Monday, February 28, 2011

The Effect Of Smoking Weed On Herpes

Beneficial development

(continued dialogue between torrential and a crescent moon, hermeneutics 12, torrential late reaction of the previous decryption of the crescent moon)

Posted by Torrential March 1, 2001 to 4H8)

Dear crescent moon,

The message which I answer, albeit belatedly, contains about whom I can not stay without reacting.

1. There are indeed taken in when you wrote, the will of Western meddling, but I remember that, when the plan was not to intervene militarily in Libya, but simply to establish an air bridge over the country to prevent the Air Force still obedient to Gaddafi to bomb civilians. That the petroleum interest is not completely absent a Western desire to help people massacred, I think a point here out of season, because the West could very well solve this problem with the plan that would have succeeded that of Qaddafi, which he never really spared, not even during the last period, there has to keep in the ear of memory prompted howls of outrage by the West when Libya has directed the commission of human rights, and not only because of Libya took the opportunity to multiply reports condemning Israel, although you have suggested, not without logic, that since the liberalization that Colonel Qaddafi had consented to its oil resources, he would have allied with the Israeli power. Not displease thee, all Western meddling, to follow, not alike, and all obey not unilaterally dishonorable reasons. The only question that seems devoid of facing trial for Western research on how to save the Libyan people's violence was the one who became his tyrant, questions that have occupied the Security Council to Yesterday morning, February 28, seems to me to agree that the West might have had the same reaction humanitarian side the last operation "hard lead" that has stunned Gaza in 2008 and, likewise, against "the war of Lebanon that destroyed much of the infrastructure of this country to freedom already alienated and monitored on all sides, pretext that Israel would not face the danger that he ran the Hesbollah, war in which we have not forgotten that Sarkozy, questioning an official of the Israeli General Staff, could only ask him without bluntly:
"How long does it take to finish the job?"

2. You write that our "leaders are the plague and leprosy in the world, makes them tyranny, they are the same tyranny. "recapture Your current evidence we can be free of tyranny, tyranny if there a. For it remains to prove that this tyranny stems primarily from the" foreign forces "and not no causes internal to the countries where it operates. After all, we need to know if it is the West that overthrew King Idris (the West has badly supported the Libyan regime, although some standardization s is established after the voluntary control officer that he has left on its mineral resources), even if the West forced the post-colonial societies, once they gained independence, not to hold the companies that should become well. He has tried to bring their expertise in administrative organization (because we do not hunt with impunity administration substitute for well trained by another improvised), but the West was ousted from power by these win their independence, which can be understood in a first movement, but since the same has never ceased to reproach him for having given these people to themselves, whereas de Gaulle conceived what Edgar Pisani called later to New Caledonia "independence association." Governments that have driven the ancient colonial power to it accuses of not having assisted at the same time that they suspected her of wanting to practice constantly ingesting she opened her mouth, while asking not to cut "pump Finance "and continue to feed its corrupt regimes in the name of duty to remember who asked to repair the West's colonial sins. It would still have the Arab world stops looking for ways not to attack first to himself and to attribute his illness to the one he did. The West would have opposed all the resistance he wanted, he would never have prevented the Arab world to unite, if he really wanted to, which is not yet acquired the same "day today." You just have to see how to face a fair start, the West can only be content to endorse the event, it was heartening to more or less sincere, but unable to do anything to upset the logic of start. Resignation is not genetic, although there may be fatalism part atavistic. By atavism, hear well what I put: either the story or how self-perception against the precepts that have been received to send our behavior responses within the collective unconscious and beyond logic, which should be contingent right from the atavistic instinct as to intelligence, but we are full of instinctive springs, which are the basis of a significant part of our reactions.

3. What ultimately justifies that the West has only recently been completely honest in the joy of your freedom gradually recovered? Imagine that he also has memory, and he remembers the Arab expansionism came the surprise well before the Crusades, the failure of which may have fostered an instinct cruise. To say a word, the West wants to ensure that your victories are the defeat of particular person and not his. Because the West has not only memory, but he hears the curses which the Flagella you daily. Be assured of one thing: the West has the same love of humanity than you. The West was the first to believe in "the ideology of progress" in which he wanted to bring humanity and with you. It is not up to a certain conception of colonization Republican who has in part to obey the will to train the colonized peoples, considered as less developed or, frankly, as well as talking or Jules Ferry renan who were nothing less than "clerical," inferior "in a progress of which he technically knew depositary. You may dispute this Republican colonization and all that are more secular the illusion of believing in the same time that technical superiority went hand in hand with an ideological superiority. But this error is but the manifestation common to all peoples of instinctive belief in a god who gives victory and abundance to those who take the right path to acquire it. This sense of being justified by the abundance meets celuui of the oppressed whose voice cries out "justice" because he never sees him or redistributed the common good, although it may be more work than others to benefit humanity. The perversion of the system has increased for macroeconomic reasons, some would say inherent to capitalism, which have alienated the production of its human sources, reduced by the Marxist analysis to be only "means of production."

4. Western distrust may increase a penchant racialist redundant in your rhetoric. So, you ever make an apology for "erotic miscegenation," you wonder what an Arab can find good to marry a U.S. interrogation in which piercing irony of which I know you're not fooled, because you know like me that love is blind, but U.S. has as much charm as any woman in the world: it is simply a different charm. But this racialism, not only differentialist but inegalitarianism may lead you to say, when you consider yourself and let yourself go, you are "world harmony and, dare I say, beauty." How do you want the West do not distrust, when he hears such professions of superiority, which transport it in the memory, I will not insult you to tell the German nation, which also took for a "superior race" but the "election" of the Jewish people, including your words carry a mirror in your understanding of yourself, a true reflection attenuated in that you do not give a representative character of humanity, and want to lead humanity in your victory, but only after having rectified the wrongs that you feel it has had against you?

5. And this way you yelled at the beseeching thee to love thee, as a "porcupine who wants to be kissed," is defined as well one of my friends Kabyle after a diagnosis which has been addressed by a psychologist, makes you think naively found that the European "taste for life" when you are released? First there is this that your liberation is not yet completely fulfilled, so he observes and asks only to be welcomed in advance, if it goes to the end of his aspirations. Then there is the EU has always welcomed the releases. Remember that the EU also carries a revolutionary instinct since the French Revolution, which was exported throughout Europe and that Trotskyism has exalted desire to "permanent revolution" erected under government. Instinct usefully tempered by the conservatism that I hear you answer me it should alleviate any revolutionary conducted it does not degenerate into anarchy and chaotic dissociating, what I can only give you reason. I wrote this afternoon that Christianity was in his genes, from St. Paul, a form of resignation which was to limit cooperation with unjust regimes. I should add that St. Thomas Aquinas has largely corrected this when he accompanied the almost slavish obedience to state authorities of the legitimacy of tyranicide, when the tyrant, he was a "very Christian king" , were to give only immoral orders. St. Thomas Aquinas was the first inventor of civil disobedience. What is the significance of this revolutionary feeling in Islam? I'll ask this without malice, because I'm not a hater of the revolutionary spirit, but I know exactly the limits.

So, the EU welcomes the Arab victory because it flatters his revolutionary instinct. But I assure you that while it is well prepared, while he rejoiced, the European can not help but be wary, and it is perfectly possible that those who 's are welcome before you, beyond the fact that they were happy for you, also may be tried household of the future and you reconcile, in case of victory that would win your nation in its uprising eventually just force to triumph over liberty, as happened in countries of the east, Revolution was the triumph of money on the aspirations for the issuance of the leaden weight, which took him to the gulag who tried to lift it. This was the disillusion trained for Western man who only wanted to believe it, and drifts pseudoreligieuses quite oligarchy of the revolution, colorful or not, countries from the east. Now, after all, the money is miserable, but it does violence Collateral that: he does not buy happiness and unhappiness does that when you do not, so it does nothing at all to the limit, it can not hurt. If you consider that really caused all your troubles can be attributed to the Western man and his intrigues cruises, leprosy of humanity, your verbal abuse will not be as Collateral, Western man who never desired bet your humiliation on inside of himself. If he does not so masochistic to your arguments are as many lashes are you doing to rain on his back, because he might be bent, he does not want to be more so. I know that the individual has separated the broad back in force no longer meet the exasperation many of which he suffered on all sides. But he backs off not to say that he wanted to have a backache. Your

Torrential son of a generation that has full back, so that it makes him have sciatica that makes him want to stay static


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