The gesture kadhafienne
(Continued dialogue between torrential and a crescent moon, Part IV, hermeneutics 13, codécryptage)
1. The torrential Crescent Moon, sent February 27, 2011 at 8:52
I think that what Gaddafi loses, it's not direct democracy, but democracy pyramid. He died of "armed people" you say. And yet he was not afraid to arm the people. One of its original grandeur and has been having no official position. One of his mistakes have been surfing between causes Augris the aura of his oratory. Colonel Gaddafi is likely to be lost in words. One point that upsets me is that we surrenchérisse on character to ever more corrupt regime overthrown. This does not seem likely. The real reason for the overthrow of Arab regimes is not so much corruption among its leaders that the vice within these plans. Not as flawed as the other was that of the Libyan torturer if, of course, he had trivialized Torture and without Makiavel which would raise double life of the plan and character. Not as flawed as the others because it emanates from a personal gesture, like Saddam Hussein. Westerners, even if they are shown later to denounce the repression Jamahiriya, never saw Gaddafi in painting, because they hate the actions turned into personal sighting shots policies, the last form, whatever that we may say, and for better or for worse, heroism, or even prophetic politics. But the persistence of prophecy, it would, in the eyes of our society traumatized by two world wars, the persistence of the "darkest hour". However, without a minimum of prophecy, there can be no politics. The Libyans have reversed a prophet, it will force them to offer a true alternative to the deposed regime. Tunisians and Egyptians were faced with nothing less than the prophets, that's what makes you not sure what the people's victory will be spent. Rebuilding is a long process. That God does not abandon them in midstream!
2. Crescent moon on torrential posted February 27 at 11:24 p.m.
Goodnight, Torrential,
Like you, I am moved and shared to the fate of Colonel. How I would rather he had talked less and acted more, he did as he said and he said what he was doing! In his case, very particular, it refers to "ideological dictatorship." This man says himself a prophet, one poet says, he likes the idea of excess and speech, without being for this, a magnificent orator. Believe me, he masters the evil speaking, but he wants you to listen! What is happening is very sad indeed.
personal gesture, everyone is a judge. Not worth comparing, but it does not take much, that his life and his experience in équivalussent that of Imam Khomeini, Nasser and King Ibn Saud. This great king, when he died, his remains were recorded on thirty-eight scars and traces of wounds received in battle! Jamel Abd-El-Nasser, the largest of our Rais, did not participate himself, and personally, to reconnaissance operations, in 69, behind the demarcation of Sinai behind enemy lines. His defense minister dies martyrdom that year, in such operation. Nothing certifies that our colonel had never fought or lived no danger! I do not know even if the 300 French Mirage, purchased at great expense, served October 73, or if they have remained wisely in the sheds, as alleged. There is much to say about the glories of this or that, I will not dwell on it.
However, I concede that the story of Colonel has something for moving. If I understand correctly, he was born and raised in poverty in a Bedouin family, it is therefore of Arabism deepest in its origins. For these people, the only way, about the only means of promotion, was in a military career. The Bedouins are good soldiers everywhere, this career is well suited to their skills physical strength. He had many undergoing any sarcasm, the Bedouin is often mocked! They make fun of the Bedouin, as far as the exhales. However, the Bedouin is Arabity same, so that the Arabic word, may well seek instead the word Bedouin. This was the sulfur point, it was imposed everywhere, sleeping in tents, driven by a painful need of affirmation. La douce France was not good enough for him to spare her taunts during his last visit. Without doubt, his enthusiasm and held for Nasser and his revolution-based Pan Arab, he said son of the great spiritual rais. In 67, the Colonel's death was present in the soul in Egyptian disaster. Being affected, with other officers in the vicinity of the base American Walis, we took them away from there during operations. But they knew that Jews volunteer pilots were trained on this basis and have ridden Americans devices, participating in mass bombings on Egypt and treacherous. It was bitter humiliation, but they knew, on the impetus given notice of Gaddafi prepare night coup, following the model of the Egyptian Free Officers. Is that this time he was wise enough to properly hold his tongue. No one knew absolutely nothing about the case until its completion, September 1, 1969. It was like a miracle unexpected! Nasser was greatly embarrassed, not knowing what to make of these adventurers. It was believed that Anglo-Saxon response overwhelming, would not be long in coming. Nasser had enough well-timed, to intercede with the king Hidri who was visiting Istanbul, offered him asylum and a residence in Alexandria. King, a patriot, nevertheless, did what he could, to spare his people the danger of invasion. He resigned and abdicated, recognized the new government, declared he would no meddling, and thereby removed any legal pretext for Anglo-Saxons. They could go on, but because of unpreparedness in the Mediterranean, other care occupying the same time, the time passed, they gave up. Historians agree on this incredible opportunity, which really kept that little! It was like a miracle, and the Arab purports to qualify, so we eûmes. The government of the Free Officers Libyans, won, somehow, departure and alienation of the powerful Anglo-American base, they had all the wide Libya, free, without any foreign presence, with free resources faussiles considerable! The believer, how would he not do any favor?
What happens next? Probably, the intoxication of success! Just think, the son of a tent Bedouin file a monarch, chasing occupants, distribute to the people poor, a substantial part of oil revenues. He must think himself blessed, and he turned evil! Our Prophet Mohamed, a year of plenty, told the people of Medina, "Harden up, harden up, although perhaps not last!" God is testing us both by the success and failure, victory or defeat. However, Gaddafi did not know, like many others, be humble in success! He tried many things, he just succeeds. He kept his mind to rule over his people, get drunk and ACLAM, hear themselves talk. The Green Paper was an obligation, it took stuff it! Too often, he appeared on the screen, we did not dare to remonstrate with his omni-presence. He was lost in words, speeches rivers, very badly sewn, long talks, sometimes with a few good words echoed by flatterers. Propaganda, the cult of personality, they imposed on people presumed to be free! An incredible brouillonnerie, very natural, the carelessness of those who still believe to be right! His actions on the world revolution, were more disruptive than anything else. Was there malice on his part? Some suppose. If we compare his action with that of Nasser's Egypt, or the experience of the Islamic Republic was the unpleasant impression of a rough laborer who never finishes any job! Ultimately, countries that would not merge with it, must have their reasons! Damage.
Whether the plot, in all these cases, there is always, but I remain skeptical. Basically, it is true that all humanity and not America, is the benefit to the recovery of my nation, if God allows it accomplished. When there was the financial crash in 2008, Max Gallo said in essence that comment, "There is no adjustment variable, not a continent to conquer." I said then, that the economic heart, the variable adjustment is the recovery of our people, the proper use of our assets and resources, at least for Europe next! That seems fundamentally true, notament for France, the best of scripture, the Nation has always been that we wanted to partner. Libyan Colonel was well fed this ambition, but he ruins everything he had, by his request incongruous mass converting. That error did not he do! In that time, the French friendship was almost won! Now, what do such great things, God willing, time will sound choices for France and Europe. I'm only half happy, your president, we place a minister I do not like. I preferred Vilpaint, well, the other is not very friendly! He however confirmed the great miracle, that is, not just the awakening of our peoples, but the remoteness of the unmanageable.
I do not think the article sent by your friend. See that now, three neighboring countries and complementary, which are being released. Surprisingly, this is consistent with U.S. interests! How to trigger such operations, when we are sure of not being able to contain and control them? Rather, I believe in my case, which included a greater vulnerability enemy military, and a decreased ability to ingest West, a thirst for power and Arab sovereignty, supported by the first renewal of the spirit, the spirit of holy war, heroism popular, peaceful or armed! There Jazeera that has unified our minds, there is that we have fallen so low, we were trampled as the vile dust, there is considerable looting and ineptitude that has grown in recent years, there are unjust wars, cartoons, minarets and other slaps and humiliation. Yes, we have accumulated too much harm and damage to the point that enough had become shameful! Such was the interest the enemy. However, examples of resistance, step by step, we made courage. It took the flame of Sidi Bouzid, so we marveled rediscovers the spirit of struggle, heroism that we thought lost. All our values and principles were stigmatized and devalued, we ourselves had begun to believe the calumnies of our enemies toxic. When the Ottoman front, made his statements Lyonaises it was for me, as if indeed, it trampled a young man praying on his way. Do you understand that? No one rescued us, no doubt worried about us appear too friendly! The friendship, we want the most Fresh nations we must well. I want France loves me and she says and sings. God willing, France will, in its support and advice, guide us on new paths. Although it happens and prosperity, and that his friendship and made him be multiplied.
crescent moon.
3. Torrential of the crescent moon, sent Feb. 28 at 1:08
Just a few words in response to your message, thank you for the first historical insights that you bring to the act of Gaddafi, which I do not know in detail and the second to tell you, moi non plus, on reflection, I do not agree with the article was mailed to me by my friend from Algeria, on the "color revolutions". Because he has more in ideas, as there is, in American plot. Maybe this is there some truth that Americans have armed tactics of the revolutionary book on non-violent revolutions that is mentioned in this article he sent me and that I reproduced on my blog.
My third word is to tell you that I too would have preferred that either Minister Villepin, as he muttered that Sarkozy had been apprehended for this position, false rumor or decline the offer by the firm for convenience and personal concern for his own career. However, what makes the best unfriendly and brittle Alain Juppe was to have been foreign minister. For once, I think placed where it should, since France seems to consider that it can not go without Alain Jupppé be stowed away somewhere.
I also applaud the resignation of Ganouchi: the revolutionaries of the Tunisian train of thought, which was mostly fear was that they did not continue the fight, once Ben Ali ousted. I understand your feeling of trampling a man in prayer with the one you call "the front ottoman" I repeat to you that in my eyes, unlike his father, she sue the real hatred that accompanies the tactic, which makes a kind of tawny very formidable political, but highly cherished in times sly.
I understand your claim to make you love of France, master of arts letters and legislation, as it was sometimes said. This is already done and at the same time meets with resistance, as the Arab man contains within it a mystery which I intend to talk to you in my letter. This mystery is that his love is accompanied by curses, but also that its bursts are unpredictable after too long periods of resignation. It presents to us a curious mixture of piety and strength, qualities that we all sleeping in the sweetness of life that it was an epithet for France. Besides we are not even able to discern that the force can be concentrated in piety, not a mere acquiescence, because faith is a force: it raises the mountains as much as the console and supports the charitable world .
I wish you a good night on the evocation of these two largest of our three theological virtues, the middle one being "the little girl Hope", as called Peguy I imagine that you have read the "Mystery of the porch of Charity of Joan of Arc! Your
Torrential incorrigibly nocturnal
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