A promising day
(Continued dialogue between torrential and a crescent moon, Part IV, column 10)
Posted by Crescent Moon, February 10, 2011 at 0:13
My Torrential!
That day should be a respite, time that the great Arab people and freedom of Egypt long, mother of nations, have spent at rest, work feeder, the various occupations which should be Vacquer for his business. It did not happen! Without invitation millionnienne a day, one million Egyptian, said there be, gathered on the only major place of Liberation. The movement and the press was noticeable around official buildings, which were found, as it were besieged. A ministerial council could be held in the local government, the alleged members could not access the seat of Parliament, much remains useless. Cairo and the provinces, the strikes are increasing. The factories have stopped their activities, staff Railways, sleep on the tracks and in stations, entrenched, and better yet, there is a tight strike in the town of Suez, including the Personal which operates the Canal! This is especially Suez city of tradition and strong association, which tries to submit, by organizing the shortage, the city that lived in the early hours, the most deadly repression. Just during the month of January, when there were only six days of rioting, the figures would report a slowdown in traffic, and lower revenue rights of way. Strikes and various social movements deepen and grow, spread geographically, and strengthen youth protester, an economic dimension, resolution Extra. These are not strikes usual categorical claim, they have a national character and fighter, who is in the same traditions of Egypt. The ilex turn to the channel, instead of resistance and Arabism.
was unexpected, especially without an appeal was launched, on the contrary: an invitation to rest. The spontaneous nature is genuine, people have springs unknown. Without doubt, the signs of suffocation of the movement, they created a start saving! The people probably delegated too much of his youth only the task of representing him in the streets. Seeing trampled, he will not want to be overwhelmed by failure, and probable revenge plan. Important public buildings including the Presidential Palace in Cairo, are protected by the army, no, yesterday tried to return. Is expected for next Friday, to attempt the invasion, the army and put to the test. Do not say too quickly that if people have not yet attempted to storm the palace, is that his heroic determination to be low, and he hopes for nothing more than many improvements in its material existence and daily. Hazmi Bchara teach you, it is fair to claim the bread and dignity at the same time. I believe me, people can suffer a deadly salvo or two, and come back again. This resolution seems serious enough that the Army is put up against the wall! Under these conditions, and military officers may well make different calculations, and if the people he persists, he does not say they do not be shocked! It is not written in advance. We note that the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the screw-president, who is not military but intelligence chief, it is they who wield the military threat, not the Chief of Staff, Mohamed Tantawi. It is believed the floating charge, the indecision in the arcana of the plan. Faced with this increased resolution, America has still varied, which wanted to safeguard its interests in the country, whatever the future government.
Friday, it will be the Friday of the Sultan, a great day. The sultan is the people, the sovereign in the strict sense of the word, the one who administers. Why do I have a bit weaker? The great Arab people and freedom of Egypt long, mother of nations, is capable of miracles. If God allows the people triumph of this evil regime, all the tyrants of the earth will be weakened and exposed, regardless of their power. It Perhaps, God willing, the big night Marxists do first is embodied in our Great Aurora. I will return again to the Islamo-Marxist problematic. For now, the arms of Morpheus ask me, but I still m'ennorgueillisse whether my nation, and no other, that puts the popular heroism in the field of conceivable, of accessible, even to the ordinary. Nation pushes my uncertainties and skepticism. So what happens to most is not what was apparently the most likely to happen is what has the least chance of occurring, but is called by the more intensity and sighs.
Me Rodamonte, proud my great nation.
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