Monday, February 28, 2011

Best Drugstore Green Concealer

The Supervisory Committee of the Revolution

is at his initiative that the Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi, who was eleven years collaborator of Ben Ali, has been overthrown and replaced by Beji Caid Essebsi, former companion of Abib Bourguiba old 84, who had retired from politics five years after the inauguration of Ben Ali, that is to say when he was still time, because in the years when one could still hold for Hon serve this plan. There exists a committee to monitor the so called revolution confirms my hunch that it takes "Revolutionary Guards" in this unprecedented uprising of the Arab people in its many states, but especially those revolutionaries Tunisians, who quoiqu'accusés be phlegmatic, have lit the first flame of the idea that the resignation was not a fatality, have a continuity of ideas and do not intend to let them confiscate revolution.

may be surprised that it appealed to a man aged 84, which reminds us of sad memories, but not looking matches where there is no need to find. The positive aspect of the appeal to this personality is that it is better to trust senior politicians, especially if they are deemed liberal and have been able to retire on time, rather than improvised politicians who will not know what to do with the power, once they have been given (see the singer who serves as President of Madagascar in this unfortunate country). Algeria has lost nearly forty-five years have reversed Ben Bella and his "red feet", the French who wanted to help the new Algerian society to organize an administration in favor of "hotheads" who like Boumediene, adventurers murderers Harker, scrubbers, adjusters account, naturally rallied to the Soviet Union, to the point of erasing the Algerian Communist Party in the Comintern, and behaved like " political commissars, "who robbed their country without ever organize any kind.

Ironically, at the time it occurs appointment of Beji Caid Essebsi, Tunisia faces "migration" from Libya, a minority composed of Tunisians returned to their countries, but also of Egyptians who want to escape the violence. These threaten to stifle the flow, and he must find a solution to the curb, or at least do not allow the influx of refugees arrived without emergency facilities were put in place to welcome them at risk cause a "humanitarian catastrophe" if they were not going well.

The risk of "migration" is all that holds the key to President Nicolas Sarkozy of current events. He might claim that it welcomes the "springtime of the Arab people" regretting that dotted all Western governments have actively cooperated in maintaining regimes against which these peoples are being raise "in the name of values that are ours." He justifies this collaboration on behalf of what we considered these regimes as bulwarks against religious extremism and especially this chestnut is terrorism, a scourge of all enemies of the peoples' resistance, this way of waging war by spectacular shots that is an effect of mass media in society, where representation has earned up military field, where the impact of a "coup" is artificially blown out more considered having regard to its reality, but its value representation, terrorism still designating the enemy unseen, unknown, and therefore infinite, vague and we can see where we fight partoutet the track. The invention of the "war against terrorism" by george w. Bush, whom it was fashionable to say that it was not a lightning war, was the invention of the most perverse form of total war that has been current in all ages, as even the Nazis designating their enemies .

is able to perpetuate this "war against terrorism", the sustain and perpetrate the most Western governments supported these regimes in which they saw "bulwarks against this invisible enemy," apologizes dotted Sarkozy, without say that the drop water that broke the camel's back was the tourist trip to a country in revolution by a foreign minister in office. This, even the French, sweet and peaceful people, could no longer bear it, especially as the minister in question liked to present himself as the last of the Gaullists that mattered "Republican right." Gaullist silly, "stupid edema", as called Jean-Francois Propst, who has never been very kind to those he was the adviser. But all that is to say President Sarkozy is he wants to "protect the French" and what, please? Migration that could be the consequence of these revolutions, migration flows are the consequence, first time, violence in Libya. That we should encourage people, if not of foreign origin in Libya, not to emigrate when the country undergoes a reconstruction phase, either: this is what the patriotism. But for now, all countries steeped in humanism have a duty to grant "asylum" policy, even temporarily, for those fleeing the violence that makes them fear for the lives of their people. The climate in Libya is so harmful that amalgam is made between the mercenaries from black Africa that recruited Gaddafi and migrant workers from the same origin, who have no immediate solution but to hole up, because a slogan circulates among the insurgents, kill all the blacks. Sarkozy, pretending to be happy about the Arab revolution, understood nothing, because all he sees is the immediate risk of migration flows, risk is never treated with a long-term political vision which expressed at this moment in history, along with the rejection of multiculturalism, he and two other leaders of major European countries, Germany and Italy, which was rejected until now the monopoly of the nationalist parties that at least have the merit of being consistent with themselves, sends a disastrous message of latent hostility and distrust towards non-Arab populations contradicted that only have suffered too much mistrust that has taken the name of "everyday racism ". Sarkozy did not understand the Arab revolution. He excuses, in many ways, it has a novelty.


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