Nicolas Dupont-Aignan? The personality of the day
(continued dialogue between torrential and the crescent moon, hermeneutics 5)
Posted by Torrential February 8 at 5:17
Dear crescent moon,
You ask me about Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, I fear of having to disappoint you again. The man said Gaullist, may well make him the credit. He began by taking positions very "right" and very anti-immigration, at least as much as separatists. He also ran for the presidency of the UMP, Sarkozy is aware cons of giving a sword in the water, but pretending to fight for honor, I am willing yet to concede. It has often felt it was a villiers (light), but had the support of the media, with its invitation card at Thierry Ardisson, including jugglers, debaters of the "society of spectacle" that can not conceive debate that is punctuated by "dummies". Le Pen has always criticized as undemocratic the fact that the media were not receiving it, do not treat him and his party, on par with its competitors, the least we should be rigorous in democracy. Strangely, his daughter has been invited, has become a kind of pet, an icon, the agents of transmission of information, for the maintenance and perpetuation of survival of the scarecrow, as you know it's my thesis, and the operation was successful, Marine Le Pen's National Front has refocused on the anti-Islamic rather than anti- immigrationist, which has found that his fair speeches, in what an honor? A speech antiimmigrationniste at least had the merit of being frank, and not to stigmatize the practice or religious faith of people they claimed to hold with all his heart on our soil. The political spectrum of the years when Nicolas Dupont-Aignan Viliers was invited by the media, which was itself more than the guest Pen, was as follows : Left to right, we had the classic oropendola of UMP, a little more to the right was Dupont-Aignan, after which came de Villiers, his sovereign, united Islamophobia, pointing the way to Marine Le Pen to the right of Villiers, from the father of the latter.
The maps are a little redistribution after the 2007 presidential election: Philippe de Villiers is "politically dead" in his anti-Islamic primary operation which caused him to say, throughout the presidential campaign that this time it was actually well out of the system and that nothing nor nobody would cause it to return. All this is to accept, just six months later, the hand of Sarkozy. Dupont-Aignan, who had always been an ersatz villiers has reasoned that he had already begun before the campaign: "I must rest on a line Gaullist, but I delete from my speech as gangrene, while anti-immigration and anti-Islamic until all traces of which earned him a recurring guest and beloved of "Beur FM." This was done in his speech, and to expel from the curious movement leader "secular response" christine Tasin which, following the movements of the left has engaged in anti-Islamic operations in the worst taste, like that organize of "aperitifs giant" sausage-plonk in the area of the taste of gold. I'm not saying we did not have the right to hold such meetings, but why not have soft drinks and something other than sausage not to exclude, with a hypocrisy that makes the operation aggressive Muslim populations become the majority in this district which is an insult not only to belief but to the people, the de facto banning such demonstrations? However, I also felt uncomfortable when I visited a Turkish feast (which was not closed to indigenous), it was impossible to find a beer to drink.
What is the most criticized Nicolas Dupont-Aignan is having in his youth, attended a meeting of "young leaders" identified by U.S. observers, during which he learned the strategy and political communication and that gave both his patter and a kind of mat to be asked where he wants to express his opinions. So it is not unlikely that Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, who dreams of being an alternative, a real dream or a gallery owner, is really a creature.
Apart from this political character, I'm not surprised that you feel more collusion with right-wing personalities with supporters of a left caressing the Arab population in a purely electioneering. This reaction served me several times by Arabs, or from within, which told me not to hate the Pen or the Middle East, saying that it was sometimes easier to deal with right-wing Israeli governments, provided they were not businessmen, they are called Sharon rather than Netanyahu, because they made concessions on which it was hoped they would not return, with Labor, the avatars of local socio- you denounce bourgeois, who never confess their hostility, but have no say. I felt the first response that you made me he was going well for you, for I found a community of writing with the force of the literary controversy right, and without this "family" writing if is thinking, it is likely that we have not been able to begin, you and me, in game or dialogue. Because I think about on the same line as you: I do not feel right, strictly speaking, but I can not stand the blur that likes to keep to the left. I love the opportunity to take my bath in the voice drunk, but kindergarten, sank with a tap of warm water Ségolène Royal. But I am not fooled that this warm water, a simple change in temperature, but the same policy and worse, if the left never yields to practice the politics of the worst. In summary, the right is my family thought (in the mode of thinking), but it is not (always or often) in my family thought the opinions and conclusions which it leads. Say the right frame of mind or my family, but for what is to classify me politically, I can not go about it myself. Regarding Julie
Clarini you castigated for two or three posts because it would have regretted in his column that "France (has) need Hero ", I think you have not grasped the nuance of regret that pierced his" sociology of heroism. "What can we blame him, as all representatives of the" boboïtude "he is not true that our society die, as all these agents of nonsense that makes the "great no matter what" the ultimate expression must precede the agony of language and certainty is Specifically it is engaged in a "sociology of heroism" rather than hire those who listen in to find the essence, it discusses heroism as others discussed the world hunger during seminars where invited to sit around a round table with representatives of the people who are starving or homeless before they complained not giving them the room when you meet them here or there. Thus it has been criticized for having often Michel Rocard pollock in "think tanks" global tiersmondistes, worldly and very serious when they "discussed the hunger." I find it quite ridiculous pamphlet "indignation you" from the creamy Stéphane Hessel, but he is right on one point: better to be a topic of outrage than watching life go by the gentle flowing. The problem is that we should be looking for a topic of outrage. Our hearts and our sense would they not good guides for us to find them without having to search? Moreover, the indignation is it enough though a spring is necessary to act in politics?
Regarding the "Egyptian revolution," it certainly goes through a bad situation. Such talk on the "Place de la Liberation" reflects a certain inertia well known and popular with Westerners, because it reminds him of their form of government, where the "event", or bitch in the street are embedded in the institution so-called reforms to make the country precisely unreformable and apolitical policy and stationary. While it is pointless to wonder about the time when the Egyptian revolution took place because the characteristic of a revolution is never to choose the right time. But it comes at the end of last term Mubarak. She wanted it to mean there was no question that his son took over, one can imagine. But when the people have succeeded in this, why does he throw his departure? In our time, it is indeed an event that lasts tired very quickly, and it is so in all countries, it is a cumulative effect of the acceleration of history, a factor which I consider very important in the assessment of events, and organized décérébrage zapping, which for example the Western musical ears are no longer able to taste a piece that lasts more than three minutes to find that the pattern is not frills that Beethoven would develop the theme of a symphony. The time lost in "sit-in cheek against this social movement.
other hand, it must be recognized, even if we can not approve this meddling, the U.S. administration is playing pretty well. This is the act of a selected line by Obama against his secretary of state Hilary Clinton, who seems the epitome of cynicism in politics. Obama urged the regime to negotiate with the "Muslim brothers" who, when they are part of the to-talk intended to solve the transition from the dying and those who should succeed him, seems to think himself clear of a continuing revolution to which they have too little involvement, evidence that the religious component is not necessarily as important as we believe in these movements and the playing of a Western Hlookup improvement by the people of his conditions of material life, is perhaps not as false as desired, although the reduction of a social movement of such importance, that it has assimilated a "springtime of peoples", to have a heart that is only materialistic, is terribly disappointing. Believes the people might still have been heard if he has led this revolution so that the "Muslim brothers" are integrated into the "democratic transition" to establish a new regime. The "Muslim brothers" would they have suggested to the people this attitude? I inclines not to believe, especially as I'm willing to bet that Islamist movements prefer to power by democratic means or by an appeal to the people so that their accession to power does not suffer the same defect original legitimacy than the regime has been overthrown by them. Democracy should not be afraid of Islamism, or is afraid of itself and proves that she does not help much.
must finally acknowledge that Mubarak has shown a certain panache by refusing to yield to personal dishonor to resign and flee like bin ali, as if in an act of cowardice necessarily leads to another. The only way to end the ambiguity would be to organize, as soon as possible, "millionnienne march" to the presidential palace, I do not see how you could come out differently, and I do not think that the shortness of this movement would be a good omen, nor a fortiori to restore morale to the people, which he badly needs to recapture its destiny. In any event and whatever the consequences, even if Hubert Vedrine said that is a sorcerer's apprentice when we neglect the consequences of such an uprising to rehabilitation, a "free people" is preferable to an enslaved people and who spends his time having to give in to blackmail. Blackmail is the antonym of freedom. Torrential
, improviser, which would be rehabilitated as the word of freedom, provided they do not drift as in our terror to commit "how many crimes (his name), the name Paul Eluard wrote all frrontispices of oppression and occupation.
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