Saturday, February 12, 2011

What Stores Still Offer Layaway

The victory of the Sultan's speech

(extract dialogue between torrential and a crescent moon, Part IV, column 12)

Posted by Crescent Moon, February 12 at 0:14

My torrential!

On behalf of the One God, just and Almighty.

Glory and life to all those who fight in the path of freedom. Hello to all those who long for a new world, free of any easement, for a new man, free from any Allien. Height and glory to the great Arab people and freedom of Egypt long, key to the world, elder all lands and their first mother, Glory and height to this great nation and its revolution alive and creative that pushes far beyond the bounds of possibility, turns out to marvel at the illusion, the chimera and demonstrated genuine miracle. The good news of this great victory of good joy fills the hearts of the righteous, and grief their enemies!

It was the magnificent work of the people, his will prevailed! As a Sultan, confident in his righteousness, sure of his righteousness, the people wanted the forfeiture of the tyrant and his aides, met his vow obedience and acquiescence. The people of Sultan gave an order, and he was told, according to the formula, "To hear is to obey! It was so because the people are the cause of God, and God is the cause of the people!

Decisive is the win. The regime ruled the earth and men of iron-fisted police, we could take for invaincible. The iron hand was broken! Who after that will believe any government is stronger than the wishes of his people? Everywhere tyrants tremble, the powers hypocrites mingle with blessings, the enemy grieves. One can believe that a point of no return, a level of critical mass is reached now, in the way of raising the nation. One can foresee the consequences distant to the dimension of humanity. Now only the green Tunisia, recently free, can breathe, protected by the powerful Egypt. Without this, the reactionary scenarios were possible, even probable.

What poet would be wise enough and inspired to find a song worthy of this victory? All men, most oprimés, most stray aprennent we can act out his destiny, and that the will is an instrument, which can seize every moment. The man is larger and freer, more able to change his fate. God is great, which makes these things, and makes us even these marvels.

Crescent Moon.


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