Wednesday, February 9, 2011

D728afc Review Marumi

imperative failure sinking

(continued dialogue between torrential and a crescent moon, hermeneutics 6 and chronic 8)

Posted by Crescent Moon February 9, 2011 at 0:19

My Torrential!

I have read and reread your message. Dupont-Aignan, have evolved from a trend of extreme right-on and classic, with the hostility toward immigration on the one hand, and the king on the other hand, to a pure positioning Gaullist, as before the existence of the Front. It is precisely this kind of Gaullist I'm looking for. The he has made only by electoral and political interest, to treat his career? The skill is not a vice, nor the skills and know-how in communication. Now, you who are Christian, why do not you do benefit from the principle of repentance? All this is only calculation? If by chance, a deeper impulse is there, how do you know? In ignorance of what is in the hearts of men, they must assume anything other than evil. Repentance is God loves the repentant. It has reached the point in the Quran, which is almost like it's better to have first sin, then repent, thus, would be gained better yet his hello. He deliberately did not confess her past sins, whatever! Forgetting faults, is not it, forgiveness? If attending Radio Beur is not a reference, being an average radio or nunuche and general public, but still anyway! That's what I understand, but other than that, it would scale it takes the right man?

Or, if God wills it emerges in France a candidate Beur, levitation by the theories of economist Todd and Jean-Luc Gréault and others outside the mainstream and are quite capable to procure the signatures, what do you think? If indeed there is no indigenous perspectivve, if you see none of the desired size, this sollution would be quite sensible, until the first round! Beur a candidate, but not the left, please! One that is more or less Gaullist, who, like Chevenement, would be neither right nor left, nor even the center, he would be central, as De Gaulle. One that would carry the torch in France of Sidi Bouzid, one that is able to say "no." One that is sincere and courageous enough not to bow to adversity cruise in order to create a fire-cons, another attraction. Just that alone would already of interest, and transform the landscape. But besides being provided with alternative ideas, it would be unstoppable weapon. The advantage of this approach is, as I mentioned in another message, make it more dramatic and visible of these ideas and theories. It promises to be that before the end of this year, and you get used to the idea that the Beurs and visible minorities, like many other people care about register to vote , something too often neglected! A surge in force would lead respectable position, allowing it to negotiate a postponement of the votes recorded on the candidate take over authorship of the best new theses. I see no better way to illustrate the main ideas, making them visible to the greatest number, and whatever the final outcome, they have marked the spirits, and have opportunities to count beyond the elections! Ultimately, that candidate would have real purpose, according to my wishes, to be elected President, but only to live these ideas. I think the presidency and many other senior sovereignty should be exercised only indigenous, there are already some minorities over-represented in politics. That is something I want a little talk with you next time.

That day, the great Arab people and freedom of Egypt long, mother of nations, has expanded its aprofondi steps and movements, even more massive! I do not have it, but this fifteenth day since the big January 25, would be the pinnacle of what was done until now. The people did not tire, steps are more massive and have gained more widespread in the country. Torrential, I regret that the French media misinform and play down the movement of Egypt long. It became clear terse and misleading. Can s'afliger the total lack of popular support throughout Europe, this weekend. There was hardly that of the Egyptians, without the friendship that free people should, in principle, to testify! What do you wear on trial this wait? Is this cruise? Do not we would have done more in favor of South Americans? What we call "world revolution" seems to have spanned at least two, since 1979, since the great Islamic Revolution of Iran. That Muslims have sometimes had some minimal damage to the Marxists, I do not dispute. But in contrast, is much more serious treason Marxist, sometimes it has come to sustain the Iraqi war, in those days! The Marxist he would cruise without his knowledge? When will you stop your hatred and toxicity? The same comments seem to be more cases of Tunisia, considered probably less guilty of Islam as Egypt. What do you think?

is in vain that some believed to sway American. There was just the verbiage and what to hypocrisy. Moreover, it is unclear whether the U.S. action is crucial, even if we really want! Is that this is really a strong regime, finally enjoying a relative sovereignty even though, as it were, his doctrine was that of a limited sovereignty, as some have called, I do not know why, "complementarity". I'm starting to believe that the army is not indecisive, only she does not dirty his hands, leaving the cops militias low repressive role. But the crackdown appears to have released, we would not record more deaths, not even injured, it seems, for what I understood. I think that a people in motion, especially in our country, need relatively martyr, marches to the palace and official buildings well advanced in the army. Unable to return, but it was nevertheless possible to prevent an indescribable Minister's office to win!

Why should we act now and not wait until the term of office? That man has neither grandeur nor panache! Know, for example, no, neither he nor others will recognize their responsibility for the offensive bastonneurs. The examples are innumerable, that link the crisis of confidence between the people and impassable regime. Too often mistaken, even in these days, despite the great speech that pleased you, the people the regime is a wounded monster, ready for revenge. No choice. Haïkel, the journalist said it well, and he advised people not to stop its movement until it has proof of definitive and irreversible changes. The current low level of repression is a deliberate situation, by which the plan intends to make the people out of high dream of martyrdom. But if things continue as they will require that the people looking indeed, the sacrificial blood, the price of liberty. Certainly, freedom can be expensive, but at the price decline is even more expensive!

Tomorrow will be a quiet day, and I assume Friday only, other steps will be massive. Before the people would run out, and that shortages are felt, although it will take volunteers Egyptians or Jordanians do something. There is a structure equivalent to the Jordanian Hizb-Allah, I do not know if there is one in Egypt itself. Finally, I assumes that cells are scattered. Before the people would get tired and exhausted, the Islamic Republic, which last Friday announced his support for the voice of El Khamenaï, if it finds the ways and means must be taken nightly weapons or transfer of people, military officials, familiar with the handling of volunteers. Cause Egyptian key causes of the Nation and Mankind. God is great.

Rodamonte for whom everything is connected.

----- Original Message ----- From
Julien Weinzaepflen
To: Abdellatif Harzi
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 5:17 AM
Subject: Re: Findings of the day.

Dear crescent moon,

You ask me about Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, I am afraid to disappoint you again. The man said Gaullist, may well make him the credit. He began by taking positions very "right" and very anti-immigration, at least as much as separatists. He also ran for the presidency of the UMP, Sarkozy is aware cons of giving a sword in the water, but pretending to fight for honor, I am willing to concede yet. It has often felt it was a de villiers (light), but had the support of the media, with its invitation card at Thierry Ardisson, among other entertainers-debaters of the "society of spectacle", which is inconceivable that the discussion is punctuated by "dummies". Le Pen has always criticized as undemocratic the fact that the media were not receiving it, do not treat him and his party, on par with its competitors, the least we should be rigorous in democracy. Strangely, his daughter has been invited, has become a kind of pet, an icon, agents of transmission of information is the media for the maintenance and perpetuation of the scarecrow, as you know it my thesis, and the operation was successful, Marine Le Pen's National Front has refocused on the anti-Islamic rather than anti-immigration, which has found that his fair speeches, in what an honor? A speech antiimmigrationniste at least had the merit of being frank, and not to stigmatize the practice or religious faith of people they claimed to accommodate. The political spectrum of the years when Nicolas Dupont-Aignan Viliers was invited by the media, which was itself more than the guest Pen, was as follows: from right to left, we had the classic oropendola of UMP, a bit to the right was Dupont-Aignan, after which came de Villiers, his sovereign, joined Islamophobia, pointing the way to Marine Le Pen, de Villiers the right came the father of the latter.

The maps are a little redistribution after the 2007 presidential election: Philippe de Villiers is "politically dead" anti-Islamic in its operation that made him say, throughout the presidential campaign that this time, it was indeed out of the system and that nothing would cause it to return. All this is to accept, barely six months later, the hand of Sarkozy. Dupont-Aignan, who had always been an ersatz villiers has reasoned that he had already begun before the campaign: "I must rest on a line Gaullist, but I delete from my speech as gangrene, while anti-immigration and anti-Islamic until all traces of which earned him a recurring guest and beloved of "Beur FM." This was done, until his expulsion from the curious movement leader "secular response" christine Tasin that following the movements of the left has engaged in anti-Islamic operations in the worst taste, such as organizing "aperitifs giant" sausage-plonk in the area of the taste of gold. I'm not saying we did not have the right to hold such meetings, but why not have soft drinks and other sausage thing not to exclude, with a hypocrisy that makes the operation aggressive Muslim populations become the majority in this district which is an insult not only to belief but to the people by excluding them from such events is ? However, I also felt uncomfortable when I visited a Turkish feast (which was not closed to indigenous), it was impossible to find a beer.

What is the most criticized Nicolas Dupont-Aignan is having in his youth, attended a meeting of "young leaders" identified by U.S. observers, during which he would learned strategy and communication policy and that gave both his patter and a kind of mat to be asked where he wants to express his opinions. So it is not unlikely that Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, who dreams of being an alternative, a real dream or a gallery owner, is really a creature. This personality aside, I'm not surprised that you feel more in league with right-wing personalities with supporters of a left caressing the Arab population in a purely electioneering. This reaction served me several times by the Arabs, from the inside, which told me not to hate the Pen or the Middle East, saying that it was sometimes easier to deal with right-wing Israeli governments, provided they were not businessmen, they are called Sharon rather than Netanyahu because they made concessions on which it was hoped they would not return, with Labor, the avatars of local socio-bourgeois criticizes you, who never confess their hostility, but have no say. I felt the first response that you made me he was going well for you, for I found a community of writing with the force of the literary controversy right, and without this "family writing "if it is thought, it is likely that we have not been able to begin, you and me, in game or dialogue. Because I think about on the same line as you: I do not feel right, strictly speaking, but I can not stand the blur that likes to keep to the left. I love the opportunity to take my bath in the voice drunk, but kindergarten, with a cast valve Segolene Royal of warm water. But I'm not fooled that this warm water, a simple change in temperature, but the same policy. In short, the right is my school of thought (in the mode of thinking) but it is not (or not always, or not often) my family thought in the opinions and conclusions which it leads. Regarding Julie

Clarini you castigated for two or three posts because it would have regretted in his column that "France (did) not need heroes," I think you have not grasped the nuance of regret that pierced his "sociology of heroism." Can we blame him, as all representatives of the "boboïtude" which is not true that our society die, as all these agents of nonsense that makes the "great no matter what" the ultimate plus ultra of expression must precede the agony of language and certainty is Specifically it is engaged in a "sociology of heroism" rather than to re-engage those who will listen, that she discusses heroism as others discuss hunger in the world during the seminars where invited to sit around a round table with representatives of the people who are starving or homeless before they complained not giving them the room when you meet them here or there. Thus it has been criticized for having often Michel Rocard pollock in "think tanks" global tiersmondistes, worldly and very serious when they spoke of hunger. I find it quite ridiculous pamphlet "indignation you" Stéphane Hessel's creamy, but he is right on one point: better to be a topic of outrage than watching life go by the gentle flowing. The problem is that we should be looking for a topic of outrage. Our hearts and our sense would they not good guides for us to find them without needing to look? Moreover, the indignation is it enough though a spring is necessary?

Regarding the "Egyptian revolution," it certainly goes through a bad situation. Such talk on the "Place de la Liberation" reflects a certain inertia well known and popular with Westerners, because it reminds him of their mode of government, where the "event", or grumble on the street are embedded in the establishment of so-called reforms to make the country precisely unreformable and partisan politics and stationary. While it is pointless to wonder about the time when the Egyptian revolution took place because the characteristic of a revolution is never to choose the right time. But it comes at the end of last term Mubarak. she wanted it to mean there was no question that his son took over, one can imagine. But when the people have succeeded in this, why does he want to rush things? In our time, he is indeed an event that lasts tired very quickly, and it is so in all countries, it is a cumulative effect of the acceleration of history, a factor which I consider very important in assessing the events , and organized décérébrage zapping, which for example the Western musical ears are no longer able to taste a piece that more than three minutes to find that is not the reason Beethoven frills that would develop the theme of a symphony. The time lost "Siting" plays against the social movement. On the other hand, it must be recognized, even if we can not approve this meddling, that the administration U.S. plays pretty well. This is the act of a selected line by Obama against his secretary of state Hilary Clinton, who seems the epitome of cynicism in politics. Obama urged the regime to negotiate with the "Muslim brothers" who, when they are part of the to-talk intended to solve the transition from the dying and those who will succeed him, seems to think himself clear of continue a revolution in which they have too little involvement, evidence that the religious component is not necessarily as important as one believes in these movements and the playing of a Western Hlookup improvement by the people of its material conditions, it may not be as false as desired, although the reduction of a social movement of such importance that it has been likened to a "springtime of peoples", a heart which is essentially materialistic, is terribly disappointing. Believes the people might still have been heard if he has led this revolution so that the "Muslim brothers" are integrated into the "democratic transition" to establish a new regime. The "Muslim brothers" would they have suggested to the people this attitude? I inclines not to believe, especially as I'm willing to bet that the movements Islamists prefer to power by democratic means or by an appeal to the people so that their accession to power is not tainted with the same lack of legitimacy of origin have been than the previous regime. Democracy should not be afraid of Islamism, or is afraid of itself and proves that she does not help much. We must finally recognize that Mubarak has shown a certain panache by refusing to yield to personal dishonor to resign and flee like bin ali, as if in an act of cowardice necessarily leads to another. The only way to end the ambiguity would be to organize, as soon as possible, "millionnienne march" to the presidential palace, I do not see how you could come out differently, and I do not think that the shortness of this movement would be good news, nor can a fortiori to restore morale to the people, which he badly needs to recapture its destiny. In any event and whatever the consequences, even if Hubert Vedrine said that is a sorcerer's apprentice when we neglect the consequences of such an uprising to rehabilitation, a "free people" is preferable to an enslaved people and who spends his time having to give in to blackmail. Blackmail is the antonym of freedom. Torrential

, improviser, which would be rehabilitated as the word of freedom, provided it does not drift like to commit terror under our "how many crimes (his name), the name Paul Eluard wrote on all frrontispices of the oppression and occupation.
----- Original Message ----- From
: Abdellatif Harzi
To: Julien Weinzaepflen
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 24:26 AM
Subject: Findings of the day.

My Torrential!

I wish you enlighten me on a French political figure I've heard briefly tonight, it's Nicolas Dupont Aigner. Forgive me the spelling is phonetic. The radio worked, Europpe-1, in the kitchen when I came m'aprêter, a little before seven o'clock in the evening for me to finish my day by home care. You have rightly said that the Gaullism is recessive. He said Gaullist, I tend to believe. As Emmanuel Todd, it repudiates the pernicious idea, that there would, for France and Europe, only one economic policy possible. I was heartened when I heard, in essence, give the Tunisians as an example of the power expected from the French, to stand up against what is inevitable given for as long as he wants. Do you know its a little background? What are his views on immigration and everything that surrounds it? In other words, an Arab can Votta for him without fear? And what is the span of his career, you see a future? In any case, God willing, the flame Tunisian could infuse the energy shortage in the recovery of France and Europe.

France is a country inhabited heroism. Softness and femininity, there are nothing, the country of Joan of Arc. La douce France, knows how to raise the level of the heroic ardor, as he was at Valmy and Jemmeppes, France is generous in courage and combat. The socio-bourgeois intellectuals say otherwise, are traitors, promoter of moral disarmament and mental, that we should not tolerate in our minds, as it is fatal. This kind of defeatist and miserable weather, seems to have existed in the 30s, as evidenced De Montherlant to be indignant. It is a pitfall of femininity and softness, which, by excess comes to this lethargic indifference, where love disappears! Let no one say that in France the cult of heroism is no longer fashionable, no longer live in foreign wars on its soil! First, how can you be sure? But the cult of heroism is not just that! The intensity of the resolution used in all circumstances where it is necessary to impose a "no" efficient! But in France the bourgeois social disarmed, no one knows to say "no" than sailing, that's about all! However, French is trampled, trembling at the future without having the audacity or imagination to say "no", because indeed, it was placed away from him, the heroic intensity. The enemy of your nation, it is not me, but the socio-bourgeois that you cited and others. Those spreading a toxic poison, and it is true that the French man does not lend itself too, by its nature and its slope. God willing, the flame Arab is it already active, the spirit of Sidi Bouzid animates and gives life to the great people of France. As the Tunisian, who was held for coward, the French might wonder, rediscovering its virtues and courage. Perhaps that has already taken Rodamonte Jeanne rump of his horse to save her from the rating agencies! Jeanne dared to think she was pious and warlord, and even armed with a simple defensive ax, she did much in the fighting. He arrived just as it made a prisoner shortly before they took it herself! Jeanne had strong thoughts, Peguy makes him say, at British, "If France does not go, I will slay you!" Dare to think like Jane, and with me, chatting candidly. Stand away from the poisoners, and do not pass on the poison. The one you quote, do not be surprised if I put it outside the scope of compliance. Despise it and forget it with his peers.

Know, as always, I feel more sincere and genuine respect of the Arab, from the Gaullists and part of the right, far more than from the left who believes that he can not live that bread! These people really do not like us, even if they lie down happy with us! They do not like us, our potential greatness they want us stripped of virtue and identity, reduced to the simple man and individual interchangeable. That's exactly what I refuse. My Arabity, or what I have left, take it or leave it. My Arabity is not hostile to France, one emphasizes instead the existence of the other, the fact being and existence.

The great Arab people and freedom of Egypt long, dean and mother of nations, enjoyed a day of relative rest. Is announced for tomorrow, marches millioniennes, and what would be the day when we march on the presidential palace in Cairo. Of course, the tyrant does not exist, and Charmeil-Sheik has not moved since the start of events. The sittings in the main square, are the subject of discussion, there is generally, but some point out that this is a point of attachment, which deprives the movement more dynamic! Knowledge. It is about mardcher also to other critical elements such as the building of state television and media houses of the mandarins, who spend their time, dumping empty words! Possible that there are clashes, it would even be necessary! Yes, sorry, do not worry due respect to your pacifism, a movement of this kind, can give both to intense repression, in contrast, a carnival atmosphere! One thing that has escaped many observers is that, ultimately, in the aftermath of the speech of the tyrant, the repression was spectacular but not deadly, compared to previous days! It even seems that there is a reduction in intensity of the crackdown, which is finely tuned, with fruitless negotiations, and life gradually returns to normal. Banks and stores have r'ouvert and the government has even announced an increase in staff by 15% next month! The stalling and stalling of the movement is visible, with the growing food shortage that organized in the provinces.

participation in negotiations, raises debate in their ranks, and attracts many and varied comments. These associations, had 5 million members. If the number is excessive, say, it does not seem to have put all their forces in the movement. Fear of repression stronger? Likely. Finally, there is something wrong in this revolutionary movement. It is not exclusively Islamic, I am willing, but the share of political Islamism is below the necessary and real. Would you care too, to please Western audiences, well known to Cruise? If it the case, why make the breasts to bullets? A shift towards more authenticity and more mass movement, seems necessary for its completion. Its failure would be terrible. Egyptian Mohamed Houssein Haïkel, warned his people that the regime is like a wounded monster, his reaction is revenge! The people have no choice because it is too late. It seems that international equities are not conclusive one way or another, America varies and changes depending on what happens on the field. So that the people must force the spell, and if necessary, as volunteers rescued him one way or another.

Secretary of Lebanese Hizb-Allah, ascended to the battlements, exposing the people of Egypt, as its success and victory, would increase the strength and freedom of the peoples of the region! If things trampled too, and provided there is in Egypt, few resources and volunteers, the opening of the front as would compel the Army to run and deploy that in the fortunes of these disorders, reversals may occur and opportunities present themselves! Anyway, peaceful or not, this revolution is buoyed every human right and freedom on earth. Join your vows to mine, Torrential.



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