Monday, February 28, 2011

Myth Fork On The Floor

Should we go out against the kings of the time?

(Continued dialogue between Miss torrential and the Crescent Moon, Part IV? Chronic 13)

Posted by Crescent Moon, February 20 2011 at 17h27

Torrential Hello. We

Sunday, February 13.

It pleased me to hear the sheik El Carathaoui, learned scholars, guide the Nation, Load fake scientists, ignorant hirelings, who made fraud and package awards deplorable, given to young Egyptian, who stood for justice and freedom. They were blamed, and made anathematized heretics and rebels. Such dogs lamentable, have split considerations that should not be out against the king of the time, even if we whipped your back and we will capture and steal your property! Some backs are better than others to flog. God grant one day, justice reaches these impostors and frauds!

One thing caught my attention, and saddened me. The sheikh answered many questions related to major events in Egypt long. On the Copts, he welcomed a small contribution, notwithstanding the defense of the patriarch Chnouda Baba. This patriarch, seems really associated with the former regime, since he very deliberately asked his followers to bear sufrages electoral benefit of the intended application of James Mubarak. No way! In fact, it's more complicated than that. The patriarch was for the regime against any change. When came the events, he defended the Copts to participate. It was not completely followed, and the days passed, their participation has become stronger, so that greeted the procession of priests from outside churches. When the question on the Jazeera, the patriarch of this defense, there were Copts who indulged in obscure and specious reasoning, arguing that will not properly interpreted or understood the wishes of the patriarch. We caution the unpleasant impression of a church truly ally of the former regime, quite clever and covert, to play it both ways! Jazeera was the courtesy, in a spirit of concord, to underline the participation of exaggerating the Christian right, it is breathtaking. There was no Egyptian Muslim scholars who spoke against the motion. APPROVED some have, and have shown some great days on the spot, others have kept a prudent silence. These are scholars from Egypt, who have scrapped miserably against the movement, but without success! And at the same time, the patriarch was clearly hostile, with success, alas! Under these conditions, a church partisan and biased, why doubt a priori the truth of the rumors about the existence factional militias? Inter-community problems, in Egypt, seem to have increased since the arrival of the patriarch in 2002. If it leads to genuine democracy and multi-party, we will have, without falling into a regime of secularism dry, prohibit the patriarch as scholars, to interfere and decide on elections.

Not everything is finished in Egypt long, the revolution is not definitively won, is reversible, like any revolution. It can be seen that the tyrant and his wife are beautifully housed in the luxurious presidential residence Sharm el-Sheik, but not for the moment to worry about. The most serious is that the former intelligence chief is and remains at the palace in Cairo, and I do not, in fact, even if it is removed from his responsibilities and duties. However, it was the strongest man and determining the plan, one that did, among other crimes, the ruinous gas contract. These people and characters, are they merely detained and monitored? In the present state of things, a restoration plan is not materially and humanly impossible.

The enemy tries to interact. He said that the Zionist state claims insist that the new regime, whatever the future choices of the people, forced himself to keep the treaty! In fact, he said that the enemy wants the Army in Egypt plays a role equivalent to what it is or what it was in Turkey, with a limited political role of the popular choices and civilians. In other words, to please them, if in the future, said a government wanting to break the treaty, the army should interfere in one way or another, to ensure that. However, there is this, many objections feasibility. Is that the Turkish Army, heir to the order of the Janissaries, contracted a long tradition of meddling and political intervention. It was necessary to the Sultan, it has often imposed on civil power and the popular expression, although less and less! In Egypt, it is different! In 1952, the revolution of July was the first implementation of the Free Officers, led by the hero and martyr, Jamel Abd-El-Nasser. The people joined them from the very beginning, the fortifying of many demonstrations and riots, strikes and social movements tight and deep. This time, the people took the initiative, the Army joined him. So you can bet that a new spirit, virtue, patriotism and Arabism, permeates the officers, like all of Egypt. In Thus, if the most senior officers, faced the alternative, ventured to intervene to keep the treaty, against the admission of the people, they have to fear the disobedience of such or such officers base. However, in a military institution, a situation of rebellion is likely to rapidly spreading. The only possibility in the immediate future, it would be seeking a consensus, which would keep the treaty, with a minimalist and literal reading, which, in itself, could be enough! In fact, a minimalist reading choked back the treaty to a mere cease-fire. The letter, if desired, can prevail over the spirit. Thus, For example, if the treaty provides, literally, economic cooperation, we can get by very well that this is only ink on paper! Never mind, possible cooperation, but non-existent in practice!

First, if I do not know really, there are secret clauses attached. In this case, being secretive, they are not enforceable in law. In this perspective, reading minimalist lifts the Egyptian blockade of Gaza and break the siege, stop, of course, the infamous gas contract, and even, say there is no obligation to punish Egypt business volunteers. In fact, Strictly speaking, the military structures of volunteers could well be set up without the Egyptian government is entitled under the letter of the treaty, held or forced to oppose it. But the next war, it seems, will be primarily a war of volunteers. Moreover, the enemy might be tempted to break the treaty itself, during the fragile transition. Many uncertainties. We shall have to return it.

Monday, February 14, France-Culture has only for Egypt, after so shunned. The ottoman, which offers remote heroism as an object of study away, developed laborious and specious reasoning! For her, the Egyptians, would be post-Muslims, because, paradoxically, the wave of religious revival. In other words, it recognizes, in other words, that Islam is so Preignes, it has become mainstream. Better yet, Islam would be "post" has become ordinary, and therefore for it, reduced to the extent of the warmth of his person. His attempts are afligir, the facts are too big, too high to be accessible even to her mind, she wants everyone is the same everywhere, post-something, and tepid. Sorry, but it eludes him, perhaps, Muslim heroism is more than ever in action and in force! Its vile and mercenary soul, stitched with Zionism, welcomes the absence of slogans against America and Israel. It seems to ignore something that call'd "tactics"! These masses of people would be for them all together in a process of individuation. Good. Just because, she says, as I understand, to master the tool, less widespread than words, indeed. Individuation? Finally, I think we saw a people united, even when bullets are flying, as sewn in the same skin, with the same flesh. These people are loved, all, shook the against one another, vibrated, as if this crowd, this nation was no longer a single person, a single individual. Sense of the word, the people of Egypt, is what best suits the concept of "social body". When one fell, broke a ball, not taking his neighbors fled, but were trying to rescue him, transported it to an antenna made of volunteer medical volunteers. She definitely has the bias to see humanity as a collection of individuals differentiated, so it's a partisan nonsense! Promoter and partisan nonsense, she said see everywhere, and fills satisfaction. This is not really that triumph in Egypt, not whether he likes it.

Tuesday afternoon, after spending the morning to produce bread flour, I'll have lunch in the kitchen. France is part of my walk his little son, that we have at home, his mother was pregnant with twins, near the end. They had lunch before I have my plate to be heated, single. While I was restored, France-Normandy Blue, interview with a certain Jean-Paul Belevoye, which I think is, a mediator of the republic and president of the Economic Social and Environmental. I really like this man, he told himself Gaullist office. What do you think? Would he have any chance, if by chance, the idea came to him to take over the destinies of France? Is that really the current state where we are, France needs a new candidate, a man of the hour. France has urgent need of a man who more than any other man is true, the man expected. We expect those who know how to talk and how to be silent, how to stand and how to sit. Where is he? Pray God with me, Torrential, he sends for help from France, the man capable of reviving him and make the forces. Pray, and encourage it in your mind, since the strength of hope, I think we'll do exist. Do not let yourself impregnated by any defeatism, strengthen your home, for your faith and your hope. France is great, it deserves much more than displays of dwarves and unable to speak hollow. Their vacuum must be filled by those who can pronounce the words that make sense! Will it, do not resign, so that your wishes are fulfilled.

Wednesday. The figures of the Egyptian economy continues to fall. Tax evasion would rise to 5 billion per year Dolard! I learned with amazement that when the wave of privatization, enterprises and public assets were sold to a hundredth of their value! They even say that factory, industrial site sold this ridiculous price, would cost less than the field. Thus, it could very well go bankrupt and then sell the land as property, the operation was successful! We also learn that the agreements of free trade Euro-Mediterranean, between the Union and each country separately, would fraudulently unbalanced in favor of the Union! I had already heard of this, many years ago, these agreements, I do not know the details, have been subject to criticism on the part of European NGOs! Well in fact, tyranny, autocracy, has to be incompetent, to carelessness, but also that in these negotiations, the corrupt tyrant, sign what you want, as long as there's something! How will we now? It seems clear that these agreements should be revised, but for the past? Logically, if the Union, which fatigues the world, with its principles and values, democracy and good governance, if it proves that the Union has fraudulently abused the political mismanagement of our country, in any justice, workers' compensation claims would be based in law! These are the kinds of things we're talking little, as is being violated, our Arab pride. Humbly agree that the Arab regimes, is a whole an assortment of criminal mafias. We are fully at fault for our patience too long, too long we have forgotten and repressed as inconceivable, the principle of holy war, God teaches us! We have long ceased to believe in ourselves and our greatness denied. Our reduction is such that anyone we tramples on its way! Look, friend Torrential, the accumulation of insults that we did, almost always without consequence, without paying the price!

Let's stay in the economic sphere. What will he lost treasures? Should we believe Westerners make when they talk about stolen goods? Is that these predatory are huge! The fortunes of the Egyptian president's family is certainly fallen considerably, but that should be the capital of Saudi king and his entourage? Looting and predation are so immense, they represent a significant part of Western Resources. However, the West has already acquired the habit and the habit of freezing and confiscating the property of others, provided he finds some excuse! This was subtracted from Egypt, if made, would be sufficient to cover substantially all of its debt. Yet whatever happens, I foresee a surge in media of our merchants and businessmen to come promote Egypt. Is that Egypt is our key to his recovery above ours, as we rushed her very low cut! Nation comes to the rescue of Egypt long in its own interest. It's Egypt, which should show us ways and examples to be our engine and locomotive. For all our merchants are not thieves, our lenders are not all sharks! The nation still has an economic resource and financial management, and even patriotic Muslim-compatible! This resource, in fact, gaining ground and spreading. Do not take it for nothing, the phenomenon of large scale, that "is the revival, the Islamic revival, which is not far from it, a popular phenomenon in the sense of the word plebeian! It is only till the rulers themselves, whose sphere is won by the phenomenon, as evidenced by the very person singular present Emir of Cathar! I presume he is not entirely alone on this line, and in the Arabian peninsula, others are likely to join and support! Egyptian prospects are endless, which urgent solutions must not be left out! This is the most opportune moment, it seems, to give body and existence to the principle of sacred effort, ie, voluntary work. Nothing prevents our merchants and financial righteous, to prepare and develop this kind of project, with the support of our scholars! Egypt's long, like all Arab countries without exception, suffers from food insecurity and agricultural. However, a youth is forced to innumerable forced idleness! Not that either escence lazy and worn by vice of idleness, but due to the carelessness of the rulers rotten! Basically, the people of Egypt long, is the hardest worker and the task in the world. This kind of perspective, use of this numerous youth, unemployed, in voluntary work programs, is a Emergency beneficial. Nothing would be worse than letting it fall into a dreary idleness and starving, those many young people who stood up for our general recovery. This kind of program should be established urgently, promoted by scholars, media coverage and relayed by all cultural stakeholders. Our sheik and scholars cater to the launch of this immense work and saving, notament, launching a subscription to which I said personally ready to participate in my purse. This is not charity, because I know if the people of Egypt works, eats and thinks he will be so throughout the nation. That work, effort sacred was fashionable, the thing that is most common, and that everyone around the world, begins to think that the shortest path to abundance is to dig in his own land to find water! Work and countless irriguation uptake of groundwater or desalination works, irrigation and soil arabilisation new to cultivation until their solvency and profitability, then their sale or transfer to fellahs business and condition, that a critical example of the good use of the principle of sacred effort. Other perspectives are possible in other areas, the main one being the hydrological and land. That the world lost forever image of the Arab lazy, often wrongly portrayed, especially on the people of Egypt long. That work again become Arab. This perspective seems so wholesome and urgent that I see that before long, news of this kind, we will. I would be happy if I can afford it seek for such a thing!

Thursday. The twins were born! The first at 13:10, was named Mayane, his sister, at 13:20, is called Soléane. Their brother, who is still with us, is eager to discover her sisters! My wife brings him back as soon as possible. They were born naturally, the contractions are coming, and weight and health are satisfactory, no need for incubator. Yet, they are born one month of the term! This weekend, I'd be alone and unmarried, since my wife goes to see his daughter and son, their back their son, Nicolas! May God bless and strengthen the new-born!

Friday. Unbelievable how, Sarko, who listens to talk too, becomes a charge ruinous for the sweet France. To the Mexican case, it is a reflex that mu byzare of supremacism, and Surani clearly exceeded! French is a prisoner abroad, then obviously he must be innocent! Resign yourselves therefore to equality authentic you who speak both equally. The people no longer support, but most of all, no supremacism, especially coming from a nation, supposed to be the land of equality! Do what you say and say what you do! Similarly, France is moved, particularly on a true story of Tunisia, the murder of a Polish priest. France has a sensitivity discréminative and discriminatory. Murder is very recent, the man was found dead outside his garage, stuck. What do we know, no investigation? As you'd still take the life of a Christian, as being more expensive and valuable than another? Thereupon, Torrential, I want a clear answer. I want to say, but nothing prevents us from thinking that he was the victim of revenge because of pedophilia! Know that this scourge is not so rare in our country. Often religious Christians, including schools, we are told, are open to all, I believe it, are doing in conduct deplorable, to some of our children! In Egypt, about a year ago, a Coptic priest and lunch was killed as a result of abusing Muslim children, he was in charge! The evil of pedophilia is not just Catholics, Protestants, evangelicals notament, are much addicted. I'll have to devote a message to Christian issues concerning morality. I promised, but due to time constraints, I deferred. Is that as I am afraid you do too much sulfur, my Torrential! I will do it soon, but already know that your problems in this regard, to take various contradictions, including those who opposed the injunction of unlimited love crazy constraints that Christianity has become real to himself.

Saturday. There are voices increasingly, against the project and Sarko debate, to secularism, screened around the month of April! Whether we want it now? As in the meantime, I hope, his close friend, the Italian Berlusconi will have fallen, will force him to swallow his hat and Islamo-phobia with!

Sunday, February 20. J'aprenais earlier, by the mouth of Max Gallo, in the public mind, that the Suez Canal has reopened to warships Iranians! In fact, the Iranians could not, since 79, go in the Mediterranean, that by a very long journey. It was doable, however difficult! The novelty is huge, it seems to sign a gradual restoration of Egyptian sovereignty. The enemy protested in vain! Iranian Navy may take the yoke upon the two seas, and strengthen more than previously, Syria and Lebanon, even landing there. Is that the enemy has been in the past, Iranians intercept shipments to Syria, usually hidden under the guise of merchants shipping! Now they will be in the form of direct military convoys, he will dare to face. Not sure it does. This news fills me with joy is an important decision, almost irreversible, which, in itself, is increasing the military strength of the Nation! Just a week has just passed since the Friday marked the departure of the Sultan, and now Egypt Long is on the same wavelength as the Turkey! Ah, come quickly to lift the siege on Gaza and more good news! The revolts continued throughout, moreover, we can say that the Nation has made the moonlight, and even the dawn. The outcome of movements, in my opinion, is not doubtful. Where movements peaceful enough, as I would think, Morocco, never mind. In contrast, where military repression is violent, so peaceful movements are too repressed, it is the duty of free nations, to provide weapons and means people insurgents. Few armed volunteers, if deployed, if they act appropriately, according to well-conceived plans, obeying a command out of reach of governments, few volunteers would be enough to disconcert the armies undecided, the tyrants, by dint of neglect have turned into cowards and body of the public servants mordant bit! I does not cost much to the survival of governments Libyans and Algerians, as now, we speak of military reversals. I would willingly believe the first Libyan fall, after which, Algeria, could not resist. I do not know what will happen in the countries of the peninsula, I suppose that the popular uprising must succeed an armed insurrection! Will no doubt that Iranian slaps resound on their faces. Even the Saudi government, can not fight effectively against the insurgency spread and volunteers committed, even though it would seek foreign allies! These countries dynasties stupid, are guilty of anti-sheiisme frantic, so that one spoke of religious apartheid! God willing, the next pilgrimage will not descend on our holy land, as pilgrims arriving from countries free and proud! End of tyranny, and recovery towards the enemy, forced to cope is what I think reasonable to hope for this year! God seems to answer Best wishes, he be praised and thanked. New blood flows in my veins, I return to myself, I am free and justified!

crescent moon.


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