But now, precisely, the Arab entirely repugnant to the thought of living a "color revolution"! Tunisia has left, out of weakness, no doubt, impose jasmine, so we did not find a name describing the events of Egypt long. There was, indeed, Iran attempted color revolution, without any success. This was indeed the over-publicized, unlike two revolutions Arabs. The third, an armed insurrection would even deliberately ignored! In Iranian presidential elections in 2009, the media was such that we informed the French radios participation rates, as if he were of the hexagon. It is far from this artful media exposure, the relative silence, or to disseminate false information that the French media, revolutions against Arabs. Worse still, commentators and intellectuals try to adulterate, falsify and misrepresent the true meaning of our popular revolts and our movements. What contortions and effort, as Julie Deploys Clarine, anxious to take away our depth of Islam and Arabism, to bring us back to his miserable size of individual claiming the absence of meaning and depth. The blood shed in the field of martyrs testify against her as the weeping and wailing of those who lost their son and loved ones! What would she say the Libyan situation, where the insurgency is in part driven by the scholars, that unify the people and tribes composed of cement in the holy war?
Danger hovers over Libya. The insurgency has kept and free land, the tyrant, despite his threats can only make the blood of the people unnecessarily, without return and resume. A military aviation company based in Ben Gazi, has this day joined the insurgents. The tyrant is reduced to military impotence and must be very difficult to keep authority over his forces. Bchara Hazmi, made even this remark, that the regime is disintegrating at a rate greater than the progress and gains of the revolution. Yesterday, the daughter of the tyrant (note the torrential: a time tipped to succeed his father as Haïsha Gaddafi, his only female child, chest Libya and traveling around the world as a model of beauty invested in charity work , said that the country loved the equal of Lady Di. Gaddafi had a moment imagined that alternative feminist illusion or reality of a transfer of power, to supplement the unpopularity of his own, locked in a bloody sense ...) tried to escape with three others to the island of Malta. They were denied permission to land. Ultimately, success, victory, are given for some, and if there is resistance and barracks in bounquers, it would take time for a hard seat, but the case is still in the bag.
But now that Westerners are increasingly willing to intervene, saying the number of victims and the humanitarian duty of meddling. In reality, they want to pick the fruit develop, install a government of their choice, even appropriating the resources of the Arab people of the vast Libya. A Libyan scholar, described tonight as a traitor to his country, who uses the military meddling. It ensures that such calls n'hémanent not Libyans of the interior, or any revolutionary, but only traitors. Therefore, cut short as soon as possible and control the land and its resources, by yourself.
At least Bchara Hazmi, and these scholars Libyans, fall agree on the fact that the insurgents must as soon as possible, create a common political entity, even nonexistent, a revolutionary transitional authority, which could make Ben Gazi for temporraire capital. This entity, created soon, should stimulate the recognition of the region, at least that of Egypt, Tunisia, Turkey. From there, the authority should dispel any inclination to ingest, raising his voice against the thieves of freedom. Already, Turkey protested against these projects untimely opportunistic meddling.
That, indeed, the gap between clearly the wishes of our peoples, and toxicity, the corruption of your rulers cruises. Your rulers, Torrential, are wound and leprosy in the world, they proceeded tyranny, are the same tyranny! Humanity is sick and tired of the arrogance and complacency of your leaders and your elite! Indeed, without hesitation, our revolutions are, at present, anti-Western, how could not be? And if our revolutions are so little, why the hype that inspires you. Because basically, they will carry as much as we do! I see that France deep breathes better thanks to our people. My patients tell me their deep joy. One was pleased that the channel can be reopened to ship in the Iranian navy. He told me not liking the image Afreux and detestable, the Arab humbled and humiliated that governments and curved. Why our humiliation pleases no one? Is it perhaps that our natural posture, as we want to see us, it is precisely the rise and pride!
When my nation rises, every free man welcomes it. Our victories are the defeat of anyone, they redolent rights and humanity. Our defeats evil and ugliness to all. Torrential you, which analyzes and down in the fundamentals, so why the European sulfur he hated to see us and abused when he found the will to live when he appears we find ourselves greatness? The EU prefers us strong than weak. Because for him, we embody something of the harmony and meaning. That's my guess. That's why I think the West, provided it is not too toxic, and why humanity rely heavily on us, and our glorious revolution. We are the world's harmony, and if I dared say, her beauty! There is no doubt that if America thinks they play with us, it probably will fall under our passion and seduction. Devil, that one of the characters of the article was married to an American! I imagine a moment in his place. How do we love truly an American, seriously? Just think, Torrential, looking for the reasons for which the European is always moved by our lives.
crescent moon.
How Do I Heal My Instep
The Arab world would live there "color revolutions"?
(I relayed this event, which runs on the Internet, which sheds light on the aspect of non-violent "modus operandi" of Egypt and, to some extent, Tunisian, but we do not see the other Also, how it would meet what some call the "American agenda", seeing all the "invisible hand" of "masters of the world".
Ahmed Bensaada
* There is nothing more moving to see people recover their freedom after being subjected to the yoke of despotism and regain his pride after years of humiliation.
Tides human parading through the streets, occupying seats, deploying scathing and irreverent slogans, wielding a word so long confiscated, wearing outrageously trampled dignity: the quintessence of divine happiness.
But the aftermath of these riots leave us somewhat perplexed. What have they done except the tops of regimes?
Let's see. Tunisia: a Ghannouchi which remains in place despite the mob and years to serve a mafia, a blogger who chooses to sit as a minister in a government that personally abused and thousands of young people who prefer harragas flee to the West instead of perpetuating the "revolution" in the land of jasmine. Side of the Nile, same scenario: an Tantawi, pure product of the system, which has passed the age of retirement for a long time, and without reference to the sovereign people, decides to maintain its relations with Israel even before s troubled about the fate of its own citizens, a government slightly modified and which key positions are still in the hands of apparatchiks of the system of cosmetic alterations to the constitution and a request to freeze the assets of the Mubarak family [1] after incomprehensible hesitations, long after those of former regime officials [2].
Is this a "revolution"? Is it possible that the elephant would give birth as a little mouse?
The mixed results of these revolts can not be understood by examining their genesis. Most experts "cathode" or officiating in the major media have agreed to the spontaneous nature of these movements. Roughly speaking, the people can be considered a kind of pressure cooker that could explode under the effect of a social and political pressure too great. This explosion produces a chain reaction in neighboring countries, culture or similar stories. So just wait quietly, to prepare the cameras and microphones to cover in times and places, events that stir the Arab streets. It is a simple and elementary analysis it is difficult to accept on behalf of learned people, Chairs, responsible journals, who have spent their lives scrutinizing the slightest of jolts that region of the world . A bit like the famous economists of our time who could not foresee the huge economic crisis that the world has known recently. What would you say if a meteorologist would not planned a massive hurricane?
In fact, what attracts attention since the early Tunisian riots, it's too big U.S. concern about new technologies. The multiple actions of President Obama and his secretary of state to defend the freedom of access to the Internet and their insistence that schemes engage with popular demonstrations do not interrupt navigation on the web was something suspicious.
Clinton even stated on 15 February, "the Internet has become the public space of XXI century" and that "events in Egypt and Iran, fueled by Facebook, Twitter and YouTube reflected the power of connection technologies as accelerators of political change, social and economic development "[3]. She even announced the release of 25 million dollars" to support projects or the creation of tools that work in favor of freedom of expression online, "and the opening of Twitter accounts in Chinese, Russian and Hindi after those in Persian and Arabic. On the other hand, the relationship" complex "between the department U.S. State and Google have been widely discussed in the press. Moreover, the famous search engine rated "weapon of American diplomacy [4].
But what is the relationship between the U.S. government and these new technologies? Why officials if they take high-level decisions in the management of companies that are supposed to be private? This is reminding us of the American intervention in similar events that followed the elections in Iran [5]. The U.S. Department of Foreign Affairs had asked Twitter to see a maintenance operation which led to an interruption of service, which would have deprived the Iranian dissidents as a means of communication [6].
These curious acquaintances between the American government and social networks in such sensitive regions of the world and during social events is also very delicate suspect is the least we can say.
Another element that attracts attention: the excessive media coverage of bloggers, their association with a revolution characterized as "Facebookien" and insistence on their non-membership in any political movement. So they are young and apolitical that use new technologies to destabilize entrenched autocratic regimes in the political landscape for decades. But where do these young people and how they can mobilize as much of people without having received adequate training or be connected to a specific organization?
thing is certain: the modus operandi of these rebellions has all the characteristics of the color revolutions that shook Eastern Europe in the early 2000s. The color revolutions
revolts that shook the political landscape of Eastern Europe or former Soviet republics have been called "color revolutions". Serbia (2000), Georgia (2003), Ukraine (2004) and Kyrgyzstan (2005) are examples.
All these revolutions, which have resulted in resounding success, are based on the mobilization of young pro-Western local activists, students fiery, engaged bloggers and dissatisfaction with the system.
Many articles [7] and a remarkable documentary by French reporter Manon Loizeau [8] have dissected the procedure and showed that these revolts were the United States who pulled the strings. In fact, the involvement of USAID, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, Freedom House, the Albert Einstein Institution, and the Open Society Institute (OSI) has been clearly established [9]. These organizations are all Americans, financed by either the U.S. budget, either by U.S. private capital. For example, the NED is funded by a budget approved by Congress and funds are managed by a Board of Directors with representation from the Republican Party, Democratic Party, the Chamber of Commerce of the United States and the union AFL-CIO, while the OSI is part of the Soros Foundation, named after its founder George Soros, the billionaire American financial speculator shows.
Several movements have been established to lead revolts colored. Among them, Otpor (Resistance in Serbian) is the one that caused the fall of the Serbian regime of Slobodan Milosevic. Logo OTPOR a closed fist, was taken by all subsequent movements, suggesting the strong collaboration between them. Conducted by
Drdja Popovic, Otpor advocates the application of the ideology of individual resistance nonviolent theorized by the philosopher and American political scientist Gene Sharp. Nicknamed the "Machiavelli of nonviolence," Gene Sharp is none other than the founder of the Albert Einstein Institution. His book "From Dictatorship to Democracy" (From dictatorship to democracy) has been the basis of all color revolutions. Available in 25 different languages (including Arabic of course), this book is available free on the Internet and its last edition dates from 2010. Its first edition, intended for Burmese dissidents in Thailand, was published in 1993.
The case of Egypt
is the movement of April 6 [10] which has been spearheading the protest popular Egyptian and the main architect of the fall of Hosni Mubarak. Consisting of young middle class, activists, enthusiasts of new technologies, this movement has, since 2008, supported the workers' demands. The first collusion between this movement and the U.S. government has been leaked by Wikileaks. There are 2 cables (and 08CAIRO2371 10CAIRO99) dating respectively from November 2008 and January 2010 which clearly show the close relationship between the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and the Egyptian activists [11, 12]. Israa Abdel Fattah blogger [13], co-founder of the movement of 6 April, is mentioned by name in the second document as part of a group of activists who participated in a training program organized by Freedom House in Washington. The program, named "New Generation", was funded by the State Department and USAID, was to form "political and social reformers.
These training of Egyptian activists in the United States could" represent a third way, moderate and peaceful "are not uncommon. Condoleeza Rice (May 2008) and Hillary Clinton (May 2009) met under the auspices of Freedom House (FH). These dissidents have even held talks with senior U.S. administration [14].
Otpor activists , strong experience in destabilizing authoritarian regimes, have founded a center for training aspiring revolutionaries. This institution, CANVAS (Center for Applied Non Violent Action and Strategies), is in the Serbian capital and its executive director is none other than Srdja Popovic [15]. A document circulating in the painting that illustrates the training provided by this center is "non-violent struggle in 50 points" which draws heavily on arguments by Gene Sharp. The book makes extensive reference to the site of the Albert Einstein Institution is cited as one of the best on the issue. CANVAS is funded, among others, by Freedom House, George Soros was [16] and the International Republican Institute, which has its office in none other than John McCain, presidential candidate 2008 U.S. [17]. Moreover, the latter is extensively interviewed in the documentary by Manon Loizeau and his involvement in the color revolutions is clearly established. In addition, the authors of the book (which Drdja Popovic) Thank length "their friend" Robert Helvey for having "initiated the amazing potential of strategic nonviolent struggle." Robert Helvey is a retired U.S. Army colonel, a partner at the Albert Einstein Institution through CIA covert action specialist and dean of the School for training military attaches in U.S. embassies [18].
The spokesman of the movement of April 6, Adel Mohamed, said in an interview to Al Jazeera (aired February 9, 2011), he completed an internship at CANVAS during the summer of 2009, well before the riots in Tahrir Square [19]. He became familiar with the techniques of organization and crowd behavior in response to police violence. Subsequently, he formed his trainers.
Ahmed Maher, the founder of the movement of April 6, told a Los Angeles Times that he admired the Orange Revolution in Ukraine and the Serbs who toppled Slobodan Milosevic [20].
Another similarity between the Serbian revolution and revolt in Egypt is the adoption of the logo Otpor movement by April 6, as have other color revolutions [21].
Moreover, the website of this movement contains a long list of behaviors to be adopted by the members if they are arrested by police. This indicative list is extremely comprehensive guide reminiscent of "non-violent struggle in 50 points" of CANVAS [22].
Among Egyptian activists, some were in the spotlight during the last days of the Mubarak regime. Among them, Wael Ghonim is a prominent figure who was imprisoned for 12 days after being released, gave an interview to Egyptian Dream Channel 2 where he describes his captivity and collapses in tears before leaving the platform. The audiovisual performance has made this a dissident hero despite himself.
Educated at American University in Cairo (coincidence?) Wael Ghonim is Egyptian living in Dubai, working as head of marketing at Google (another coincidence?) For the Middle East and North Africa and married to an American (one more coincidence?). Wael is a recently active in the movement of 6 April, but he worked closely with Ahmed Maher [23]. What draws attention in his televised speech, is his statement when shown images of young people killed during the protests: "I want to tell every mother, every father who lost a son, I'm sorry, it's not our fault I swear, it's not our fault, it's the fault of anyone who was in power and it was retained. This statement shows that the movement was highly organized and none of the members had expected such large losses in the ranks of demonstrators, mostly young people who were contacted through social networks.
Another surprising information: Google CEO said he was "very proud of what Wael Ghonim had done "as if to make the revolution was part of the job description of a marketing manager of any firm [24].
The Egyptian revolt, as the color revolutions, made the characters appear" internationally respectable "ready to be the figurehead of a democratic change in the country's political life. The candidate's preferred movement of 6 April is undoubtedly Mohamed El Baradei, Nobel Peace and former director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The Western media hype around her "inevitable" candidacy was ultimately a firecracker wet. The people of the street did not acclaimed, and he quickly disappeared from the landscape. It is interesting to note that El Baradei was the preferred candidate of the United States. Indeed, the former head of the IAEA is a member of the International Crisis Group and sits with many members, including George Soros (again!) [25]. The world is really small, it's the least we can say.
Finally, note that the NED, nicknamed the "Nebula" democratic "interference" by Thierry Meyssan was created by Ronald Reagan to pursue the secrets of the CIA [26]. The 2009 report shows that this organization has awarded about 1.5 million to more than 30 Egyptian NGOs "for growth and strengthening democratic institutions around the world" as claimed on their website [27].
The use of new technologies, though praised by the U.S. administration appears to be a tool of choice for non-violent struggle. She can contact an impressive number of people in record time and exchange digital data and information of great importance both inside and outside the country. The massive investments made by institutions and the U.S. State Department in this area are in to improve techniques to circumvent state censorship, geolocation activists during their arrest and sending images and videos that can show the face "inhuman" autocratic regimes. The recent announcement by the Swedish network for disseminating Bambuser free from a mobile phone, video footage and live online flash storage is a good example [28].
However, once in the street, crowds of mobilization techniques, socialization with representatives of the order, logistics management and conduct in cases of violence or use of weapons of dispersion Crowd require adequate training and time-consuming. In the case of Egypt, this was made possible through the assimilation of know-how of CANVAS and training provided and funded by various U.S. institutions.
It is clear that the revolt of the Egyptian street is not as spontaneous as claimed by the major media and commentators. This does nothing to the remarkable commitment of the Egyptian people that followed the leaders of the movement of 6 April and his noble sacrifice to get rid of a corrupt system to access a better life.
But hopefully, the historical Revolt of the Egyptian street and the heavy price he has paid in recent weeks are not confiscated by foreign interests. The recent U.S. veto against a draft resolution condemning the Israeli settlement policy is a bad omen. The motion of April 6 he was not sensitive to the suffering of the Palestinian people [29]?
Next: Part 2: Tunisia and other Arab countries.
* Doctor in Physics, Montreal (Canada)
1. "Egypt calls the assets of Mubarak and his family abroad," Le Monde, February 21 2011, al-etranger_1483326_3218.html # ens_id = 1470465 & xtor = RSS-3208
2. "Egypt calls for the freezing of assets of former regime officials Mubarak", Le Monde, 15 February 2011, egypt-ask-the-freezing-to-assets-d-old-makers-of-regime-moubarak_1480192_3218.html
3. "Hillary Clinton is campaigning for freedom on the Internet", Le Monde, 16 February 2011, on-internet_1480855_651865.html
4. "Google, the U.S. and Egypt," Le Monde, February 3, 2011, l-egypte_1474508_651865.html
5. Ahmed Bensaada, "Tehran-Gaza: the difference media, Geostrategy, July 3, 2009, = com_content & view = article & id = 49: Tehran-gaza-the-difference-media & catid = 37: Company & Itemid = 75
6. "Iran: Washington works with Twitter, Technaut, June 18, 2009, http://technaute.
7. See, for example, John Laughland, "The technique of the coup colorful", Voltaire Network, January 4, 2010,
8. Manon Loizeau, "The U.S. conquest of the East", 2005. This documentary can be viewed at the following address: http://mecanoblog.wordpress. com/2009/10/16/etats-unis-a-la-conquete-de-lest-video /
9. See, for example, Ian Traynor, "U.S. Campaign Behind the Turmoil in Kiev, The Guardian, 26 November 2004,
10. Shabab 6 April Youth Movement, http:// /
11. Wikileaks, cable 10CAIRO99,
12. Wikileaks, cable 08CAIRO2371, http://www.wikileaks .ch/cable/2008/11/08CAIRO2371.html
13. Fanoos Encyclopedia, "Israa Abdel Fattah,
14. Michel Chossudovsky, "The protest movement in Egypt:" dictators "do not dictate, they obey orders," Globalization, February 9, 2011, E2% 80% 9Cteflon-guy% E2% 80% 9D-behind-egypt% E2% 80% 99s-nonviolent-revolution /
15. Canvasopedia,
16. Maidhc O. Cathail, "The Junk Bond" Teflon Guy "Behind Egypt's Nonviolent Revolution," Dissident Voice, February 16, 2011, E2% 80% 9Cteflon-guy% E2% 80% 9D-behind-egypt% E2% 80% 99s-nonviolent-revolution /
17. Tony Cartalucci, CIA Coup-College: Recycled Revolutionary "props", "War News, February 20, 2011,
18. Thierry Meyssan, "The Albert Einstein Institution: non-violence CIA", Voltaire Network, June 4, 2007,
19. Tina Rosenberg, «Revolution U», Foreign Policy, 18 février 2011,,7
20. Jeffrey Fleishman, «Young Egyptians mount unusual challenge to Mubarak», Los Angeles Times, 27 janvier 2011, <
21. Florian Bieber, «The Otpor Connection in Egypt», Balkan Insight, 31 janvier 2011, http://www.balkaninsight. com/en/blog/the-otpor-connection-in-egypt
22. Shabab 6 avril Youth Movement, «Que faire si vous êtes arrêté»,
23. David D. Kirkpatrick and David E. Sanger, "Egyptians and Tunisian Collaborated to Shake Arab History," The New York Times, February 13, 2011,
24. AFP, "Egypt: Google CEO" very proud "of what was accomplished Wael Ghonim, February 15, 2011, -proud-qua-done-wael-ghonim
25. International Crisis Group, Crisis Group Announces New Board Members, 1 July 2010, . aspx
26. Thierry Meyssan, "Nebula interference" democratic ", Voltaire Network, January 22, 2004,
27. NED, "2009 Annual report: Egypt, 2
28. Yves Eudes, "videos live views and stored away", Le Monde, 21 February 2011, in-direct-and-stored-al-3212.html abri_1483057_
29. The International Solidarity Movement, "Mohamed Adel finally was released, "
(I relayed this event, which runs on the Internet, which sheds light on the aspect of non-violent "modus operandi" of Egypt and, to some extent, Tunisian, but we do not see the other Also, how it would meet what some call the "American agenda", seeing all the "invisible hand" of "masters of the world".
Ahmed Bensaada
* There is nothing more moving to see people recover their freedom after being subjected to the yoke of despotism and regain his pride after years of humiliation.
Tides human parading through the streets, occupying seats, deploying scathing and irreverent slogans, wielding a word so long confiscated, wearing outrageously trampled dignity: the quintessence of divine happiness.
But the aftermath of these riots leave us somewhat perplexed. What have they done except the tops of regimes?
Let's see. Tunisia: a Ghannouchi which remains in place despite the mob and years to serve a mafia, a blogger who chooses to sit as a minister in a government that personally abused and thousands of young people who prefer harragas flee to the West instead of perpetuating the "revolution" in the land of jasmine. Side of the Nile, same scenario: an Tantawi, pure product of the system, which has passed the age of retirement for a long time, and without reference to the sovereign people, decides to maintain its relations with Israel even before s troubled about the fate of its own citizens, a government slightly modified and which key positions are still in the hands of apparatchiks of the system of cosmetic alterations to the constitution and a request to freeze the assets of the Mubarak family [1] after incomprehensible hesitations, long after those of former regime officials [2].
Is this a "revolution"? Is it possible that the elephant would give birth as a little mouse?
The mixed results of these revolts can not be understood by examining their genesis. Most experts "cathode" or officiating in the major media have agreed to the spontaneous nature of these movements. Roughly speaking, the people can be considered a kind of pressure cooker that could explode under the effect of a social and political pressure too great. This explosion produces a chain reaction in neighboring countries, culture or similar stories. So just wait quietly, to prepare the cameras and microphones to cover in times and places, events that stir the Arab streets. It is a simple and elementary analysis it is difficult to accept on behalf of learned people, Chairs, responsible journals, who have spent their lives scrutinizing the slightest of jolts that region of the world . A bit like the famous economists of our time who could not foresee the huge economic crisis that the world has known recently. What would you say if a meteorologist would not planned a massive hurricane?
In fact, what attracts attention since the early Tunisian riots, it's too big U.S. concern about new technologies. The multiple actions of President Obama and his secretary of state to defend the freedom of access to the Internet and their insistence that schemes engage with popular demonstrations do not interrupt navigation on the web was something suspicious.
Clinton even stated on 15 February, "the Internet has become the public space of XXI century" and that "events in Egypt and Iran, fueled by Facebook, Twitter and YouTube reflected the power of connection technologies as accelerators of political change, social and economic development "[3]. She even announced the release of 25 million dollars" to support projects or the creation of tools that work in favor of freedom of expression online, "and the opening of Twitter accounts in Chinese, Russian and Hindi after those in Persian and Arabic. On the other hand, the relationship" complex "between the department U.S. State and Google have been widely discussed in the press. Moreover, the famous search engine rated "weapon of American diplomacy [4].
But what is the relationship between the U.S. government and these new technologies? Why officials if they take high-level decisions in the management of companies that are supposed to be private? This is reminding us of the American intervention in similar events that followed the elections in Iran [5]. The U.S. Department of Foreign Affairs had asked Twitter to see a maintenance operation which led to an interruption of service, which would have deprived the Iranian dissidents as a means of communication [6].
These curious acquaintances between the American government and social networks in such sensitive regions of the world and during social events is also very delicate suspect is the least we can say.
Another element that attracts attention: the excessive media coverage of bloggers, their association with a revolution characterized as "Facebookien" and insistence on their non-membership in any political movement. So they are young and apolitical that use new technologies to destabilize entrenched autocratic regimes in the political landscape for decades. But where do these young people and how they can mobilize as much of people without having received adequate training or be connected to a specific organization?
thing is certain: the modus operandi of these rebellions has all the characteristics of the color revolutions that shook Eastern Europe in the early 2000s. The color revolutions
revolts that shook the political landscape of Eastern Europe or former Soviet republics have been called "color revolutions". Serbia (2000), Georgia (2003), Ukraine (2004) and Kyrgyzstan (2005) are examples.
All these revolutions, which have resulted in resounding success, are based on the mobilization of young pro-Western local activists, students fiery, engaged bloggers and dissatisfaction with the system.
Many articles [7] and a remarkable documentary by French reporter Manon Loizeau [8] have dissected the procedure and showed that these revolts were the United States who pulled the strings. In fact, the involvement of USAID, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, Freedom House, the Albert Einstein Institution, and the Open Society Institute (OSI) has been clearly established [9]. These organizations are all Americans, financed by either the U.S. budget, either by U.S. private capital. For example, the NED is funded by a budget approved by Congress and funds are managed by a Board of Directors with representation from the Republican Party, Democratic Party, the Chamber of Commerce of the United States and the union AFL-CIO, while the OSI is part of the Soros Foundation, named after its founder George Soros, the billionaire American financial speculator shows.
Several movements have been established to lead revolts colored. Among them, Otpor (Resistance in Serbian) is the one that caused the fall of the Serbian regime of Slobodan Milosevic. Logo OTPOR a closed fist, was taken by all subsequent movements, suggesting the strong collaboration between them. Conducted by
Drdja Popovic, Otpor advocates the application of the ideology of individual resistance nonviolent theorized by the philosopher and American political scientist Gene Sharp. Nicknamed the "Machiavelli of nonviolence," Gene Sharp is none other than the founder of the Albert Einstein Institution. His book "From Dictatorship to Democracy" (From dictatorship to democracy) has been the basis of all color revolutions. Available in 25 different languages (including Arabic of course), this book is available free on the Internet and its last edition dates from 2010. Its first edition, intended for Burmese dissidents in Thailand, was published in 1993.
The case of Egypt
is the movement of April 6 [10] which has been spearheading the protest popular Egyptian and the main architect of the fall of Hosni Mubarak. Consisting of young middle class, activists, enthusiasts of new technologies, this movement has, since 2008, supported the workers' demands. The first collusion between this movement and the U.S. government has been leaked by Wikileaks. There are 2 cables (and 08CAIRO2371 10CAIRO99) dating respectively from November 2008 and January 2010 which clearly show the close relationship between the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and the Egyptian activists [11, 12]. Israa Abdel Fattah blogger [13], co-founder of the movement of 6 April, is mentioned by name in the second document as part of a group of activists who participated in a training program organized by Freedom House in Washington. The program, named "New Generation", was funded by the State Department and USAID, was to form "political and social reformers.
These training of Egyptian activists in the United States could" represent a third way, moderate and peaceful "are not uncommon. Condoleeza Rice (May 2008) and Hillary Clinton (May 2009) met under the auspices of Freedom House (FH). These dissidents have even held talks with senior U.S. administration [14].
Otpor activists , strong experience in destabilizing authoritarian regimes, have founded a center for training aspiring revolutionaries. This institution, CANVAS (Center for Applied Non Violent Action and Strategies), is in the Serbian capital and its executive director is none other than Srdja Popovic [15]. A document circulating in the painting that illustrates the training provided by this center is "non-violent struggle in 50 points" which draws heavily on arguments by Gene Sharp. The book makes extensive reference to the site of the Albert Einstein Institution is cited as one of the best on the issue. CANVAS is funded, among others, by Freedom House, George Soros was [16] and the International Republican Institute, which has its office in none other than John McCain, presidential candidate 2008 U.S. [17]. Moreover, the latter is extensively interviewed in the documentary by Manon Loizeau and his involvement in the color revolutions is clearly established. In addition, the authors of the book (which Drdja Popovic) Thank length "their friend" Robert Helvey for having "initiated the amazing potential of strategic nonviolent struggle." Robert Helvey is a retired U.S. Army colonel, a partner at the Albert Einstein Institution through CIA covert action specialist and dean of the School for training military attaches in U.S. embassies [18].
The spokesman of the movement of April 6, Adel Mohamed, said in an interview to Al Jazeera (aired February 9, 2011), he completed an internship at CANVAS during the summer of 2009, well before the riots in Tahrir Square [19]. He became familiar with the techniques of organization and crowd behavior in response to police violence. Subsequently, he formed his trainers.
Ahmed Maher, the founder of the movement of April 6, told a Los Angeles Times that he admired the Orange Revolution in Ukraine and the Serbs who toppled Slobodan Milosevic [20].
Another similarity between the Serbian revolution and revolt in Egypt is the adoption of the logo Otpor movement by April 6, as have other color revolutions [21].
Moreover, the website of this movement contains a long list of behaviors to be adopted by the members if they are arrested by police. This indicative list is extremely comprehensive guide reminiscent of "non-violent struggle in 50 points" of CANVAS [22].
Among Egyptian activists, some were in the spotlight during the last days of the Mubarak regime. Among them, Wael Ghonim is a prominent figure who was imprisoned for 12 days after being released, gave an interview to Egyptian Dream Channel 2 where he describes his captivity and collapses in tears before leaving the platform. The audiovisual performance has made this a dissident hero despite himself.
Educated at American University in Cairo (coincidence?) Wael Ghonim is Egyptian living in Dubai, working as head of marketing at Google (another coincidence?) For the Middle East and North Africa and married to an American (one more coincidence?). Wael is a recently active in the movement of 6 April, but he worked closely with Ahmed Maher [23]. What draws attention in his televised speech, is his statement when shown images of young people killed during the protests: "I want to tell every mother, every father who lost a son, I'm sorry, it's not our fault I swear, it's not our fault, it's the fault of anyone who was in power and it was retained. This statement shows that the movement was highly organized and none of the members had expected such large losses in the ranks of demonstrators, mostly young people who were contacted through social networks.
Another surprising information: Google CEO said he was "very proud of what Wael Ghonim had done "as if to make the revolution was part of the job description of a marketing manager of any firm [24].
The Egyptian revolt, as the color revolutions, made the characters appear" internationally respectable "ready to be the figurehead of a democratic change in the country's political life. The candidate's preferred movement of 6 April is undoubtedly Mohamed El Baradei, Nobel Peace and former director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The Western media hype around her "inevitable" candidacy was ultimately a firecracker wet. The people of the street did not acclaimed, and he quickly disappeared from the landscape. It is interesting to note that El Baradei was the preferred candidate of the United States. Indeed, the former head of the IAEA is a member of the International Crisis Group and sits with many members, including George Soros (again!) [25]. The world is really small, it's the least we can say.
Finally, note that the NED, nicknamed the "Nebula" democratic "interference" by Thierry Meyssan was created by Ronald Reagan to pursue the secrets of the CIA [26]. The 2009 report shows that this organization has awarded about 1.5 million to more than 30 Egyptian NGOs "for growth and strengthening democratic institutions around the world" as claimed on their website [27].
The use of new technologies, though praised by the U.S. administration appears to be a tool of choice for non-violent struggle. She can contact an impressive number of people in record time and exchange digital data and information of great importance both inside and outside the country. The massive investments made by institutions and the U.S. State Department in this area are in to improve techniques to circumvent state censorship, geolocation activists during their arrest and sending images and videos that can show the face "inhuman" autocratic regimes. The recent announcement by the Swedish network for disseminating Bambuser free from a mobile phone, video footage and live online flash storage is a good example [28].
However, once in the street, crowds of mobilization techniques, socialization with representatives of the order, logistics management and conduct in cases of violence or use of weapons of dispersion Crowd require adequate training and time-consuming. In the case of Egypt, this was made possible through the assimilation of know-how of CANVAS and training provided and funded by various U.S. institutions.
It is clear that the revolt of the Egyptian street is not as spontaneous as claimed by the major media and commentators. This does nothing to the remarkable commitment of the Egyptian people that followed the leaders of the movement of 6 April and his noble sacrifice to get rid of a corrupt system to access a better life.
But hopefully, the historical Revolt of the Egyptian street and the heavy price he has paid in recent weeks are not confiscated by foreign interests. The recent U.S. veto against a draft resolution condemning the Israeli settlement policy is a bad omen. The motion of April 6 he was not sensitive to the suffering of the Palestinian people [29]?
Next: Part 2: Tunisia and other Arab countries.
* Doctor in Physics, Montreal (Canada)
1. "Egypt calls the assets of Mubarak and his family abroad," Le Monde, February 21 2011, al-etranger_1483326_3218.html # ens_id = 1470465 & xtor = RSS-3208
2. "Egypt calls for the freezing of assets of former regime officials Mubarak", Le Monde, 15 February 2011, egypt-ask-the-freezing-to-assets-d-old-makers-of-regime-moubarak_1480192_3218.html
3. "Hillary Clinton is campaigning for freedom on the Internet", Le Monde, 16 February 2011, on-internet_1480855_651865.html
4. "Google, the U.S. and Egypt," Le Monde, February 3, 2011, l-egypte_1474508_651865.html
5. Ahmed Bensaada, "Tehran-Gaza: the difference media, Geostrategy, July 3, 2009, = com_content & view = article & id = 49: Tehran-gaza-the-difference-media & catid = 37: Company & Itemid = 75
6. "Iran: Washington works with Twitter, Technaut, June 18, 2009, http://technaute.
7. See, for example, John Laughland, "The technique of the coup colorful", Voltaire Network, January 4, 2010,
8. Manon Loizeau, "The U.S. conquest of the East", 2005. This documentary can be viewed at the following address: http://mecanoblog.wordpress. com/2009/10/16/etats-unis-a-la-conquete-de-lest-video /
9. See, for example, Ian Traynor, "U.S. Campaign Behind the Turmoil in Kiev, The Guardian, 26 November 2004,
10. Shabab 6 April Youth Movement, http:// /
11. Wikileaks, cable 10CAIRO99,
12. Wikileaks, cable 08CAIRO2371, http://www.wikileaks .ch/cable/2008/11/08CAIRO2371.html
13. Fanoos Encyclopedia, "Israa Abdel Fattah,
14. Michel Chossudovsky, "The protest movement in Egypt:" dictators "do not dictate, they obey orders," Globalization, February 9, 2011, E2% 80% 9Cteflon-guy% E2% 80% 9D-behind-egypt% E2% 80% 99s-nonviolent-revolution /
15. Canvasopedia,
16. Maidhc O. Cathail, "The Junk Bond" Teflon Guy "Behind Egypt's Nonviolent Revolution," Dissident Voice, February 16, 2011, E2% 80% 9Cteflon-guy% E2% 80% 9D-behind-egypt% E2% 80% 99s-nonviolent-revolution /
17. Tony Cartalucci, CIA Coup-College: Recycled Revolutionary "props", "War News, February 20, 2011,
18. Thierry Meyssan, "The Albert Einstein Institution: non-violence CIA", Voltaire Network, June 4, 2007,
19. Tina Rosenberg, «Revolution U», Foreign Policy, 18 février 2011,,7
20. Jeffrey Fleishman, «Young Egyptians mount unusual challenge to Mubarak», Los Angeles Times, 27 janvier 2011, <
21. Florian Bieber, «The Otpor Connection in Egypt», Balkan Insight, 31 janvier 2011, http://www.balkaninsight. com/en/blog/the-otpor-connection-in-egypt
22. Shabab 6 avril Youth Movement, «Que faire si vous êtes arrêté»,
23. David D. Kirkpatrick and David E. Sanger, "Egyptians and Tunisian Collaborated to Shake Arab History," The New York Times, February 13, 2011,
24. AFP, "Egypt: Google CEO" very proud "of what was accomplished Wael Ghonim, February 15, 2011, -proud-qua-done-wael-ghonim
25. International Crisis Group, Crisis Group Announces New Board Members, 1 July 2010, . aspx
26. Thierry Meyssan, "Nebula interference" democratic ", Voltaire Network, January 22, 2004,
27. NED, "2009 Annual report: Egypt, 2
28. Yves Eudes, "videos live views and stored away", Le Monde, 21 February 2011, in-direct-and-stored-al-3212.html abri_1483057_
29. The International Solidarity Movement, "Mohamed Adel finally was released, "
Where Is The Voice Changer In Bioshock
Salonen (3) Lutoslawski string-
- Salonen , Gambit - Lutoslawski Symphony No. 4 - Salonen Giro ; Foreign Bodies
- Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France
- Paris, Theatre du Chatelet, February 12, 2011
- Salonen , Gambit - Lutoslawski Symphony No. 4 - Salonen Giro ; Foreign Bodies
- Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France
- Esa-Pekka Salonen, direction
Songs of a destiny as agreed for a concert less conventional by Vincent Haegele
Hey! no, it was not a creation ... Why not start with a small controversy in two, just to evacuate quickly. But it's still a little stupid on the part of the Festival Presences, claiming that the masterful Fourth Symphony Lutosławski knew at the beginning of 2011 the French creation. It took place much earlier, in 2004 during the opening concert of the Year of Poland in France and was the great Stanislaw Skrowaczewski which it was loaded, at a concert (can not be memorable) also devoted to Penderecki and Szymanowski. Apart from that, we say more? Nothing, after all, because reading that gave Salonen still dizzy and still an event in itself. We played Witold Lutoslawski Paris this month of February 2011, it is rare and it should be saluted for its value.
With Requiem Ligeti and Varese Americas, Attendance boasted a lineup unusual and welcome, adding that famous Fourth Symphony, one of latest pieces of Polish composer whose composition was announced Salonen after a concert in Los Angeles. It would have "failed to fall off his chair" upon hearing the news, it is true that this is the kind of events we would like to hear more often. The symphony could not anything but a wonderful song of farewell, but Salonen has managed to avoid most pitfalls posed by such a score.
Write Fourth Symphony is a challenge: Lutosławski had not failed to remark: "It's a matter of form. I thought of forms collected over large scales. I've never been comfortable with the tradition Brahmsian. In Brahms, we are two main movements, the first and fourth. In my experience of hearing it too. Too much substance for a given time. I think the ideal relationship is in the symphonies of Haydn. And I thought that maybe I could find a way to unite these two different modes. My solution is to consider the first movement as a preparation for the main movement. The first movement must engage, engage, it must "intriguing." But it should not give any satisfaction. It should leave us on our end, and even impatient. It's the perfect time to introduce the main movement. Here is my solution, and I think it works pretty well [1] . Pretty good? Yes, rather.
Indeed, the Fourth seems to be composed of several sections that most movements, starting on a very large, very calmed, almost endless string phrase, sentence ambivalent, almost Mahler of by its appearance, but devoid of nostalgia or sentimentality. It is also indeed the strength of this symphony that failing a song of farewell is nonetheless taking leave of this world. His orchestration is a reflection of its construction: sleek, surprising, and to use the term Lutosławski, "intriguing." The composer may have conceived two consecutive movements, they are nevertheless broken many times and sparing of short moments reserved for solo improvised piano and violin but mostly wood, part of which is formidable. But the top part is undoubtedly the huge unison whose journey is punctuated by so terrifying brass. A writing lesson, an economy means worthy of the greatest. The conclusion, grating, is even more dramatic.
This partition, Salonen seized on it with greed that characterizes this obsession and clarity found in both his conducting and his own knowledge of writing (that's why differentiate from each other is sort of pointless). Conductivity (as defined energy term, but also taking into account the movement) is so full justice to this demanding music, with multiple points of tension. No loosening, and certainly not in the introductory phrase of the strings, hence the term electricity is ideal. It is also at the pace that we find the best Salonen: shimmering percussion, brass scansion (but not), hard work vanishing points personalized isolated by a piano, and the charm is working twenty-two minutes during, relentless and superlative (Helen Collar we had not given better interventions soloists long).
much for this recreation of a rarely performed symphony. Strangely, we will still think much of Brahms, some form of symphony, while writing requirement and pons. Lutosławski created a template and completed.
Vincent Haegele
little concertorialiste by Theo Belaud is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - Share Terms Alike 2.0 France .
Kates Playgroud Polka Dot
Towards the end of a plan by the speech of a madman
Review (continued in the dialogue between the torrential the Crescent Moon, Part IV, column 15)
(Sent by the crescent moon, February 23, 2011 at 0:20)
My Torrential.
That seems to be that approaching the end of Nero's contemporary, the criminal hystrion! I heard only small parts of his speech, much too long and boring, so that in the warrior Jazeera overwhelms its viewers. When I was young, when the man lift the Arab causes, I thought a hostile propaganda, falsely accused of madness. I was forced to agree. Our
Bchara Hazmi, suggests that this man never hold much for any cause, on the contrary, he has sabottées! His action was confusing, untimely, without a plan and discipline, so to speak, with no real desire for success. It was not a guide to the world revolution, but on the contrary, a ferment of disorganization. Sometimes he banked and fueled a Palestinian faction, now a rival, as happened in Lebanon. It is permissible to ask whether this lack of tactical strategy was deliberate and voluntary, or if it does that character and nature messy. The future answer, perhaps, by the discoveries we make. It may also that the two assumptions are combined, true mental disorder and true desire to harm causes. In short, it would be hard to cite a single example of success under his belt. In Libya allegedly socialist health facilities are insignificant to the point of forcing people to move patients to receive treatment abroad! To say that this family shares all the positions of primary leaves dreamer, since it does not seem to shine its lights and skills. Is that the country is necessarily gerrée by others, obviously.
His threats are of a hysterical anti-Arabism deep! He promises bloodshed, he wants to revive Gaza and Fallujah! He threatens his people make him live the Iraqi situation in 2003! His tortuous reasoning is, since Westerners have committed these horrors, it may well do it himself! He wants to match the criminals in the crime.
What will it really? Analyses optimists hold that his speech shows his helplessness, as would a hunted animal. Indeed, the military defections multiply, besides the ambassadors and ministers, they say that most of the Libyan land is already free, except for some pockets that will reduce and besiege. Yet, I fear. Everything happens as if America was not treating him as an enemy: you do not hear much condemnation, no regret that the secretary of state, the president said nothing. Bchara Hazmi said that an agreement unites the tyrant with the axis-American Israïlien. Its role in the case would be financial. He pays regular tribute to the enemy? It is difficult to verify a hypothesis for now, but likely. What is more certain is that it finances the political Zionists in Africa! In fact, I've always wondered what means may well have the enemy, so many governments to sustain South-Saharan, countries with dominant Christiano-animist, against us! The enemy has made significant inroads, ESPECIALLY in the upstream countries of the Nile, where sustenance of the river diversion projects, or uptake and reduction of its flow into Egypt. The enemy, left to his own resources, however, can not circumvent buy and governments that we once had for allies! Libyan funding appears to be the only way out of this dilemma. The fall of this regime would be a shock to the policy of this axis in Africa. The most important thing for Israel. That's why I fed fears, dispatch that the enemy aid and sending military tyrant, who in ocurrences is the goose that lays golden eggs secret. How the enemy would carry it? It would have forces stationed in South Sudan border.
Still, whatever happens, with or without the support enemy, the final hour approaches. In fact, without shipping and foreign meddling, the case is already made, so to speak. It would only besiege the fortifications of the remaining force to the fallen regime. Work long, exhausting, but agenda possible, feasible. However, if the enemy him dispatch his relief, the nation should take him effective and painful blows! For the Zionist state, the loss of Libya, is the loss of means of action on Africa, which probably would be for the natural political neighborhood. God willing, one day soon, the enemy would be left naked and alone, aware of its narrow limits!
What happens is so wonderful that we have a hard time believing it. It happens that our weakness was excessive, was not natural. It happens that we return to ourselves and our true dimensions! We just have to stand up, to overcome fear, to revive the spirit of the holy struggle, as God teaches us, after having spurned and denied! When the nation rises, more Westerners who hold more little bites, containing thinly veiled military threats! The sentences are no longer enough, the force is to be conscious of its strength. We observe that America seems to have suspended, as if by magic, its deadly operations into Afghanisthan and Pakisthan, or at least did not publish. It is up to the Zionist enemy who seems to be less threatening and deadly! It took the spirit of the holy struggle to resume a new life in my green Tunisia, the country that is the most acculturated. Comparing this situation with what happened in Iran in 79, then given as very advanced in the dispossession of himself. A year ago, Kissindjer communicated that the Pahlavi regime shhas, would survive the White House. It's a vigilante God does wonders, and always hits and acts precisely where we least expect. God is great, and by his grace, my Nation is growing every day.
Crescent Moon stronger than before.
Review (continued in the dialogue between the torrential the Crescent Moon, Part IV, column 15)
(Sent by the crescent moon, February 23, 2011 at 0:20)
My Torrential.
That seems to be that approaching the end of Nero's contemporary, the criminal hystrion! I heard only small parts of his speech, much too long and boring, so that in the warrior Jazeera overwhelms its viewers. When I was young, when the man lift the Arab causes, I thought a hostile propaganda, falsely accused of madness. I was forced to agree. Our
Bchara Hazmi, suggests that this man never hold much for any cause, on the contrary, he has sabottées! His action was confusing, untimely, without a plan and discipline, so to speak, with no real desire for success. It was not a guide to the world revolution, but on the contrary, a ferment of disorganization. Sometimes he banked and fueled a Palestinian faction, now a rival, as happened in Lebanon. It is permissible to ask whether this lack of tactical strategy was deliberate and voluntary, or if it does that character and nature messy. The future answer, perhaps, by the discoveries we make. It may also that the two assumptions are combined, true mental disorder and true desire to harm causes. In short, it would be hard to cite a single example of success under his belt. In Libya allegedly socialist health facilities are insignificant to the point of forcing people to move patients to receive treatment abroad! To say that this family shares all the positions of primary leaves dreamer, since it does not seem to shine its lights and skills. Is that the country is necessarily gerrée by others, obviously.
His threats are of a hysterical anti-Arabism deep! He promises bloodshed, he wants to revive Gaza and Fallujah! He threatens his people make him live the Iraqi situation in 2003! His tortuous reasoning is, since Westerners have committed these horrors, it may well do it himself! He wants to match the criminals in the crime.
What will it really? Analyses optimists hold that his speech shows his helplessness, as would a hunted animal. Indeed, the military defections multiply, besides the ambassadors and ministers, they say that most of the Libyan land is already free, except for some pockets that will reduce and besiege. Yet, I fear. Everything happens as if America was not treating him as an enemy: you do not hear much condemnation, no regret that the secretary of state, the president said nothing. Bchara Hazmi said that an agreement unites the tyrant with the axis-American Israïlien. Its role in the case would be financial. He pays regular tribute to the enemy? It is difficult to verify a hypothesis for now, but likely. What is more certain is that it finances the political Zionists in Africa! In fact, I've always wondered what means may well have the enemy, so many governments to sustain South-Saharan, countries with dominant Christiano-animist, against us! The enemy has made significant inroads, ESPECIALLY in the upstream countries of the Nile, where sustenance of the river diversion projects, or uptake and reduction of its flow into Egypt. The enemy, left to his own resources, however, can not circumvent buy and governments that we once had for allies! Libyan funding appears to be the only way out of this dilemma. The fall of this regime would be a shock to the policy of this axis in Africa. The most important thing for Israel. That's why I fed fears, dispatch that the enemy aid and sending military tyrant, who in ocurrences is the goose that lays golden eggs secret. How the enemy would carry it? It would have forces stationed in South Sudan border.
Still, whatever happens, with or without the support enemy, the final hour approaches. In fact, without shipping and foreign meddling, the case is already made, so to speak. It would only besiege the fortifications of the remaining force to the fallen regime. Work long, exhausting, but agenda possible, feasible. However, if the enemy him dispatch his relief, the nation should take him effective and painful blows! For the Zionist state, the loss of Libya, is the loss of means of action on Africa, which probably would be for the natural political neighborhood. God willing, one day soon, the enemy would be left naked and alone, aware of its narrow limits!
What happens is so wonderful that we have a hard time believing it. It happens that our weakness was excessive, was not natural. It happens that we return to ourselves and our true dimensions! We just have to stand up, to overcome fear, to revive the spirit of the holy struggle, as God teaches us, after having spurned and denied! When the nation rises, more Westerners who hold more little bites, containing thinly veiled military threats! The sentences are no longer enough, the force is to be conscious of its strength. We observe that America seems to have suspended, as if by magic, its deadly operations into Afghanisthan and Pakisthan, or at least did not publish. It is up to the Zionist enemy who seems to be less threatening and deadly! It took the spirit of the holy struggle to resume a new life in my green Tunisia, the country that is the most acculturated. Comparing this situation with what happened in Iran in 79, then given as very advanced in the dispossession of himself. A year ago, Kissindjer communicated that the Pahlavi regime shhas, would survive the White House. It's a vigilante God does wonders, and always hits and acts precisely where we least expect. God is great, and by his grace, my Nation is growing every day.
Crescent Moon stronger than before.
Staci Diamond Aka Blog
Why Libya?
(Rétrospective. Preview dialogue between torrential and a crescent moon, Part IV, hermeneutics 10)
Posted by Crescent Moon, February 17, 2011 at 21:43. Preview
Events Libya, do not be surprised. You seem to devote a certain admiration
Libyan system, which would certainly be the best in the world
, if genuine! Ah, that "Not at all! Do not you know that the colonel said
package without a fight? It's a loser! Sorry!
was in 2002 or 2003, he privatized petroleum hydrocarbons and, to the great benefit
Americans, he did everything at their convenience. This was certainly not following the pyramid scheme
so perfect! In fact, he spent his
and drunk people, with the stupid Green Paper, is taking a big thinker
policy. Only proposals, aphorisms so obvious that one wonders
what's the point. Finally, who knows, without this capitulation
open country, what would have happened in Libya? Very curious, this man
defeated and resigned, to see put in motion and alive, he had always
sustenance, the Great Arab Revolution. That is its revolution
up just leave at one of his son to drive a wedge in
French clubs. His eldest son, the misnamed "Sword of Islam
" well sheathed sword, was tipped to succeed his father,
as Leader of the Revolution, without laugh. Interviewvé by
Jazeera on this issue, he dared to compare the appearance of hereditary governance Libyan
the inheritance of the British monarchy. Except I can not understand
, damn, how it can be revolutionary guide from father to son ...
(Rétrospective. Preview dialogue between torrential and a crescent moon, Part IV, hermeneutics 10)
Posted by Crescent Moon, February 17, 2011 at 21:43. Preview
Events Libya, do not be surprised. You seem to devote a certain admiration
Libyan system, which would certainly be the best in the world
, if genuine! Ah, that "Not at all! Do not you know that the colonel said
package without a fight? It's a loser! Sorry!
was in 2002 or 2003, he privatized petroleum hydrocarbons and, to the great benefit
Americans, he did everything at their convenience. This was certainly not following the pyramid scheme
so perfect! In fact, he spent his
and drunk people, with the stupid Green Paper, is taking a big thinker
policy. Only proposals, aphorisms so obvious that one wonders
what's the point. Finally, who knows, without this capitulation
open country, what would have happened in Libya? Very curious, this man
defeated and resigned, to see put in motion and alive, he had always
sustenance, the Great Arab Revolution. That is its revolution
up just leave at one of his son to drive a wedge in
French clubs. His eldest son, the misnamed "Sword of Islam
" well sheathed sword, was tipped to succeed his father,
as Leader of the Revolution, without laugh. Interviewvé by
Jazeera on this issue, he dared to compare the appearance of hereditary governance Libyan
the inheritance of the British monarchy. Except I can not understand
, damn, how it can be revolutionary guide from father to son ...
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Days terrible Libya
(dialogue between torrential and a crescent moon, Part IV, column 14)
Posted by Crescent Moon, February 21, 2011 at 11:58 p.m.
Oh, my Torrential!
This incredible events that occur in the vast Libya, a land of Islam and Arabism. Then, appears to us, the true face of narcissistic autocrat who bullies this great nation for decades! Yesterday, his son and heir apparent of the revolutionary as a guide, the misnamed "Sword of Islam" gave a speech filled with menace, as the roar of a wounded tiger! Since about every repressive means land, or were disposed of, or most often, the forces turned and joined the people, notwithstanding the mercenaries Africans Libyans and Italians, the tyrant's heart was hard and bloody enough for air forces to act! As people converged from everywhere, to the capital Tripoli, so that his voice sounds strong, aircraft are swung into action. Despite the blockade on information, and interference or interruption of communications or wireless, the combatant Jazeera has managed to get scary images of massacres and carnage! I was alone at the computer, and can not make me an idea. But the images had to be appalling, as the presenter before the show again recommended spectators to keep children away! Such actions make us recollect the martyrdom of the people of Gaza resistant. The use of aerial bombardment against the free expression of the will of a people, would appear there, unparalleled! The sheik Youcef El-Carathaoui, commenting on these atrocities, went so far as it would look just right and that an officer or soldier, who would have the means to aproach the barbarian, execute and issue without waiting for humanity!
Now who can aproach? Who guards the tyrant and his family? Committing these horrors? Bchara Hazmi, whose tests are not too borrowed the emotional element, says that in his opinion, no Libyan and even no Arab could commit such atrocities. I tend to believe, by measuring on me. It is slanderous, the reputation of toughness that we have made enemies, hypocrites, and that in our weakness, we would end by making our own. No, like Arabic Arabic, however slightly, the Muslim loves the Muslim, however little it is, few men will hate as to commit these abominations! The use of mercenaries, probably. It APREN tonight that two Libyans pilots, were rescued avedc their devices, have landed on the island of Malta, claiming asylum. Africans, then the Italians, but which ones? A caller Ben-Gazza, who says former soldier, said he saw 16 Ghosts Israïliens who participated in the bombing! He also argues that mercenaries Africans in question would be Fallashas. Jazeera said the caution that it is impossible in the present state of things, to verify the authenticity of this information. However, it does not seem invraissemblable our tyrants, at least some, are protected and allies of the enemy! Specifically, this one, since the surrender in 2002 he did, how could it best be protected, in marrying his country's enemy in a disgusting union! Speculation on my part, I am afraid of being right. No surprise, if j'aprenais the days and months ahead, only on payment of tribute, the criminal living under the protection of the enemy. It must be somewhere qu'aille, treasures Libyans, profits and tax revenues oil amounted to 35 billion per year Dolard! The Libyan did not enjoy, which will therefore its treasures?
Anyway, God Almighty, do not fail to win the just, whatever their enemies! So Qu'advienne mutinies, or the tyrant himself gives what he deserves. Hopeless, the nation could remain free to act and intervene. If the enemy is demonstrated meddling, Libya, would be a danger to us all, until they are hunted, and that the Arab is free and justified. God is great.
Crescent Moon afflicted
(dialogue between torrential and a crescent moon, Part IV, column 14)
Posted by Crescent Moon, February 21, 2011 at 11:58 p.m.
Oh, my Torrential!
This incredible events that occur in the vast Libya, a land of Islam and Arabism. Then, appears to us, the true face of narcissistic autocrat who bullies this great nation for decades! Yesterday, his son and heir apparent of the revolutionary as a guide, the misnamed "Sword of Islam" gave a speech filled with menace, as the roar of a wounded tiger! Since about every repressive means land, or were disposed of, or most often, the forces turned and joined the people, notwithstanding the mercenaries Africans Libyans and Italians, the tyrant's heart was hard and bloody enough for air forces to act! As people converged from everywhere, to the capital Tripoli, so that his voice sounds strong, aircraft are swung into action. Despite the blockade on information, and interference or interruption of communications or wireless, the combatant Jazeera has managed to get scary images of massacres and carnage! I was alone at the computer, and can not make me an idea. But the images had to be appalling, as the presenter before the show again recommended spectators to keep children away! Such actions make us recollect the martyrdom of the people of Gaza resistant. The use of aerial bombardment against the free expression of the will of a people, would appear there, unparalleled! The sheik Youcef El-Carathaoui, commenting on these atrocities, went so far as it would look just right and that an officer or soldier, who would have the means to aproach the barbarian, execute and issue without waiting for humanity!
Now who can aproach? Who guards the tyrant and his family? Committing these horrors? Bchara Hazmi, whose tests are not too borrowed the emotional element, says that in his opinion, no Libyan and even no Arab could commit such atrocities. I tend to believe, by measuring on me. It is slanderous, the reputation of toughness that we have made enemies, hypocrites, and that in our weakness, we would end by making our own. No, like Arabic Arabic, however slightly, the Muslim loves the Muslim, however little it is, few men will hate as to commit these abominations! The use of mercenaries, probably. It APREN tonight that two Libyans pilots, were rescued avedc their devices, have landed on the island of Malta, claiming asylum. Africans, then the Italians, but which ones? A caller Ben-Gazza, who says former soldier, said he saw 16 Ghosts Israïliens who participated in the bombing! He also argues that mercenaries Africans in question would be Fallashas. Jazeera said the caution that it is impossible in the present state of things, to verify the authenticity of this information. However, it does not seem invraissemblable our tyrants, at least some, are protected and allies of the enemy! Specifically, this one, since the surrender in 2002 he did, how could it best be protected, in marrying his country's enemy in a disgusting union! Speculation on my part, I am afraid of being right. No surprise, if j'aprenais the days and months ahead, only on payment of tribute, the criminal living under the protection of the enemy. It must be somewhere qu'aille, treasures Libyans, profits and tax revenues oil amounted to 35 billion per year Dolard! The Libyan did not enjoy, which will therefore its treasures?
Anyway, God Almighty, do not fail to win the just, whatever their enemies! So Qu'advienne mutinies, or the tyrant himself gives what he deserves. Hopeless, the nation could remain free to act and intervene. If the enemy is demonstrated meddling, Libya, would be a danger to us all, until they are hunted, and that the Arab is free and justified. God is great.
Crescent Moon afflicted
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Response to Egyptian chronicles
(From torrential crescent moon, hermeneutics 9)
Posted by Torrential, February 28 at 4:12 p.m.
Dear crescent moon,
I am trying to publish your messages, deciphering and chronic, and I do not know how I am missed the February 20, yet I'm sure I read the beginning, but as you would put it in question with great vehemence Patriarch Shenouda III which I am attached because he is my co-religionists and for love my friends Copts, I ought not to read longer. I'll meet you there briefly to what I want to major points. Prior
with some answers that will follow, convey to your wife and daughter congratulations for the birth of twins, which you find yourself being the grandfather by marriage. I congratulate you also bear responsibility in your womb paternal alliance.
But back to our businesses more traditionally politico. First, you do prior
cowardice of some scientists who provide it should not "come out against the kings of the time," and you add that the attitude of the patriarch resembles that of these scholars. It should answer you that this attitude is founded in Christianity on a verse from St. Paul, wishing that he be sued in his capacity as a Roman citizen, urged the faithful to "respect the authority of the state" because "all power comes from God," said another verse: "You would not on me power if you had not received from on high, "says Christ to Pilate. The latter specification allows to overcome the ambiguity is necessarily a power allowed by God, since nothing of what takes place under heaven could not have happened without his permission, which is not necessarily approval. I recognize that this is a distinction well casuistry and that Christianity was able to attract the disapproval of "clear mind" because it manifests From the outset a very special taste for this kind of specious reasoning. This applies even to his condemnation of slavery, never ruled in a form which admits of no discussion. St. Paul is sending Onesimus to Philemon that he's freed by an act of free will. Without doubt, do not it was a tactic of outright condemn slavery while he was one of the constituents of laborers and especially the ancient city of the Roman Empire! Religion should not always seek to join the clever. Especially to join the clever, it is likely that one enters a general spirit of rallying to injustice pretexts that are really only defending its interests. Thus Leo XIII has demanded that Catholic parties align themselves very anticlerical Third Republic for the support it in its determination to recover his papal states. In the case of the "Pope" of the Copts, he appreciated the fact qu'Hosni Mubarak was the husband of one of his followers? He wanted to remain faithful to the teaching of St. Paul in the line of scholars from across Egypt who did not want that one goes against the "kings of the time"? He feared that a regime born of a revolution only weakens the already precarious situation of the faithful under his care? He wanted to preserve more of its private interests? I can not tell you, not knowing these interests. However, it is undeniable that a country fair, free and sovereign can not tolerate the patriarch of a minority religion, even if it is legitimate to seek a certainty that it gets obviously not the state, has a parallel police force. Just as I am about your opinion on the condition that religious authorities should bear in prononciamento electioneering. Although it is sometimes good to know that think what. But those opinions should not argue injunctions. Moreover, the religious authorities immiction in political matters serving the religion. We rightly criticizes the French bishops to hold a discourse whose spiritual content is relatively low, while the bishops of France continue to describe a company, they know that the look through official visits , which resemble those of ministers, churches or factories, or to receive notes they control to sociologists. Our bishops sociologists are unable to produce a spiritual discourse consists, are partly responsible for the bottoming spiritual depression and our European Christian. It is true that spirituality innervates holistic manner as you would with others, without separation dissociative lifetime of an individual. However, the speech of a religious leader should be "spiritual first." The innate religious sense of the faithful no mistake, that have neither followed the scientists as you complained of, and participated in the uprising Egypt to the Copts, to make their bodies a cordon sanitaire for their compatriots in prayer, as we Catholics do not always follow our Pope infallible when he gives the impression of wandering. And we have reason to do so, since one of the first words that said the first pope, St. Peter in this case in his opening speech after Pentecost, was this:
"Should we not obey God rather than men "?
Copts attended the Egyptian revolution. It is this aspect of religious coexistence, which seems more important than watching the anathemas of the learned or the patriarchal conservatism of a religious leader who is also, unfortunately, that of a police, I ask god for forgiveness him if the rumors are confirmed and are based.
Let your invitation to a foray in the political and economic before returning later in the religious sphere is definitely one, possibly by partitioning, but also because I have a faith to move mountains (you must have faith to move mountains and love to comfort and support world), where I feel most comfortable. You say that the "enemy" (for you, it is the Jewish state) would have required that any successor regime to that of Mubarak, it does not matter for Egypt to reconsider its signing of camp david. First I applaud the pragmatics of your proposed "minimalist reading" of the treaty. I am aware that for you, this "reading miniimaliste" is a first step, but any refusal of the "politics of the worst" is an act of goodwill that is, if not prevent a state of war, not to make everyone has rebuilt his forces. By law, I said that I do not see what would prevent a sovereign country to denounce a treaty that is unfair. We could even refine the analysis by saying, for example, if the point of view of French constitutional law, the President of the Republic is the guarantor of the continuity of the state and the observance of treaties, this is only in the case where there is no regime change, the following arrangements are perfectly free to assign other powers to the President of the Republic, even delete this if it seemed more necessary. There is no such character of irreversibility in the Treaties that should result in the sense that compliance with a treaty requires a State to escape its history. What of the Camp David? The fact is that day when I write these lines, it has not been terminated, but it has even been reaffirmed by Marshal Tantawi. Here a question arises: how the treaty was it revealed a reproach to the removal of essential system which Mubarak was the chief representative? It seems that the protesters have placed little emphasis on the importance of the priority or terminate any event. But I'm not hiding that uttering that remark, I am far from being aware of all the slogans that were chanted on Tahrir Square, partly because the game rules of selective information that I receive from France, filtered information. Then, the Camp David agreements are literally a cease-fire. Complicity with a regime favorable to Israel (I use the word "complicity" to adopt your point of view, the time of analysis), agreement to cease-fire will be extended to economic cooperation, this is an avatar of international relations built independently of the will of the people. This cooperation should it continue, should it stop? That both parties, that is to say, ultimately the two peoples, to decide. The answer is not necessarily negative as certainly as can be seen here assume. Yet there are strong presumptions that it be, let us take note, at least it is the long term, if the feeling of blackmail continues to be given to a sovereign people, and trade under supervision, quasi-compulsory, intrusive the sovereignty of either party, here, clearly, Egypt. The important thing is to safeguard the essentials. Now what is the point? In my opinion, three things: the cease-fire, of course, but also the end of the blockade of Gaza and the free movement of any country to which the sovereign state of Egypt will allow it, if possible in all countries, with tariffs that belongs to Egypt to set, the waters of the Suez Canal. So it's rather good news that Iran has regained the right to circulate. It would also be good news if a settlement could be with Israel.
I will develop the same kind of theories about the relative tranquility that is left to Mubarak, a refugee at his residence in Sharm El-Sheikh. Ultimately, I'd like to say that we derive from it to be good looking, tried and sentenced? I know that revolutions do not feel they have made to meet these sorts of vengeance. But these sorts of vengeance are subsequently determined to be the curse of these revolutions. On a different scale is the refund by the European Union of assets it would have unfairly monopolized the property of "Egypt long". This restitution is legal, it does, as they say, a respecter of persons, and this is why we must encourage. On the other hand, She pays a debt real material and quantifiable, not a moral damages, since the end of World War II, it has consistently sought to quantify financially to repair the irreparable. Repair of money obeys moral evil motives have little to do with the injury for which it is proposed to compensate the damage that this, which eventually assimilate into a racket, be made over sixty years by Israel towards Germany or by Algeria to France. Morality, because material is the restitution of Jewish property unjustly captured during the war, but immoral is the compensation by the fact that a state abundant in the feeding financially to enable it to exist and to be frog who wants to become bigger than beef. I carry the same conviction towards Algeria who ever does the balance of benefits and looting made during the colonial period and, not subject to verification, but against any attempt to inventory, requires France on behalf of repentance, it funds for repairs a State which is not even governed by good financial police, as the money he earns is redistributed to a population that is not obliged to have, the only horizon of hope, the desire to leave a country, hers, that is no more hospitable, as is condemned to idleness and sloth, I tell you, but it is also true of Europe, the youth of Egypt "long", which in its traditions to have, since what might be called the dawn of time mankind been able to cultivate his oasis. I do not know whether I want with you to "egypt long" it shows the world that work must be Arabic. I say, without wanting to hurt you, but as that word for the character immemorial egypt, if consensus could be no one tried to confiscate it, I want to "egypt long" that work there again become Coptic Egyptian People, National, meaning not a plebeian, but not reducible to the Islamic dimension of society and nation. Because if you do not want to work again as Arabic, you introduce a selectivity racialist whose duty of every member of the human race that claims to fight against racism, should protect those same human dignity, wherever comes the propensity or claim to domination or example. As a point to anticipate the answer I wanted to let you in my letter which will be shortened by this sentence, which is not a luxury, believe me, "the lights" did not as you say, was only a reaction against the obscurantist Christian. Remember that Voltaire also called one of her highly controversial piece, to the point that some Muslim league wanted to ban it is studied in class and in France, "Mahomed or fanaticism." The Arab racialism is a form of fanaticism, like all claims to the superiority of any model socioreligious whatsoever, including the Christian model, let us agree. Evil spirits have recently argued that Islam was constantly changing between fanaticism and fatalism. Maybe he is trying to show us a third way which is more faithful to what he originally wanted to do and the adventures of a story that forced him to be expelled from the period of the prophet meckoise prevented him from achieving. The West will always be a tendency to fanaticism which he distrusted the desire to pay his misdeeds and corrupt recordings. I'm not saying that the West does not know these desires to do justice to himself, the revolutionary times have sufficiently proved that he was not stingy, and it went up to the terror that was not only a purification aristocratic, but ideological cleansing. At least if you go back to principles, Christianity, challenging the ruling in the life and future by stating that he relies on God for vengeance, to calm the nerves and instincts of vindictive who wish to understand it no retribution acts in this world, quiet there these passions. Or, if he does not calm, at least not encourage them does not it. I hear you answer me by that, by the laws of the contradictory injunction, by suppressing the just revenge, it exacerbates the contrary. There is truth in this paradox that you love to overwhelm me. The man is a paradox and fabric, as I like to say, between heaven and the paradox, there is even family radical. Somehow, it is radical to situate in paradise paradox. Pun? Not only. Nothing is simple. We, in our analysis, trying to reconcile two things: try the ideality of the principle that it actually produces fruit, but also know that it's origin to derive the consequences. In this second fact, an injunction can not love, as a perversion of human nature made by the original precept addressed to him, an injunction degenerate universal love in war. But I'm telling you about universal love, I am not unmindful that, often, I m'envenime, while you're begging me to love you and that to encourage me, you speak of curses. I address thee in return while exhort you not to yield to the spirit of revenge. Paradox!
But I can not let go for example, except to put on the account of a certain fanaticism to me that you disputed the right to mourn the horrific massacre by sticking, here we go again, a Polish priest whose you tell me to expect the survey, why? To find out if he does not deserve his fate? If he did not deserve because he was a pedophile? You suppose pedophile, one thing is certain: he died murdered. Am looking forward to watch and mind your article on the order of universal love that castrates the point of causing an excess of depravity in our Christian morals. If this is about the merits of this future article, I can only approve the substance. But meanwhile, you do not want me m'émeuve facts, against which you propose to me suspicion. I'm émeuve mean that it definitely, for a Christian life of a Christian is more important than another man? Definitely not, Crescent Moon, where do you take it? The Christian is not in his genes indescribable personal election would represent of humanity. For Christians, there is only one representative of humanity who is also "the son of man" (well before it was declared, following pre-Christian Platonic intuitions, the son of God). This single representative of humanity who performs the type of the perfect man, as does to your eyes Mohamed is the Christ. The Christian does not claim to share Christ's messianic perfection. At most it can be configured like Him, to be reflective of the front light, it grows in holiness, to be at the time of death, transfigured in Him to participate in its deification. Him be configured verbally, but also Christ, praying for you if you do not recognize, so that the face of God you revere is the one by which you're saved! There is no representation that plays there! So why dwell on the Christians persecuted? Firstly because they are numerous. Whatever glory facing Turkey, the Patriarchate of Constantinople, yet older than the Ottoman Empire, continues to be confined and to deal with harassment that does not allow the full development of an ancient religion , a criterion that is dear to you and that you can not oppose the unbearable new exogenous Pentecostal evangelism and Yankee. The Muslim renounced to become a Christian, what treatment fanatics inflict your religion they? But I stop is my mantra. The second reason that makes me interested to persecuted Christians is simply natural that they are my co-religionists. The third reason, quite personally, makes me answer you on this in the case of the Polish priest is that I always felt ill at ease with the fact that we surrenchère of persecution Christian as a "primer", according to thy word I find quite happy if I may say in who is so little, I do not know what conversion doleful. I am not of those who love the daily shelling martyrs of yesterday and today because I think there is a reflex unhealthy. However, insofar as I am engaged with you on the path of this dialogue up in the main house on a public blog, I would not want to be the host of one of our persecutors, if is active, at least some kind of apology or understanding of the motives of those who engage in these abuses. This, in the name of honor that I owe to my Christian brothers and not the higher value would have their Life swath compared to that of any man who dies, I'm, if I go to open your analysis to the point of hosting public under the responsibility of my name that I must terminate it.
A final word that is more consensual and for Jean-Paul Delevoye. I myself heard a week ago on "France cuulture," and I heard a man with an accent evident sincerity that his duties as mediator of the Republic have changed. And say that this man has experienced the first term of an ordinary politician, contesting the chairmanship of the RPR, which was refused to be assigned, it can not be invented, Michele Alliot-Marie, on the pretext that Jean-Paul Delevoye appeared flat. It was true then. It is not so, obviously. Mediation has made him insecure measure that our society faces. Precariousness destitute even of language, a precarious almost mute, which means that this man has learned to be silent than to speak as much, I like your expression, which joined a prayer of Cardinal Verdier Spirit St., where he asks Him to inspire him what to say, how he should say and what he should shut up. Jean-Paul Delevoye thinks he in the shoes of a president? I think he has ignored Every career. And yet, you're right, it is likely that we will bring about and prayed for it is envy, unless Dominique de Villepin did show some consistency with it is really back to himself. Here he vertebra his political agenda, not only an understanding of what is happening in the Arab world he knows, even if only through the front door of poetry, not the least noble, but a proposal to establish a minimum income substantial social, him, man of the CPE, just in establishing it as it is in that it suggests this universal income . Let us not forget however, that is also the man of the "state of emergency," lorsqu'éclatèrent riots in the suburbs! What did he need to look for this symbol? According to a bundle of corroborating rumors (rumors are all false rumors to be), it is also the man a sovereign contempt, feet on the table, treats all its employees and those that he observes waving of "bastards" who have no "balls". Franz-Olivier Giesberg, relayed by Didier door that I like, adding that he also was the author of this memorable sentence:
"France wants it takes it, it itches in the basin.
It would be that, Gaullism, and it may be that, the future President of France? So Villepin Delevoye? God does not put us in the state having to vote for anyone! You tell me that I make a negative prayer. That God creates a man! Or that our thought is strengthened to the point of lead or, not afraid to be megalomaniacs, to become! Your
torrential praying with you and for France to become a man
(From torrential crescent moon, hermeneutics 9)
Posted by Torrential, February 28 at 4:12 p.m.
Dear crescent moon,
I am trying to publish your messages, deciphering and chronic, and I do not know how I am missed the February 20, yet I'm sure I read the beginning, but as you would put it in question with great vehemence Patriarch Shenouda III which I am attached because he is my co-religionists and for love my friends Copts, I ought not to read longer. I'll meet you there briefly to what I want to major points. Prior
with some answers that will follow, convey to your wife and daughter congratulations for the birth of twins, which you find yourself being the grandfather by marriage. I congratulate you also bear responsibility in your womb paternal alliance.
But back to our businesses more traditionally politico. First, you do prior
cowardice of some scientists who provide it should not "come out against the kings of the time," and you add that the attitude of the patriarch resembles that of these scholars. It should answer you that this attitude is founded in Christianity on a verse from St. Paul, wishing that he be sued in his capacity as a Roman citizen, urged the faithful to "respect the authority of the state" because "all power comes from God," said another verse: "You would not on me power if you had not received from on high, "says Christ to Pilate. The latter specification allows to overcome the ambiguity is necessarily a power allowed by God, since nothing of what takes place under heaven could not have happened without his permission, which is not necessarily approval. I recognize that this is a distinction well casuistry and that Christianity was able to attract the disapproval of "clear mind" because it manifests From the outset a very special taste for this kind of specious reasoning. This applies even to his condemnation of slavery, never ruled in a form which admits of no discussion. St. Paul is sending Onesimus to Philemon that he's freed by an act of free will. Without doubt, do not it was a tactic of outright condemn slavery while he was one of the constituents of laborers and especially the ancient city of the Roman Empire! Religion should not always seek to join the clever. Especially to join the clever, it is likely that one enters a general spirit of rallying to injustice pretexts that are really only defending its interests. Thus Leo XIII has demanded that Catholic parties align themselves very anticlerical Third Republic for the support it in its determination to recover his papal states. In the case of the "Pope" of the Copts, he appreciated the fact qu'Hosni Mubarak was the husband of one of his followers? He wanted to remain faithful to the teaching of St. Paul in the line of scholars from across Egypt who did not want that one goes against the "kings of the time"? He feared that a regime born of a revolution only weakens the already precarious situation of the faithful under his care? He wanted to preserve more of its private interests? I can not tell you, not knowing these interests. However, it is undeniable that a country fair, free and sovereign can not tolerate the patriarch of a minority religion, even if it is legitimate to seek a certainty that it gets obviously not the state, has a parallel police force. Just as I am about your opinion on the condition that religious authorities should bear in prononciamento electioneering. Although it is sometimes good to know that think what. But those opinions should not argue injunctions. Moreover, the religious authorities immiction in political matters serving the religion. We rightly criticizes the French bishops to hold a discourse whose spiritual content is relatively low, while the bishops of France continue to describe a company, they know that the look through official visits , which resemble those of ministers, churches or factories, or to receive notes they control to sociologists. Our bishops sociologists are unable to produce a spiritual discourse consists, are partly responsible for the bottoming spiritual depression and our European Christian. It is true that spirituality innervates holistic manner as you would with others, without separation dissociative lifetime of an individual. However, the speech of a religious leader should be "spiritual first." The innate religious sense of the faithful no mistake, that have neither followed the scientists as you complained of, and participated in the uprising Egypt to the Copts, to make their bodies a cordon sanitaire for their compatriots in prayer, as we Catholics do not always follow our Pope infallible when he gives the impression of wandering. And we have reason to do so, since one of the first words that said the first pope, St. Peter in this case in his opening speech after Pentecost, was this:
"Should we not obey God rather than men "?
Copts attended the Egyptian revolution. It is this aspect of religious coexistence, which seems more important than watching the anathemas of the learned or the patriarchal conservatism of a religious leader who is also, unfortunately, that of a police, I ask god for forgiveness him if the rumors are confirmed and are based.
Let your invitation to a foray in the political and economic before returning later in the religious sphere is definitely one, possibly by partitioning, but also because I have a faith to move mountains (you must have faith to move mountains and love to comfort and support world), where I feel most comfortable. You say that the "enemy" (for you, it is the Jewish state) would have required that any successor regime to that of Mubarak, it does not matter for Egypt to reconsider its signing of camp david. First I applaud the pragmatics of your proposed "minimalist reading" of the treaty. I am aware that for you, this "reading miniimaliste" is a first step, but any refusal of the "politics of the worst" is an act of goodwill that is, if not prevent a state of war, not to make everyone has rebuilt his forces. By law, I said that I do not see what would prevent a sovereign country to denounce a treaty that is unfair. We could even refine the analysis by saying, for example, if the point of view of French constitutional law, the President of the Republic is the guarantor of the continuity of the state and the observance of treaties, this is only in the case where there is no regime change, the following arrangements are perfectly free to assign other powers to the President of the Republic, even delete this if it seemed more necessary. There is no such character of irreversibility in the Treaties that should result in the sense that compliance with a treaty requires a State to escape its history. What of the Camp David? The fact is that day when I write these lines, it has not been terminated, but it has even been reaffirmed by Marshal Tantawi. Here a question arises: how the treaty was it revealed a reproach to the removal of essential system which Mubarak was the chief representative? It seems that the protesters have placed little emphasis on the importance of the priority or terminate any event. But I'm not hiding that uttering that remark, I am far from being aware of all the slogans that were chanted on Tahrir Square, partly because the game rules of selective information that I receive from France, filtered information. Then, the Camp David agreements are literally a cease-fire. Complicity with a regime favorable to Israel (I use the word "complicity" to adopt your point of view, the time of analysis), agreement to cease-fire will be extended to economic cooperation, this is an avatar of international relations built independently of the will of the people. This cooperation should it continue, should it stop? That both parties, that is to say, ultimately the two peoples, to decide. The answer is not necessarily negative as certainly as can be seen here assume. Yet there are strong presumptions that it be, let us take note, at least it is the long term, if the feeling of blackmail continues to be given to a sovereign people, and trade under supervision, quasi-compulsory, intrusive the sovereignty of either party, here, clearly, Egypt. The important thing is to safeguard the essentials. Now what is the point? In my opinion, three things: the cease-fire, of course, but also the end of the blockade of Gaza and the free movement of any country to which the sovereign state of Egypt will allow it, if possible in all countries, with tariffs that belongs to Egypt to set, the waters of the Suez Canal. So it's rather good news that Iran has regained the right to circulate. It would also be good news if a settlement could be with Israel.
I will develop the same kind of theories about the relative tranquility that is left to Mubarak, a refugee at his residence in Sharm El-Sheikh. Ultimately, I'd like to say that we derive from it to be good looking, tried and sentenced? I know that revolutions do not feel they have made to meet these sorts of vengeance. But these sorts of vengeance are subsequently determined to be the curse of these revolutions. On a different scale is the refund by the European Union of assets it would have unfairly monopolized the property of "Egypt long". This restitution is legal, it does, as they say, a respecter of persons, and this is why we must encourage. On the other hand, She pays a debt real material and quantifiable, not a moral damages, since the end of World War II, it has consistently sought to quantify financially to repair the irreparable. Repair of money obeys moral evil motives have little to do with the injury for which it is proposed to compensate the damage that this, which eventually assimilate into a racket, be made over sixty years by Israel towards Germany or by Algeria to France. Morality, because material is the restitution of Jewish property unjustly captured during the war, but immoral is the compensation by the fact that a state abundant in the feeding financially to enable it to exist and to be frog who wants to become bigger than beef. I carry the same conviction towards Algeria who ever does the balance of benefits and looting made during the colonial period and, not subject to verification, but against any attempt to inventory, requires France on behalf of repentance, it funds for repairs a State which is not even governed by good financial police, as the money he earns is redistributed to a population that is not obliged to have, the only horizon of hope, the desire to leave a country, hers, that is no more hospitable, as is condemned to idleness and sloth, I tell you, but it is also true of Europe, the youth of Egypt "long", which in its traditions to have, since what might be called the dawn of time mankind been able to cultivate his oasis. I do not know whether I want with you to "egypt long" it shows the world that work must be Arabic. I say, without wanting to hurt you, but as that word for the character immemorial egypt, if consensus could be no one tried to confiscate it, I want to "egypt long" that work there again become Coptic Egyptian People, National, meaning not a plebeian, but not reducible to the Islamic dimension of society and nation. Because if you do not want to work again as Arabic, you introduce a selectivity racialist whose duty of every member of the human race that claims to fight against racism, should protect those same human dignity, wherever comes the propensity or claim to domination or example. As a point to anticipate the answer I wanted to let you in my letter which will be shortened by this sentence, which is not a luxury, believe me, "the lights" did not as you say, was only a reaction against the obscurantist Christian. Remember that Voltaire also called one of her highly controversial piece, to the point that some Muslim league wanted to ban it is studied in class and in France, "Mahomed or fanaticism." The Arab racialism is a form of fanaticism, like all claims to the superiority of any model socioreligious whatsoever, including the Christian model, let us agree. Evil spirits have recently argued that Islam was constantly changing between fanaticism and fatalism. Maybe he is trying to show us a third way which is more faithful to what he originally wanted to do and the adventures of a story that forced him to be expelled from the period of the prophet meckoise prevented him from achieving. The West will always be a tendency to fanaticism which he distrusted the desire to pay his misdeeds and corrupt recordings. I'm not saying that the West does not know these desires to do justice to himself, the revolutionary times have sufficiently proved that he was not stingy, and it went up to the terror that was not only a purification aristocratic, but ideological cleansing. At least if you go back to principles, Christianity, challenging the ruling in the life and future by stating that he relies on God for vengeance, to calm the nerves and instincts of vindictive who wish to understand it no retribution acts in this world, quiet there these passions. Or, if he does not calm, at least not encourage them does not it. I hear you answer me by that, by the laws of the contradictory injunction, by suppressing the just revenge, it exacerbates the contrary. There is truth in this paradox that you love to overwhelm me. The man is a paradox and fabric, as I like to say, between heaven and the paradox, there is even family radical. Somehow, it is radical to situate in paradise paradox. Pun? Not only. Nothing is simple. We, in our analysis, trying to reconcile two things: try the ideality of the principle that it actually produces fruit, but also know that it's origin to derive the consequences. In this second fact, an injunction can not love, as a perversion of human nature made by the original precept addressed to him, an injunction degenerate universal love in war. But I'm telling you about universal love, I am not unmindful that, often, I m'envenime, while you're begging me to love you and that to encourage me, you speak of curses. I address thee in return while exhort you not to yield to the spirit of revenge. Paradox!
But I can not let go for example, except to put on the account of a certain fanaticism to me that you disputed the right to mourn the horrific massacre by sticking, here we go again, a Polish priest whose you tell me to expect the survey, why? To find out if he does not deserve his fate? If he did not deserve because he was a pedophile? You suppose pedophile, one thing is certain: he died murdered. Am looking forward to watch and mind your article on the order of universal love that castrates the point of causing an excess of depravity in our Christian morals. If this is about the merits of this future article, I can only approve the substance. But meanwhile, you do not want me m'émeuve facts, against which you propose to me suspicion. I'm émeuve mean that it definitely, for a Christian life of a Christian is more important than another man? Definitely not, Crescent Moon, where do you take it? The Christian is not in his genes indescribable personal election would represent of humanity. For Christians, there is only one representative of humanity who is also "the son of man" (well before it was declared, following pre-Christian Platonic intuitions, the son of God). This single representative of humanity who performs the type of the perfect man, as does to your eyes Mohamed is the Christ. The Christian does not claim to share Christ's messianic perfection. At most it can be configured like Him, to be reflective of the front light, it grows in holiness, to be at the time of death, transfigured in Him to participate in its deification. Him be configured verbally, but also Christ, praying for you if you do not recognize, so that the face of God you revere is the one by which you're saved! There is no representation that plays there! So why dwell on the Christians persecuted? Firstly because they are numerous. Whatever glory facing Turkey, the Patriarchate of Constantinople, yet older than the Ottoman Empire, continues to be confined and to deal with harassment that does not allow the full development of an ancient religion , a criterion that is dear to you and that you can not oppose the unbearable new exogenous Pentecostal evangelism and Yankee. The Muslim renounced to become a Christian, what treatment fanatics inflict your religion they? But I stop is my mantra. The second reason that makes me interested to persecuted Christians is simply natural that they are my co-religionists. The third reason, quite personally, makes me answer you on this in the case of the Polish priest is that I always felt ill at ease with the fact that we surrenchère of persecution Christian as a "primer", according to thy word I find quite happy if I may say in who is so little, I do not know what conversion doleful. I am not of those who love the daily shelling martyrs of yesterday and today because I think there is a reflex unhealthy. However, insofar as I am engaged with you on the path of this dialogue up in the main house on a public blog, I would not want to be the host of one of our persecutors, if is active, at least some kind of apology or understanding of the motives of those who engage in these abuses. This, in the name of honor that I owe to my Christian brothers and not the higher value would have their Life swath compared to that of any man who dies, I'm, if I go to open your analysis to the point of hosting public under the responsibility of my name that I must terminate it.
A final word that is more consensual and for Jean-Paul Delevoye. I myself heard a week ago on "France cuulture," and I heard a man with an accent evident sincerity that his duties as mediator of the Republic have changed. And say that this man has experienced the first term of an ordinary politician, contesting the chairmanship of the RPR, which was refused to be assigned, it can not be invented, Michele Alliot-Marie, on the pretext that Jean-Paul Delevoye appeared flat. It was true then. It is not so, obviously. Mediation has made him insecure measure that our society faces. Precariousness destitute even of language, a precarious almost mute, which means that this man has learned to be silent than to speak as much, I like your expression, which joined a prayer of Cardinal Verdier Spirit St., where he asks Him to inspire him what to say, how he should say and what he should shut up. Jean-Paul Delevoye thinks he in the shoes of a president? I think he has ignored Every career. And yet, you're right, it is likely that we will bring about and prayed for it is envy, unless Dominique de Villepin did show some consistency with it is really back to himself. Here he vertebra his political agenda, not only an understanding of what is happening in the Arab world he knows, even if only through the front door of poetry, not the least noble, but a proposal to establish a minimum income substantial social, him, man of the CPE, just in establishing it as it is in that it suggests this universal income . Let us not forget however, that is also the man of the "state of emergency," lorsqu'éclatèrent riots in the suburbs! What did he need to look for this symbol? According to a bundle of corroborating rumors (rumors are all false rumors to be), it is also the man a sovereign contempt, feet on the table, treats all its employees and those that he observes waving of "bastards" who have no "balls". Franz-Olivier Giesberg, relayed by Didier door that I like, adding that he also was the author of this memorable sentence:
"France wants it takes it, it itches in the basin.
It would be that, Gaullism, and it may be that, the future President of France? So Villepin Delevoye? God does not put us in the state having to vote for anyone! You tell me that I make a negative prayer. That God creates a man! Or that our thought is strengthened to the point of lead or, not afraid to be megalomaniacs, to become! Your
torrential praying with you and for France to become a man
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