The Revolutionary Guards
(Continued dialogue between torrential and the crescent moon, Part IV, hermeneutics 8)
Posted by Torrential, February 16 at 5:54 p.m.
Dear crescent moon
If you invoke the hello on "those who sigh for a new world free from bondage, and a new man, free from any disposition ", then, that salvation is on me because I am one of those who long for this world, if I have the soul enough fighter. I also liked that you applaud the victory of "Sultan" as that of the people, that after the Marquis of Rousseau Argençon and some others, designated as the "sovereign", in which, for whom and name of which was concentrated the legitimacy and strength of the government. Sovereign Sultan in Egypt referred to the "Sovereign of the Sultans, who was" the people's cause "as" the people was the cause (the Almighty). " ". That God was not "the" people's cause "is what will have been in the French revolution, which has wanted to substitute a" civil religion "instrumental to an active faith and invigorating. That" the people (the cause of god "is what Vatican II, very rough ride since his statements were issued, was also discovered, paving the way for this expression, I understand you to read, to" release téhologie " and for this reason criticized by those who had no desire that man one day Libérat.
When, sounded the news of the resignation of Mubarak, has made my blood a turn, and I immediately called my friends Copts lost sight for so long and whose wife was seriously ill. I always feared, if I passed them a call, to hear bad news. I no sooner found and dialed the phone number of their new brewery that I fell on my friend fadia, whose voice is reassured as to the early days when I knew, after years of prolonged illness and passes through states commata. Our joy bursts we hear again, I feel like the sign of a double resurrection, that of Egypt mingling with that of my friend fadia and then ... I mention the inevitable events in Egypt, I feel that it does not bite at the other end, my caller is suspicious, I hurt for her but marry her fear.
The next day, Saturday, Feb. 12, comes knocking at my door an Iraqi Christian met at Mass last Sunday and, as he proposed to accompany me, I had. invited for a drink. These Eastern Christians like you are sober, camels, but an honesty, an uncompromising dedication to the widow, the orphan, the blind, as may be citizens of your nation, I ve had many examples : The only taxi drivers who refused to defray my name of religion were your co-religionists. Before my visitor, I recall, both the coincidence makes me return to the day after I reconnected with my friend Coptic, so long lost sight of and that I feared I had lost all short j 'forgot to tell him of his misgivings before the Revolution implied egypt I then greet him before. He did not have the same reaction as Fadia, he welcomes it soon, adding that we as Christians, we are too used to provide a face of resignation which dictators can quickly become an accomplice. Now remember there, Jesus before Pilate, but more to the representatives of the authorities of Herod, has shown no weakness. He never said a proper plan that was bad, nor that which was King puppet. But he left pilate meet own question he posed before the God of Truth and raised him in an abyss of perplexity
"What is truth?"
Pilate is my faith, had before him the very truth, the truth and let him make his way, the Truth, also said the path, path of silence in doubt sublimated Road, less than Weighing events, less discrimination than contemplative receptivity and response of the heart.
How my heart does not it vibrate in unison with Egypt long and free! And yet, how to defend myself to feel surprised that this lesson of freedom is given to me by two Islamic societies, which represent the lowest value in the full spirit of the Western a priori that I am! How can I be sure I'm absolutely delighted at this victory, if first, the Islamic society summons me to recognize the superiority of his religious and social model, which has certainly helped this revolution, but also covered and simmered over a half century during the despotic regimes of which it is released today in the "springtime of peoples". In addition, I am quite sure that I attend a "springtime of the peoples"? The thing does not seem as obvious that in Romania or Russia, countries which sorely disabused me after I greeted with joy unmixed the Velvet Revolution that they offered the viewer that I were: hardly driven, the oligarchy are reborn from the ashes; romania has quickly shown an authoritarian regime with respect to Russia, leaders who have succeeded in Gorbachev did not show up to this great man of state, I've always wondered to myself if it was not a CIA agent. Each time I asked around me, the question made her laugh, and now again I'm not sure I had not got it right. Come what you see, I also know sometimes detect the "conspiracy in history" long before that I was taught to be wary of any "téhorie conspiracy" and that it is not always or unilaterally who you think.
short, I was greatly disappointed by the "wind of freedom" that came from the eastern countries. Perhaps the one who comes from Egypt does he not only freedom on the flags that carry the story, as soon as one ceases to look restless, and if one is optimistic, it is possible that we should bet that This mixture of freedom with something else, which makes it more complex and less pure than an absolute, is what root it in the marvelous. God answers this optimistic hope that I know, meeting your approval of a believer in human nature which is neither totally avoided, or more to idealize!
What makes me think that this freedom from Egypt is less pure than the deceptive wind that had come to visit me from Bucharest, Berlin and Moscow? Is that these three countries, I thought I knew a little dissent, provided the dissidents did they exercise power? Then, in these three cities, there were unions that could replace renewing itself to a society disintegrating, as is any company that is experiencing a revolution, which is always a long history where the masses are rising and, if they are not worn, fall. In Egypt, I interpret positively the revolt of the assailants of the place of liberation turns into "revolt bassalaires", with strikes and walkouts for social redress this injustice flagrant. I had much patience with my chair or my bed that the attackers camped on this site and do not storm the presidential palace, as I thought the best way to "keep their revolution" was not to accept to be hunted, as required by the military, just the power given him was he who had the first reflex to evacuate a large number of barricades to stop the cheering. The country would get back in running order, claiming the economy and the people did not hear it that way, it was consistent with his rebellion, was not satisfied that the dictator had been overthrown, but demanded bread. How will organize itself to be heard? That whole issue. A few days before being relieved Mubarak, Sheikh Tarik Ramadan tone betrays the same concern as mine: this revolution is not leadership. In the absence of unions that can compensate for the vacancy of the proletariat in organic associations claimants in the absence of an emerging leader in which people can identify with as it was believed that a time may be Amr Moussa more surprising in the absence of a seizure most significant part of power by the "Muslim brothers" who, although they acknowledge with panache they were not the instigators This revolution could give him a social framework, especially as the "welfare" has always been their strong, this revolution would it be in the process of giving "spontaneous" and follow the organization that flow logically from overthrow of the dictator who goes to one of the most corrupt in the world, if not one of the largest fortunes of one? Obviously, the "revolutionary spontaneity" is usually short-lived, it is hoped that Egypt is on track to find the parade at the anarchy that could be one of the first elements of the confiscation of her resignation was able to a dictator whose no longer bear the yoke torturer.
The second reason refers to the wind a breath of freedom involved in our nostrils Western is that it seems obvious that a dictator was removed, but that does not necessarily follow that we have changed regime. And here I may again ask a question that upset: how to explain the absence of so many unions failed in this revolution until she found out how to replace it, as the President 's is removed in favor of the very people who had installed, that is to say an army that can certainly be given credit for not having taken on his people, but with the property in its possession, is charged with organizing a "democratic transition" which we doubt she really wanted. It has reached the point where malware could say that Mubarak had been reversed by the principal party in favor of a military coup. It would have been true had there been no civil revolution. But still, while you're gargling as "spring people" we are made available by Islamic societies, it remains a fact not disputed that one of these companies to succeed in not tolerate a government purely civilian. In Tunisia, General Ben Ali gives Instead of a government closely guarded by the army which came from Ben ali. In Algeria, the fear of renewed civil war that is cumulative to the despotism of the President that this man is the representative of his party and is fully bound by an army, each of which generally has a monopoly on pot Wine on a commodity: there would be the general of sugar, the housing, not to mention oil prices. In Turkey itself, Erdogan is closely guarded by an army that threatens at any moment to resign, if he pushes one step too far from what we can tolerate dissent vis-à-vis Kemalism they remain the strict observance. In terms of compliance, we must say a word of "Revolutionary Guard" of the Islamic Republic of Iran, by introducing, has, as I've already pointed out, included one of the points the organization of the Platonic republic. But this body proves beyond that in addition to what you've hinted at one of our two long nights telephone, admittedly, an Islamic party in the Turkish fashion could be reelected indefinitely because satisfactory manner whose people wish to be governed, but also an Islamist revolution in Iran hears so fashionable not let it turn establishes guards to prevent this. Similarly, the "Libyan guide is also a colonel, not exactly, I'll admit, as the Greeks had their colonels, especially as I think Gadhafi was one of the largest and most constant attendants the Arab cause, which does not want its citizens not to drive him faster, although it has said his company settled a copy a pyramid, although assets in Swiss guide, and impaired manners to berlusconi. Whence, in short (and here's the question that annoys you and could watch), this near unanimity in Islamic societies to show a propensity to rely on some powerful armies, and which remain the primary power that must ensure the benevolent neutrality, once the tyrants were expelled? You answer me that probably, almost always, the Israeli prime ministers are also generals, sometimes even former terrorist leaders like Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir or, what is worse, definitely. But this is not because a bad habit was caught in a state that you consider your enemy, he must continue home. If I send a prayer for the success of the Egyptian revolution is so the guards do not be a body built to the example of one of the Islamic Republic of Iran, but as guardians of the revolution or the civil or better Tahrir Square, civilians organized in unions. Here are two
unanswered questions and I ask you: why paramilitary regimes in Islamic and what is the dispute islamomarxiste? I remember, in terms very authoritarian and vehement, you summoned me to remove that I could think there was an Islamic atavism of immolation and the sticking, I explain, supporting facts in my letter. But I do not think a man free piss summon another man free to withdraw one of his questions. Especially not in a free country with free man who is laying the native. I should enjoy the same freedom of speech if I were a stranger with thee, that allows you freedom in land that was Christian, Christianity overwhelmed with reproaches that are nothing short of questions? It was worth noting, as a result of your order for my fall in the section dealing with the analysis of "jasmine revolution" by Abdelwahab Medeb to whom I said, if he fell by accident or because someone one would have reported them, on one of our analysis of his article on "etudestorrentielles" that, of course, it is granted in advance any right of reply he could claim, especially as you calling him a "Muslim denied", which is not going with the back of the spoon, in a society where Renega is often pursued, and if not prohibited, at least frowned upon. More and to close this incident, I think you ask a legitimate question, even violently made on Islam, while I question publicly and as a Christian, the non-temporal operation of the sacrifice of Christ. Do not you'd be able to make the same criticism of your religion as I do mine? You find mine work the "spirit that denies" that is to say, the devil in Christianity? Are you the only reason to question you about your religion? I argue that any question is legitimate and deserves to be asked, including, currently, the report of the Islamic society and the army corps that seems to place it under surveillance and I really hope it does not phagocyte new regime, who will succeed Mubarak. I recognize that this issue does not shine by its originality and awareness in the Western press. Yet, if we do not do the same analysis of the role of the army in the Muslim realm in Christendom and which mistaken in believing buried, military, guard and by the confiscation of revolutions, the misunderstanding is to be dispelled.
not omit to say a word, first intrigues that are the enemies of this "springtime of peoples" Arab enemies I am not, if it happens to you cruise to believe me, for, if I am not an inevitable consequence of Zionism, I always expected would happen, a release of this order since we imposed the Persian Gulf War to the Arab world. This "spring of nations" even the best thing that could happen to us, including us, Westerners. Because if he had done through guerrilla warfare in countries with large Muslim minority, as it drove through George Bush's stigma of terrorism, this sprawling elusive monster, and not by the uprising of a nation constituted, we can predict the damage that we would suffered in Europe. While, although an increase of Muslim minorities is due to the uprising of Egypt and Tunisia, the first such increase will be a recovery of dignity, not a multiplication sporadic attacks, and then such minorities shall not be not alone. Nothing is more terrible than a warrior who feels alone to implement vigilante.
These plots of your enemies are twofold: first, within Tunisia, heavy waves of immigration led by smugglers to sail Lampedosa, taking young people say poor and unemployed, but whose character Pariat seems to hold essentially that these migrants were former militiamen Ben ali. Although, nothing was simple, he can mingle as genuine fugitives to a country rebuilding itself, who do not participate in the reconstruction effort because they do not believe that they can find their place, or that their future will change the least, that Ben Ali is stripped or has remained in place. These kinds of deserters unfortunately are teaming up with former militiamen. Still, those who have an interest in that nothing has changed in Tunisia may dauber on the mass exodus. Finally, to reactivate (or are rréactivés) demonstrations opposing the Iranian regime. Again, it's a safe bet that they are largely remote, even if foreign pressure should not be the only explanation of these events. If others were better, it would mean that the Islamist component, which we can not say it gets in a hurry revolutions occurring in the Arab world, which you can not even not mean that it plays an essential role in Algeria, for example, would lead in the wing. However, the reactivation of these demonstrations against the Iranian regime occurring just after the Egyptian revolution has achieved its immediate objective and more highly symbolic, the overthrow of Mubarak, seems still a bit of thread sewn white.
Finally, to what extent this has succeeded in egypt there a character exportable in the Arab world and the world? We know what it is in the various Arab countries, where the situation is variable, but where resistance is growing in Yemen, where coordination National Democracy and Change looks determined in Algeria that could be the next country on the list, even if the revolution is almost more difficult to conduct in Egypt, where popular uprisings have not spared the Moroccan and Jordanian monarchies, where the "Palestinian Authority" from Gaza to play as if the office of Mahmoud Abbas was not unduly prolonged by the occupying power, through the Prime Minister s'autodémissionne ... But in the world, where anti-globalization Social Forum has just finished his show in response to Davos? But do not I talked a little little movements that think so too disconnected from people? In Italy, where also the Tunisian migrants go before finding to disperse in the country of their choice, "league of virtue" are fed up with Berlusconi, because of his lust attached to a corruption or a possession of monopoly the state apparatus. In France, we begin to realize that the policy pays a little too well, so that the IMF managing director, socalled, polls call it, is suddenly presented as a multi-billionaire with villas and mansions Place des Vosges in Paris , Morocco and Washington. But after the affair holidays Fillion and Michèle Alliot-Marie, one discovers that President Sarkozy has kindly typed them on the fingers was himself, with his wife invited the King of Morocco in one of his palaces. French diplomacy continues to ridicule by demanding more rigorous judicial independence of magistrates in France and interfering slingers against the Mexican judicial independence because it was used against d One of our countrymen, to whom she has made adverse findings, which challenge the President of the Republic and its foreign minister with such aplomb, that the Mexican authorities, not only be the first to boycott the "Year of France in Mexico," this event very costly in bad times, but will be more steered to oppose the transfer of their prisoner claims that their Justice summary to penalties, it is true, very long. Now all this is a chronicle of small facts of the day. There are facts which can more fundamentally join a "springtime of peoples" launched by the Arab world with a feeling quite similar, which may arise if a Western European reaction.
U.S. citizens did not opposed to bank loans fraud that deprived many of them from their homes and how much more of their jobs! In the absence of a popular revolt, has followed an international financial crisis, before which the world has remained relatively passive, before this revolt, led by the Arab world, for reasons that might not him be internal, not come to replace the crisis in people's minds. Of much greater significance is the political crisis in response to a crisis of political incompetence and cynicism of the world leaders who leave their middle class to be treated as they have taken no account of the domestic proletariat, long disrupted by social betrayal of European trade unions. But where Todd is right is that of a different magnitude could be the reaction of a middle class abandoned, and that the government believes in the exasperating sleep overnight, as if he had Forgot theory of the straw that broke the camel's back. In countries called off, it would be a quarter of the population does not live in decent conditions, both materially and morally, to a two and a half million officially registered unemployed which were removed those that were delisted arbitrarily, we must add (what I recently learned) four million inactive we did not specifically identified because they had not registered anywhere. What we must add the 7 million "working poor" or "precarious", which can be supposed that no longer depends entirely one person per head, since the disintegration of the family and the fact that slightly more a second person is single or not married or divorced. But even if we assume the reasonable figure of 0.5 (rounded) person dependent on an unemployed person, an idle or casual worker, this would bring the number of insecure third of the French population. Such a proportion may it long remain invisible? Especially one of the root causes of squashing suffered by middle class is poor housing, that is to say exactly the same problem in Algeria. And inactive people are badly housed, we can only find it hard for them, but if more precarious workers earning the minimum wage can not find housing because rents are not capped, it is the foundation of exasperation smoldering, whose second floor is the frustration with bureaucracy, whose third floor is formed by all the harassment that are taken every day against these workers and whose ultimate stage may well be corrupt elites, whether the display continues to accumulate them, as is very natural slope of a "Society image "which, far from hiding his wickedness" small marquis ", seems proud to display them openly.
I have long believed that corruption was a lesser evil, I'm starting to come back from this belief. Corruption is a lesser evil as long as it remains marginal and secret, and that the country is nevertheless well governed. But these conditions disappear one by one, and corruption may well become, if not evil, but because Major gas explosion. The West still feel bogged have known, one after another, the boom years of unbridled freedom, and, and a return of the repressed, a reflux of freedom, this "wood Guell" economic, ecological and moral. But we wake mudslides longest, especially if the clock obeys what his enemies call a "contagion effect". Without a gradual awakening of global proportions, the interdependence of the world can not evolve towards greater justice. Much Emmanuel Todd shows a keen analyst when he diagnoses that do away with mistreating peutpas middle classes, as it is a too easy to laugh at our troubles with an intellectual eloquence full of himself, who realizes he carries enough ideas to run in the presidential election, but who wants to do nothing and let others get their hands dirty. But more still shows he utopian when he says less and less voice in the wilderness advocating European protectionism which another word is "community preference", which was defended, not whether he likes it, by Nicolas Sarkozy , who is also "the jester Mélanchon" as he calls it! And then anyway? If European leaders are chorus do not want and if people do not rise to the claim does not? How Europe will get it does, its protection, after successive French governments have, for example sitting on the "no" to their people to foment the European Constitutional Treaty, despite himself, in the shadow of their people, the Treaty of Lisbon? It's in the common participation in a healthy and fair regulation of the world that we must combine the revolutionary movements that release slowly, but surely the Arab world. We still owe them our support because the regimes that claimed to represent us they have made "hangable Loved" by confiscating their their oil in the bombing, in not only defending their freedom, they do not want democracy for which they were not ripe, dragging without trying to understand their culture and religion in the mud. We have to repent of the evil that our generation has left its leaders to make them. We do not consider them, the ones who showed us the way, as minor partners in the discussion on the reorganization, the reordering of the world by a fair finance and human economy. We have to let them assert themselves while denying we do not face them. In short, we have to act as partners with them. We have gradually and finally surtou learn to love them, but why it should not be a spread of xenophobia on both sides. Should be above all that we could chase the fear that we made their life force, but sometimes their impulses repressive, brutal criticism or religion which secretes organic societies, but we find far too inclusive and that is our idea too little attention to the individual. We must expel the fear that makes us vitalism Arabic. Because our fear frightens them, makes them hate us. We know the cost Sometimes a glance sideways. Fear is the worst enemy of peace.
Your torrential averted ... fear of sorcery and other fasteners
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