Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Remove Cameleon Boot From My Pc

Club VDF Cape Haitian: 7 February 1986: Rebellion or Revolution?

Depuis bien des années, la question est peu locks soulevée et d'Histoire contemporaine book apportent d'un elementary de réponse. If the chute des Duvalier est retenue comme un rotating decisive in the life of the Haitian people, how can we call it: a revolt or a revolution? The events of 1986 which led to the overthrow of the Duvalier regime they are the characteristics of a revolt of the people outraged and tired of the dictatorship, or those of a revolution involving the people in a new direction?

February 7, 1986: Rebellion or Revolution? That is the question around which the young Club Wave of the Future of Cap-Haitien led deep thoughts this Saturday, February 19, 2011, during their weekly meeting. More than fifty young boys and girls participated in this reflection activity whose primary objective was to bring them to discover the nature and impact of events leading to the collapse of the Duvalier regime.

Enthusiastic and cheerful, these young people were invited to speak at first and respond during a brainstorming session on ideas for the events of 1986 have resurfaced in the major feeding debates about the future of the Haitian people. The brainstorm of Young was essentially structured around the thematic time: state, democracy, dictatorship, rebellion, revolution, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, human rights.

Driving this brainstorming, I was particularly impressed by the astonishing precision approaches and definitions made by young people who for the most part, are in third grade school. I find it necessary to record some of the definitions proposed by youth.

The synthesis of ideas gathered on the spot during the brainstorming session presents a summary of comments made by young people. Many have argued that the state is the political entity or government bodies leading the destiny of a country. Others have argued that it would be rather an organized society, a group of individuals living on a territory with a currency, a currency, a flag and a government.

A about democracy, one girl said that democracy is to be a slave to the law, while others recalled Lincoln's famous definition: "Democracy is all by and for the people and with the people." A group of young people strongly emphasized that democracy is based on respect for freedom of expression and opinion, and it is a system of tolerance.

Is to a unanimous vote they agreed that the revolution requires rapid and radical in the order of things and establishing a new order. Moreover, some stressed that the revolt is an expression of outrage and condemnation of the people facing a given situation. Others pointed out that the revolt is armed or peaceful claims of a people no longer believing the outcome of the dialogue.

As for the dictatorship, many young people says it is an absolute power and personal manifested in the systematic violation of fundamental rights of a people. To the question: what are the rights in question? They replied that it acquired rights from birth, inherent the human person essential for the lives of everyone.

Finally, a young girl won the conviction of all others when it says that authoritarianism is close to the dictatorship. According to her, authoritarianism can be defined as a political system does not take into account the fundamental rights and therefore there is also another way to describe totalitarianism.

Following , well before training workshops on the issue previously raised, I took care Making focus on light shades that have certain phrases they used. For example, the difference between freedom of expression and freedom of opinion, monarchies and totalitarian regimes, etc..

Immediately after, six workshops were trained allocating volume respective names, and dispersed to go for ten minutes thinking about the issue. On their return in plenary session, each workshop was represented by a spokesperson. Here, the record reflections respective workshops.

The ace of the future. The spokesman said the workshop:
"On February 7, 1986 marks the departure of Jean-Claude Duvalier after the uprising of the masses against the regime. This historic event: a revolt or a revolution? We know that rebellion is a manifestation of a group opposed to something unpleasant, and that revolution is a sudden change, radical in a society. Considering these two definitions, we opt for the rebellion because the changes have not been profound and radical. Even today, people are still waiting for satisfaction of claims and resolution of problems since 1986. Following this discussion, we say that it was not a revolt but a revolution. "

Scholars. Here are the words of the rapporteur of this workshop. Eloquent, speaking in a clear voice and warm, and methodically, she explains:

"From our discussions, we believe that rebellion means a set of popular demands to be peaceful or violent, while the revolution is an army claim to profound changes, changes in society and in government.
Then, February 7, 1986 is a revolution for us, because: She was armed, accompanied by theft, looting and violence, she promoted the arrival of a new era; Since the fall of Duvalier, the 'democratic era began in Haiti. The people can finally express themselves freely and a new Constitution was promulgated, was a revolution because every revolution aimed at regime change. "

The studious. The rapporteur of this workshop briefly stated:

"Forced by public pressure, abandoned by the international supporters, Jean-Claude Duvalier is gone 7 February 1986, after having established a Council of Government.
We argue that this was a revolutionary movement, because: The totalitarian regime of Duvalier was forced to leave, deep and radical changes are are operated within the Haitian population, the human rights violations stopped. "

Lighthouse. About the workshop are as follows:

"The events that took place February 7, 1986 can not say there was a revolution, but it was the discontent of the people who aspired to better days in which to live. "

the stars. The spokesman of the stars argued with conviction :
"It was a revolt. There was no organization, no leader, it was just an emotional reaction. It was sudden and spontaneous. It can not be a revolution, because for there to be a revolution, there must be changes and radical reversal of existing structures. While the Duvalier regime was toppled, there were still after Jean Bertrand Aristide with other acts reminiscent of the dictatorship. This proves that there has been no radical changes. February 7, 1986 is rather a revolt than a revolution. "
Boys intelligent. The rapporteur of the workshop spoke calmly and asked for a voice support:

"February 7, 1986: was there a revolt or a revolution? The revolt is the fact of opposing what does not. The revolution is the fact to oppose oppression and replaced by a better organization. On February 7, 1986, there was a revolt because the masses rose against the dictatorial Duvalier regime, but she had not anticipated the replacement of this regime. Finally, the date that marked the departure of Duvalier regime was not a revolt but a revolution because it did not present the characteristics of a revolution. "

All in all, I reminded them that a revolution may be general or regarding specific areas. One can talk of political revolution, social revolution, industrial revolution, cultural revolution, etc.. I also pointed to their attention that the revolution is usually the result of a series of revolts that have reached an irreversible threshold. Very often, the movements of revolt characterized by crippling strikes, street demonstrations, are the antecedents of the revolution.

The meeting ended on a note of satisfaction. And even after he left the room, the debate was raised between some members from workshops with opposing views on the issue. The youth displayed an air of sincere joy. And they have requested that a discussion be held at the next meeting on this resolution.

Jasmine D. Bellay Host Club Cap-Haitien VDF


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