Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Envelopes Ebay Fraud 2010

Migration and dictatorship

In memory of many human rights violations committed during the 30-year Duvalier dictatorship until the fall of their regime, 7 February 1986, the Support Group for Returnees and Refugees (GARR) held this Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at its premises Christ King Street, a panel discussion on the theme: "Hiring and migration forced during the Duvalier regime. " This conference is part of the activities of several organizations of the Haitian civil society to achieve a dissertation about dictatorship (*).

Before a congregation of about fifty people, lectures were presented tower alternately by Colette Lespinasse, coordinator of GARR and Joseph Pierre Lamothe, author of A World apart or emigrated Haiti in Dominican Republic.

Stakeholders have argued and presented the forced migration has led to the dictatorial regime: exile, withdrawal of citizenship, confiscation of property and lives subhuman experienced by nationals Haiti in the neighboring country. These conditions are the result of the Duvalier regime and the policy of hiring contract he signed with the National Council of sugar, by throwing hundreds of thousands of Haitians in 'bateys' in exchange are very important. This policy was conducted from 1971 to 1984. For 1982 alone, the Haitian State has received 2.45 million dollars for the 19,000 contracts, or $ 129 per brazier.

A photographic exhibition, installed in the courtyard of GARR, alarmed the participants on the unspeakable evils of Haitian cane cutters in Dominican Republic.

(*) Several civil society organizations in Haiti, whose FOKAL, gather around the need to show our rejection of the forgetfulness and impunity in relation to abuses by the dictatorship of Duvalier from 1957 to 1986. Stakeholder organizations these activities are the Ecumenical Centre for Human Rights (ECHR), the Haitian Women's Collective for Women's political participation (Yo La Fanm), Centre for Research and Training Institute for Economic and Social Development (CRESFED) Rights & Democracy (International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development), Knowledge and Freedom Foundation (FOKAL), the Support Group for Returnees and Refugees (GARR), Kay Fanm (The Women's House), the Movement of Haitian Women for Education and Development (MOUFHED), the Platform of Haitian organizations defending human rights (POHDH), the National Network of Human rights (RNDDH) solidarity fanm Ayisyen / Haitian Women's Solidarity (SOFA).


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