Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Subway Molestation Japan

In the spirit of sacrifice and the price of freedom

(continued dialogue between torrential and a crescent moon, Part IV, column 7 and hermeneutics 9)

(Sent by the torrential, February 9, 2011 at 4:48

Dear crescent moon,

If I do not leave to Nicolas Dupont-Aignan the benefit of the doubt or repentance, that is, for doubt, that his voice sounds wrong, I'm voconomiste gold, which meets at the same time to the issue of scale, because if you hear his voice ring true is that the home has little scope, and, for repentance, that I do not believe in the maximization of this virtue. I do not believe in politics which would mean we could have been anything, that he would repent for it to continue to be something, though what has been previously has caused great harm to those it ruled. Thus the olygarques were maintained in the countries of Eastern after political commissars. But I do not believe in morality, whatever that puts excessive emphasis on religion repentance that would be better converted flour, that would be of believers with a zeal without warmth, those who are satisfied êtrerestés always been faithful to, as the eldest son of the parable of the child prodigal. Not that we should be jealous of the divine choice, which is the same in the Gospel that in the Koran, to the place of "Retry" or "ghosts" but should not we succeed in that everything happens as if it was better having been a sinner, to be considered more worthy of the favors of God, the risk that falls into disuse virtue of fidelity. In good human logic, there is a situation of injustice patante. Especially that repentance and skill do not mix. Either we repent and it ceases to be clever, or else it is skilful and moving from one erring in another, without repentance.

I would say the same spirit of sacrifice and the price of freedom. Certainly, the man never knew until now unravel the thread that connects religion and sacrifice and sacrifice freedom, and through him revolution and violence. Arguably, this thread is unravelable. But we can also believe in the progress of the human conscience and is calling for this thread unravels. Violence is not necessarily determinism so powerful that civilization can not lower it, if it can not make it disappear. The atrocity is not inevitable. When I speak of atrocity, I refer to this quote that describes the "time revolutionaries "as meaning" atrocious manners. "Beware of the revolution, or desire at least it is not immediately repressive, vindictive, terrorist, and it remains a constituent, constructive and, wherever possible, not violent. The absence of the revolutions of pacifism is what has almost always led to make only a substitute oligarchy (or aristocracy) by another. The denial of the atrocity as a price of freedom is it a refusal to heroism contradict what I wrote you yesterday about the same virtue, we know can never cease to need? apparent contradiction only. For what is true and in my opinion it is always necessary "measure in itself," come you say so beautifully, that if it is to hope that the horror is always inevitable, we must work to be ready, if required, to pay the price of liberty, if the enemies of freedom in asking quittus. Be prepared to pay that price personally. For my part, I must say it's a perspective that is not in my line of sight to the daily mental, but when I think about anyway. I almost believe wicked prayer asks God to preserve me of martyrdom operation as such that I fear the painful consequences. In summary, I believe we must pray for the physical and moral strength to be around to pay the price of freedom, but only the enemies of freedom think it has a price per se.

For now, we must recognize that man can change, but we can not change, does not happen to resolve the freedom nor the religion of his sacrificial price, although Christianity has claimed to do the final outcome, the current inefficiency of this outcome remains a mystery to the Christian faith that I hope to be unwavering. But my faith can flourish in the bosom of mystery. In passing, that freedom and religion are now bound by the sacrifice proves that one or the other have a very close relationship. The closeness of this relationship is the negation of the efforts of secularists who would have stemmed the religion. The thing is harder to do than ever expected these followers of religious sentiment or theocracy in the best case. The secularists are dreamers, they believed possible that containment, as I am perhaps want that freedom has no price or that religion can do without the sacrifice, but as you are also believe that the people of Egypt grows immediately "wanted a taste" for martyrdom and sacrifice. Had that been his taste, the faster he would set in motion to attack the presidential palace, he was deemed impregnable. But we come back earlier in Egypt. Because I would like once will not hurt, you answer in order.

Do not think I ever dodged your question about a candidate beur. Why should represent the ideas of Emmanuel Todd or any other economist outside the box? A candidate for the presidential election that he would be the voice of his advisers? I think we played too much with the presidential election. You can not say one side it would not be healthy for the President of the Republic is not a native and want another side beur a candidate to take the risk of being elected because the president is a serious thing. The one who is present, so little chance he had access to really function, must be put in the state conspired to act as if to win, even a reversal of opinion is never impossible. For a candidate beur, I would not cons, as he becomes president, unlike you, but I think the time has not yet come. France saw the emergence of a truly virtuous beurgeoeisie. I think she acts smarter by starting to emerge on a local, municipal, regional, trying to get up to the deputies before being less well established in strument parties in the hearts, it can entitled to exercise the supreme and not lay claim to coluche, but lay claim to an election.

To the deafening silence side effect of media on events in Egypt, there is the conjunction of phenomena that we know well: the news likes short time, which goes hand in hand with the fact that People have short memories , So there must be a revolution soon reach its end. It has been the success of the Romanian revolution, the destruction of the Berlin Wall and the coup of Gorbachev's opponents who were the best agents of his perestroika and the fact that she was to end in abdication of the regime , if only to give way to a regime that has proven worse than the last. You do state an asymmetry between the attention we gave to Tunisia and Egypt. You think this weekend would have been that of a "return to Tunisia. I do not think that this return has been brilliant. Apart from a review of Catherine Nay telling his lunch with the Tunisian Foreign Minister visited the Quai d'Orsay, I do not think the media have much resale rights as citizens should demand to be informed about what happens once the show is over. A true democracy can not exist without a continuous and reliable information, it is far off. It is also true that after the media class was assigned to his first inclination, which is to rejoice in every revolution or challenge when it occurs suddenly, a suspicion he came back to say that may well be that the Islamists do reap what this movement have sown. Horror that the media always unexpected result from them what's coming to power of those they had not expected and they believe every time the enemies of freedom, while movements radicals are, when they are Democrats, as the enemies of their way to exercise. Most importantly, we saw the reasons behind the decline has taken the mainstream press to discuss the events in Egypt, knowing that the police support initially promised the Tunisian regime, then travel to Tunisia by Michele Alliot-Marie, followed attermoiements this minister, flying in a private jet alyen ben wheeler and to say, she is left after that to claim the Gaullism, it was not Foreign Minister of France when she was on vacation, that all this was nothing, with the next scandal that would splash the government and concerned the Prime Minister himself, who was careful to say not only that he visited Egypt during the same period of winter holidays, but he borrowed aircraft in the fleet of President Mubarak personally. In my opinion, the combination of these scandals should cause the immediate resignation of the government Fillon. Certainly, travel to Morocco, in Egypt or Tunisia to French politicians winter periods are not new. Less known to the general public and, I must say, myself, were in contrast to their escapades on private planes from Arab leaders. After that, we say that the policy does not relate ... of "personal enrichment", you speak, not to mention the sides to ... Certainly not enough when one is a French politician, becoming the richest person in the world. Although there is no proof, perhaps I exaggerate, but the thing is to check ... For measurement

you, crescent moon: you accuse me of having found the magnitude of Mubarak's speech. If you read well Throughout our reviews, I rather relativized size as you, you found it, to the point of feeling a physical disturbance. Similarly, you thought that Mubarak had not "touched" as far as Ben Ali before discovering that he held, divided between his wife Suzanne (who received only a few billion and is Coptic) and two son, whose younger son Gamal has been much more spoiled than its predecessor, a fortune greater than that of Bil Gates, the first capital of the world. You still believed that the regime was more fragile than you see, and total dependence on U.S., which you say that diplomacy has done nothing but verbiage. If the Egyptian regime is revealed more sovereign than you thought, at least it proves that an alliance with Zionism does not cut the grass under the feet of a malesouveraineté certainly, but nevertheless a beginning of sovereignty . I do not, your difference, that American diplomacy has made only gestures. What do you do this, if true, that it is precisely the U.S. envoy who imposed the Vice-President Suleiman, yet the last well with Israel, to take the language with "Muslim brothers"? Do you consider the fact that they accept so easily means that they are traitors to advance this revolution? Finally, you blame the oropendola Plan does recognize any responsibility for the offensive bastonneurs. But you yourself did not imagine that it was Mubarak himself had sent them, but those whose interest in the maintenance and survival of his regime. You come to believe in, it seems that the army has chosen sides and it is indeed that of the continued support of one of his minions. You still think that the punishment follows a logical drive in the rebellious people "taste the dream of martyrdom." I must say that this people shows itself quite still wait of talking and camping on this site. Presumably, more simply than you do, that this relative softening of repression, obeys the principles of neutralization of a social movement in Western clothing. When we want the wave ebbs, we oppose under counterflow. The strategy of alternating days of running and rest days (resulting in renewed economic activity), however, looks to be the one you describe. In reality, it is very difficult to decipher the daily evolution of a movement in the making. It is normal for you or me, or any other observer much more circumspect, emits here and there assessments that will prove erroneous over time. God grant that what takes place result in the emergence of a "free people" who do not give in to vengeance and does not know the fate of the atrocity.

But I have your lights on one last point that you raise. I find it very interesting that you set in front of "world revolution", which I found once embodied in the non-alignment with Gaddafi had been leading, I see now reflecting more informally at the annual anti-globalization social forums, between Front and anti-religious Marxist revolutionary Latin American rather firstly, and secondly the revolutionary front and conservative Islamist who knows even eagerness for justice, but on religious and traditional. Could you elaborate on this? Is, quite simply, the forehead Marxist or anti-globalization, if it is done more advertising than Islamist revolutions, is not more in tune with any part of the world is, apart from materialism , which has had enough of secularly religious violence, all religions? Violence Marxists have proved ruthless in the short term where Marxism has exercised real political power. But religious violence were constant, all religion by fire. Is not this party that is feared by trying not to encourage the emergence Islamist whatever you do in the defense against the nonsense, whereas this barrier could draw, in addition to the recapture of the Logos Christian the desire for justice associated with the anthropological foundations, which may be an underlying company, but need not be increased until the exercise of power? What do you consider What treachery respective consisted of Marxists to Islamists and Marxists to the Islamists? Your

torrential applying a lesson from these things praying for the liberation of peoples in the maturity of forgiveness and lack of vengeance


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